Nintendo CEO Tatsumi Kimishima has stated that there are more unannounced titles on the way for the Wii U and 3DS this holiday season.
Speaking for the first time as CEO at a special strategy briefing for investors in Tokyo, Kimishima explained that these new games will arrive before the end of the year.
These titles are likely to be eShop downloads rather than physical releases, and will could be revealed during a Nintendo Direct broadcast due to be aired this year.
[source blogs.wsj.com]
Comments 115
Twilight Princess HD. Calling it.
Twilight Princess HD. Digital this year, physical early next year. Calling it now.
Zelda Wii U: now moved to the 2DS: coming out tomorrow
Should I be optimistic...
@NintenBo And Pikimin 4
What are they waiting for? December 30th?
@IceClimbers I would wait for physical anyday!
Really, now? Do tell, Nintendo, do tell.
The new membership service that replaces Club Nintendo will apparently be called "Nintendo Account", will connect users across Nintendo systems, PC, and smart devices.
11/10 best name ever.
@link70222 That would make the Internet explodes xD
It is this week or November but only the first week I say a surprize one tomorrow before e shop update. They will put these out around Nov. And early Dec. For the end of the year sales.
Why didn't they announce these games at E3 when the whole world was watching not wait till right near the holiday season giving little to no real hype build up time?
Balloon fighter 2, Excite Bike 3DS, 3DS Pro Wrestling featuring StarMan, and Ken Griffey Jr Presents Little League Baseball coming to a Nintendo Console near you!
When he says year end does he mean fiscal year or December?
@IceClimbers I was thinking of new club Nintendo u or something like that.The must have clean the name making house.
@Gerbwmu December. If he meant fiscal year, he would've said "by the end of the fiscal year". Just as a rule of thumb.
@Gerbwmu it would be December they most likely to get more sales.They will not mess up that bad.
...and their Mobile Game's Launch date was delayed...typical. :/
its kinda sad thats all they could come up with makes me think that their just gonna call the nx the nx or the nintendo
Could it finally happen... Super Mario Galaxy 3?
Twilight Princess HD and Wind Waker 3D.
@Zelda_Rocks ..."coming exclusively to iOS and Android"
Nintendo giving more game when no one asked for them.
It's like they are purposely forcing more games on everyone in order to get everyone angry.
It can only be an eshop games. Retail games require more preparation and with the holiday buying season basically less than month away.
Not necessarily.
They could have retail games that are now just passing QA and ready to ship.
I'm guessing these are mostly eshop games, though I'm still expecting to see something official on Twilight Princess HD before the year ends.
@Mewtwo21 SNES 3D classics for 3DS and GBA virtual console for new 3DS with the stand alone black small new 3DS for 169.99.In my dreams.
(Crosses fingers) 'Excite Bike HD: The Bikening'
Oh please oh please
Probably Paper Mario U and Super Mario 3D Land 2
@yaryah21 Wasnt that already officially announced ?
@Mewtwo21 Like @Xenocity said, they could hve already announced that. Or at least have them already produced in the respective regions.
Stores can usually order them 1-2 months prior to launch.
@iflywright XD Oh please. Oh please. Oh Please.
A Link Between Worlds: HD Ver.
...Actually that sounds awesome, gimme!
I have theory about why TP HD wasn't shown at E3. They could have started the game in May since WW HD took six months. Its been five months since May. And the game was not ready to be shown. Now its close to completion.
Way to keep things under the radar. Showing everyone your 2015 holiday release schedule and leaving it at that. I wouldn't be surprised if they were download releases.
Project Guard and Giant Robot.
Probably something along the lines of Dr Luigi, which was a surprise announcement.
Although, what game would it be? They've already done Dr Mario and Pushmo on both consoles. Hmmm.
A new Dillon's Rolling Western for Wii U maybe?
I just thought...what if this means...RHYTHM HEAVEN REMIX!?!
It's probably not a very big IP, or they would have already announced it.
Guys, don't get your hopes up. The minute I hear Twilight Princess HD and Galaxy 3, I know people are getting a bit too hyped for this.
They're probably smaller e-Shop titles, but I hope they're exploration-based. A more fleshed-out HD Dillon game, like @JaxonH suggested, would be cool.
Seeing as we are only months out from year end...these will not be cool...unless it's a Virtual Console game like TP.
I think it's too late for them to announce a retail game, so it's probably something for the eShop. Maybe an SNES remix?
Gamers do not like it when gaming companies impose games on them.
Gamers need to be cater to, but Nintendo isn't catering to them with these unannounced games.
Unless one of these games are one of the titles gamers have been asking for, Nintendo will be seeing a huge amount of backlash in every media channel.
Twilight Princess HD would sell really well and temporarily satisfy our extreme lack of "Quality" Zelda. Pikmin 3 is still rotting away on my console so Pikman 4 will likely not garner my desires, not that the gameplay is bad,it just doesn't suit me. But I hope they have plenty of success and people are happy, always good to get surprised by games unannounced.
@link70222 Claps
@amiiboacid Those titles are announced. They have been in the official release lists for months.
You had my curiosity… but now you have my attention.
Pikmin 4 please!
Well,what are they waiting for?
They've only got a little more than 2 months before that deadline hits!
Let's hope for the best.
@iflywright that sounds like a horror game...
mix slender man with excite bike,minus the crap game play of slender...and markiplier.
"These titles are likely to be eShop downloads"
@Megumi That would make me a very happy Morgan Freeman.
They better get to it then, November is almost here. Now I want to know what it is.
Rhythm Heaven 3ds anyone?
That's total crap If they release a full unannounced retail game at the end of the year. I already have my extra fun money put away for Rise of the Tomb Raider and Xenoblade. I have to buy Christmas presents for my 3 kids, wife , in laws, my brothers and their kids. To release a big game with no notice is just a jerk move. If it's a budget eshop game then what ever.
Those VC games that were leaked recently.
@Xenocity Oh yes, Nintendo is putting surprise games in their sparse holiday lineup. I am a gamer and I feel offended that they are making things that I do not have to buy. What other evils will this company do?!
I thought they had unnannounced games for a second.
Like, unrevealed them. Made society forget about them.
amiibos Greatest Bits on 3DS
Rusty's Basketball
Steel Diver HD on Wii U
@rjejr Is that all the wit you could come up with? Look, i know you're tired and the Mets just lost but if you can't make me laugh or i can't read a rant then it's past your bed time!
@Spoony_Tech Nintendo - What are we waiting for?
That's it, the new company slogan.
Zelda U footage
new Club Nintendo
Wii U price cut
Nintendo Direct
new 3DS to US finally did happen
waiting and waiting and waiting
Hope it makes up for the delays of Zelda U and Star Fox Zero
@Spoony_Tech Oh come on, you know I type slow, you ninja you.
I wouldn't be surprised if they expand the Wii eshop titles or HD remakes will be part of this. But eshop exclusives and Japanese localizations would be nice
Tokyo Crash Mobs HD Edition! Includes Reggie skin DLC!
They're still hiding the fact that 'Metroid Prime' Blast Ball is probably going to be part of these releases.
Don't get your hopes up people, this is still Nintendo and almost anything can be announced like Mii Dance Party U
Kid Icarus Uprising HD. No? Ok but it would be cool.
@rjejr You forgot to mention explosions! After all the first mobile game has been delayed so something or someone definitely exploded!
Oh and I'm sorry, did I interrupt another triple post? Surely a double one.
2D Metroid on the eShop baby!
Not likely, but one can dream.
I wonder if project guard could count, though. That's not the official name and we haven't seen the real game just a prototype right?
Nintendo, BUILD THE HYPE!!!! Announce a new Direct, don't just say "at least one this year".
@rjejr I like that third one.Iv's been waiting for a real sequel to Steel Diver.
Animal Crossing: Agitated Toilet Plumber. Set your amiibo collection to flush this holiday season!
I hope these hidden games aren't as awful as they ones they've already announced since E3 this year. Not getting my hopes up too high though, I'm sure it's just going to be more disappointing games not worth getting.
So we've got Project Zero out today,Mario Tennis next month,Xenoblade X 2 weeks after,Project Guard and FAST Racing still down for release and now more unannounced games added to that potentially including Twilight Princess HD,yet still some find a reason to complain!
I would love to see some more 3DS eshop games get a version on Wii U. Rolling Western, Samurai, etc.
Me too. Was really wondering for far too long how they would unannounce a title.
Hopefully some 3DS love too. Sounds like Project Guard and possibly the heavily rumored Twilight Princess HD.
@Spoony_Tech More like the 31st at 11:59pm
@Ichiban Ok I admit, I laughed.
But seriously, leave it to Nintendo for the ninja move. 😎
First af all this is my first comment here on NL, so hello everyone! And excuse me if my english will not always be perfect, I'm writing from Italy.
I'm pleased and excited to hear that there are new games on the way for Christmas time, hope that the announcements will be great. It would be a good debut for Kimishima.
They only have 30 seconds left to release the games uh oh
Project Hammer and Eternal Darkness!
Project Hammer and Eternal Darkness!
New games will arrive before the end of the year.
New downloaded games for the most part are just games not quite good enough to make the shops.
Placing my bets on something very unexciting. I'm more interested in seeing the Nintendo Direct and who will spearhead it.
@Acarie scratch the in-laws off that list, more money for games for you...
Bubsy 3DS confirmed!!!
F-Zero- Hovercraft Parking Star
I have been impressed with a strong majority of the eShop games Nintendo themselves have released, so I couldn't be happier to hear this. It'd be cool if Twilight Princess was included in the releases, but I'm much more excited about new games in certain franchises. I wish they would make a fully fledged out Sakura Samurai.
@Rockmin They also said it was "almost finished," and Miyamoto stated in the past they start one Pikmin game after the prior one releases. Pikmin 3 was in 2013, extremely unlikely they planned it for a new console that early on. Pikmin 4 is probably planned for Wii U next year, maybe even early next year or in Spring.
Anyway, TP HD is probably the main one and likely will have a retail release, just announced very late (it can be planned for retail in advance and they just didn't publicly announce it). Project Guard has technically been announced, but it'll probably be eShop only anyway.
The new Rhythm Heaven game is possible in the west as a download-only title, but that game is already out in Japan. If the info is accurate about new unannounced games for this year, Rhythm Heaven isn't one of them because it was a Japanese press briefing.
A more likely bet would be something smaller, like a new Panel de Pon/Puzzle League download game by Intelligent Systems.
In theory, though, the "unannounced titles" could be VC games.
Eshop games. Calling it now. Though why they didn't talk about these games at E3 is beyond me.
If they are not announced then they almost certainly are not worth giving a sh*t about, imo.
They'll announce them....in december, they'll announce that all are being postponed until 2016...in 2016 they'll announce that they'll be coming out for the NX!!!!
Hopefully they are better than Triforce Heroes, Happy Home Designer, Amiibo Festival or Federation Force...
Lol, I wouldn't get my hopes up, everybody. This isn't going to be retail releases as the holiday season is upon us. I do find it likely that Twilight Princess is in the mix here. That's great for those of you who want it, but it is obviously an apology for their complete silence on Zelda U/NX.
Haha, yeah, exactly.
Lol I actually like them, plus my mother in law usually buys me video games for Christmas 😃
Not getting my hopes up.
I've got it! Dr. Bowser ....or Dr. Peach .....or Dr. Wario .....or all three. It seems like every time Nintendo puts new unreleased games on the eshop it includes some form of Dr. Mario.
@EmmatheBest Yeah, it's gone very quiet on Federation Force lately.
I hope it's not the new Rhythm Heaven if it's going to be eShop only. I'd like that on cartridge—the Japanese version is brilliant.
Probably download only? Sorry I´ve had enough with fatal frame, won´t pay full price for a downloadable game then get a har drive which here is another two full retail price games, so I will probably skip it... Its probably zelda and giant robot, I´ve already zelda (not remastered of course) and giant robot didnt call my attention so...
What I'd love is GBA/DS virtual console on 3ds!
If these "unanounced titles" are just like Happy Home Designer and Amiibo Festival they don't need to bother showing them tbh ...
Pokemon Z - the franchise has taken an unusually long time between game announcements.
Man, I'm so glad now that I have a 2DS.
@Acarie ah I see, yeah keep them sweet in that case!
@Spoony_Tech "Oh and I'm sorry, did I interrupt another triple post? Surely a double one.
Oh, you're just jealous b/c I have more people to reply to than you.
@Xenocity speak for you re self dude
@PokemaniacJOK I don't see Z coming out this year. Pokemon is extremely great and all (ORAS was sheer amazement), but I don't think a yearly release cycle works for it. XY was arguably the weakest title in the series (it did some impressive things but in my opinion, and in the opinions of quite a few other people I know, it felt like it had twice as many regressions as it did progressions), and it feels too early for Z, since it might be representing just what GF can do with Kalos. In fact, to my knowledge, ORAS was crippled by time constraints (no Emerald styled Battle Frontier), unless that was just rumor. Also, there's that new PMD. Sales could conflict if they released Z and PMD at the same time. That's just my two cents, could be entirely wrong on all of this.
Not expecting anything great from this. This feels like after party left overs only there never was a party.
Am I the only one expecting an "available on the eShop after this presentation ends" title in the same vein as BoxBoy? That was a neat game, I guess, but for a HAL Laboratory game it looked kind of... bland.
On the other hand, launching the GBA VC on the 3DS once and for all would ensure an awful lot of revenue, especially in the wake of the barren 3DS holiday 2015 line-up.
I don't know why they would wait so close to the end of the year to announce such titles. E-shop only titles, perhaps?
Mehtroid: Other Meh 2
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