Earlier today we reported that GAME sent a letter of apology and £10 of store credit to those affected by issues of multiple Super Mario Maker pre-order payments. That was a reasonable goodwill gesture, though it seems to be a day of UK retailers going out of their way to apologise to customers that have been let down.
The Nintendo Official UK Store has been late this week with physical copies of Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer; the game is out today but copies (including amiibo cards) were despatched too late to arrive for launch. Somewhat remarkably the store's response has been to provide customers with a download copy of the game, in addition to the physical copy still on the way; on top of doubling up on copies there's also a code for a free pack of amiibo cards, though those wanting free postage from the store will need to use the code with an order of over £20.
Your humble writer received the following email and can confirm that both codes worked as expected.
Thank you for pre-ordering Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer with the Nintendo Official UK Store.
Regrettably there has been a delay in the dispatch of your order which means this is unlikely to be arriving with you today.
We fully appreciate that this must be very disappointing; as a gesture of goodwill we would like to provide you with a code to allow you to download the game from the Nintendo eShop so you begin creating stylish new homes for your Animal Crossing friends as soon as possible.
The physical product will be on the way today if not already, keep an eye out for the dispatch notification email for further details.
Your download code is: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
As an additional gesture you can redeem the code below at the Nintendo Official UK store for a free pack of the Animal Crossing amiibo cards, just add them to your basket then enter the code at checkout.
Your amiibo card code is: XXXXXXXXXXXX
It's a generous move to provide an extra copy due to the physical delivery being delayed - possibly - into next week; as goodwill gestures go we haven't seen many better than that.
Has your order with the UK store been delayed, and have you received this email? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 60
It's a nice gesture but no loss on their part. They've got the sale of the physical copy locked in, and lose nothing from the downloads.
First time I've seen that store fail to get things out for release day though. Usually it's 2 days before release with games and amiibo.
Not a bad deal in the end.
2 of my Preorders of packs of cards haven't arrived from them yet and I didn't get the email.
Nice one, I noticed a few angry / disappointed replies to tweets from their official Twitter feed, from people who hadn't received their copy of the game. Hopefully this will repair the damage, good job Nintendo!
@Peach64 That's not entirely true. Those that get it could choose to sell it or give it away causing a loss in sales.
Smart move, give away "free" download copies to people who have already ordered the game. Then those people will give away their paid copied when it comes in the post, probably to people who haven't purchased it already, then those people getting the game "free" will then spend lots of money on cards and amiibo since they got the game for "free". Win win.
Now if somebody could explain to me why the US has a physical Nintnedo store but you can't order anything online from that store? The official Nintneod store is pretty abysmal to say the least. It's as if they only sell stuff they found in the trash within 3 blocks of their building.
Mine hasn't turned up and my amiibo cards haven't been dispatched but no email for me.
My order was delayed and due to arrive Tuesday, but no e-mail yet. I got the HHD Edition New 3DS XL bundle if that's why? :S
Not that it matters really, since I played the Japanese version when it came out and I've been playing the US version for the past week
Strange I ordered mine from Nintendo store UK and got both my Game and the 2 packs I ordered on time... the only thing I didn't get sent yet is the free accessory kit.
Hmm I pre-ordered the limited edition xl and I got an email about it being late but no download code!
Wow, that's very nice of them to do that. Most places wouldn't give anything if there's any significant delays.
I was very disappointed when the game didn't show up today, I also had an email saying the starter pack was delayed. I've had no email about a free code, unfortunately.
I had that same e-mail after I bought the E-Shop version to cover myself if the Hard Copy never turns up (They said that there was no sign of my package leaving or being dispatched or scanned) So now I got a digital copy I am trying to sell on to make up for my loss!
Sure, it's a nice gesture, but the digital copy renders the physical copy redundant as you cannot transfer data from the eShop version to physical. =/
@sillygostly In what way does it make the physical redundant? You're picking up two copies of the same game. Put it on eBay. Give it to a friend as a birthday present. Donate it to charity. Definitely not redundant.
Aww I wish I didnt cancel my order when I found out it was gonna be delayed
More Yodel's fault than Nintendo's but last week's amiibo were delayed for me, though only by a couple of days so no real complaints. Meant I got my figures and cards in the same week
Now if only I could buy the official album for the cards I'd be set!
This is exactly what happened to me, but with Mario Kart 8. Received a downloadable code for the game, and then got the physical limited edition copy in the mail the next week.
Any of you generous folks want to share your redundant digital code with with me?
Seems pretty awesome of them.
I'm still waiting the amiibo they 'dispatched' on September 23. Pretty sure I won't be getting a download code for that! !
Wow, that's pretty impressive, a very nice handling of the situation.
I got one, and it only bloody worked! Buy one get one free! Cheers Nintendo xxx
I got the code too.
Apparently if you buy the game from the eShop you receive a free download code for the Animal Crossing theme. However, the code didn't appear on my eShop receipt. So I guess this theme offer doesn't apply for our free copies.
@Stitches the same happened to me. Still... FREE GAME!
@Tsurii Maybe the UK store just doesn't want to be paid in Euros.
I need a UK account, now.
Can I still get in on this? If I place an order now will I get a code?
No point in abusing the system by creating UK accounts for a free code. Nintendo will just stop doing these kinds of things, then.
@TheTeaStirrer what abuse?
this was NoUK's error some how, I don't see how it can be abused if you make an order right now. plus you need to be in the UK...
They won't be giving you a code now if you order now...
The point of it is "Sorry, we couldn't get your preorder to you on release date, have this in the meantime".
You may well have noticed, if you've looked at a calendar, that the release date was friday , i.e. yesterday. You won't get anything (other than what you buy, obviously) if you order now.
Besides that, I haven't gotten my preorder which I placed a while ago, nor a download code yet >_>. Time for complaining, me thinks.
I was hoping I might have an email with a download code today, but no luck. Hopefully the postman brings me better news. Good luck to all affected by this...
My email said I wouldn't receive the physical copy until Tuesday. So maybe the free code is for people like me who are having to wait a little longer than usual.
@Stitches Mine isn't arriving until Tuesday either, but I haven't received a code.
My email says I have to wait until Tuesday too for the Physical copy, and they only just now dispatched it at about 9:50 this morning.
That's obviously not going to have arrived in time for release date (yesterday), haha. Still no code in my inbox though .
@Stitches Yeah, I don't think free themes work with complimentary codes, as same happened with me. Never mind
RE those that haven't had the mail, check spam folders etc, I'd hope this was for everyone affected. Mine arrived at 7pm, so maybe they're working through it.
@ThomasBW84 Hopefully thanks for the update Thomas!
So nintendo give a free download out and a free gift because they were a tad late in despatching the game, and Game gave out £10 gift cards after they charged customers hundreds of pounds on their cards and greatly inconvenienced them, yeah I know who i'd rather deal with in future (clue: it's not game)
Oh man!! This is so typical!! I order everything off the Nintendo online store but I wanted HHD as a download so I can just pop in and out of it whenever like I have with new leaf so I decided to just download it instead of going physical which I always do!.... What a joke lol
Still nothing.
I wanted to be making homes for villagers this weekend, darnit. At this rate, I might have to shudder go outside.
And it reasons like this why I love Nintendo so. No other company does the little things like this!
I'm so annoyed right now. The game is out but I can't play it because of Nintendo's delivery problem. I can understand that these things happen sometimes, but at least send EVERYONE these free download codes to make up for the mistake! I've only received an email saying the accessories will be delayed but the game is 'expected' to be on time but here I am - a day after the release date and still no physical copy or free download code. I have sent an enquiry to Nintendo and I have yet to receive a reply!
@TheFatPlumber Have you received a free code?
@ThomasBW84 I still haven't received an email and it's the day after release, I'm pretty irritated right now.
I was starting to think I had not received my email, but then I found it in my spam folder. It's actually pretty handy for me - I was going to buy an extra copy for my AC-crazed mother next week anyway, NoUK just saved me £30.
@Peach64 The retailer has to pay for the download codes, actually.
@RianneMT I'm in the exact same situation. Still no boxed game, still no download, still no reply from Nintendo. I also got the email saying the accessories have been delayed - but they didn't mention anything about the game. Just out of curiosity, which email address did you use when contacting them? Also, let us know if they get back to you. Good luck!
@Moon So I'm a pretty impatient person and I called Nintendo, I explained what was going on with my order and they apologised about the delay. After being on the phone for ten minutes they sent me a code for my free download while I wait for my physical copy! I would definitely recommend calling!
Eugh, they are closed now. I will have to try again tomorrow, or Monday... I hope my game shows up by then but not likely given the weekend. Pretty pissed I don't get to play the game, and will definitely keep this in mind when preordering Nintendo games. I pre-order so I can have it the day it comes out, not sometime the week after! Well done on getting a code.
Yep got one of these and then the game showed up in the post today, so not bad for a one day delay. The main delay in my case is the rest of the kit, which included the 3DS case and extra styluses, but that's cool as long as my little girl can do her happy home designing!
Might I ask, which phone number did you use? I should give them a ring tomorrow.
I haven't received a download code I got an email saying it's been dispatched but yodel are telling me they're yet to collect it. I want to design homes, preferably in a happy manner.
@Linkstrikesback +44 (0)345 60 50 247 It's their customer services number.
Ok. I got my game download but I can't find my code for the home screen theme. It's not on my eshop receipt. Any help is welcome. Thanks.
@emiingham See I pre-ordered the 3ds xl bundle too, where did you hear about it arriving tuesday?? I've had an email to say the accessories kit and the card binder will be delayed til October but thats it the order status on my account still say awaiting stock pick!!
I got an e-mail about the delay, then I got another saying the console/charger had been dispatched and would arrive on the 6th but it somehow arrived today :S
My Mario maker was a day late and I wasn't happy to find amazon customers had got theirs for the same price and some recieved it a day or two early, I actually emailed Nintendo asking what was the point of buying directly from them when their resellers seem to be able to get the products to the customers on time and at the same price, I didn't get any response lol
Tried ringing, the customer service centre isn't even open on sundays. Makes sense, but urgh. Wanted to be playing animal crossing
My package is now marked as 'delivered', but still I have no game. I call Nintendo and they say they will send me an investigation form that I have to fill in and that I should check with my neighbours. Still no game, still no code. I'm starting to get very frustrated.
I called Nintendo, they gave me a download code. I'm happy to wait for the physical version to arrive so I gave it to my house mate. I didn't get a code for a pack of amiibo cards though oh well.
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