There's plenty of excitement around the 4th December arrival of Xenoblade Chronicles X, though fans in North America have been wondering if they'd get the same treatment as European gamers. EU Wii U owners, for example, have a handsome special edition on the way, and the onus has been on Nintendo of America to offer something equally attractive.
It seems to have succeeded, too. Arriving alongside the standard edition but with a recommended price of $89.99, North America will receive a unique special edition. Details are below.

- The Xenoblade Chronicles X game
- A gorgeous book of concept art with more than 100 pages, featuring select art for the very first time
- A unique USB drive modeled after the game's "Lifehold Unit," pre-loaded with a selection of 10 music tracks from the game's memorable soundtrack
- A limited-edition matted 5x7 art card of a painting done for the game by illustrator Takashi Kojo
It should be up for pre-order now from some retailers, so it may be wise to move fast.
Are any of you tempted by this?
Comments 172
It's up on Amazon. Got mine ordered already.
This is literally the best thing that can happen. I'm so getting this.
Where's the map? That was the one thing I really really wanted. Not sure if the rest is worth the extra $30 for me. It should at least include some in game content like a multi player mission or in game currency or domething.
Thanks to the guy above I'll go order it, Amazon doesn't charge until they ship, and they'll lower the price if applicable or add in anything else that may pop up.
Oh god that art book looks so amazing!
This is great. That unique USB drive is really slick, definitely gonna pre-order.
I actually need a new USB drive since I lost my old one so this is perfect! Hopefully it'll be available for pre-order in Canada soon since it would be a shame to miss this.
Now just gotta wait for the European Preorders to go live.
Not seeing it on Amazon. shrugs
Wow, that USB drive is cool!
@TobiasAmaranth Gotta search for "Xenoblade Chronicles X Special Edition", otherwise it doesn't come up for some reason.
Must be the databases are still forming.
OK, pre-ordered, but not sure I can go thru with buying 1 video game for $97. 75, NY tax gets this a little to close to $100 for my liking. Would make a good Christmas gift under the tree though. Guess we'll see.
Does this include Canada or is it just for the US? Not seeing it on I would really love to get this, but if this turns out to be like the Majora's Mask 3D special edition, I would like to get my order in sooner than later.
alright i pre-ordered it! this has really taken a blow to my walet as i already order the european edition and pre-ordered the legend of legacy lauch edition.
@FX102A @TobiasAmaranth Yeah I couldn't find it either typing in "limited edition" so I just typed in "edition"after the X and it came up.
Here ya go, "Xenoblade X Edition" found it.
@rjejr Well in all fairness people often pay $60 for much shorter games. If you spend 100+ hours playing, it's not that bad IMO.
Woo! Nintendo of America finally brings us something cool.
@rjejr Is it sold out? I can't add it to my cart.
Made my wife happy, now my Christmas present is locked up.
@blackice85 I did a quick calculation. If I play XCX for as long as I played XC the special edition would cost 45¢ per hour.
@PanurgeJr Yeah even conservatively speaking it's good value, as videogames generally are. People are weird about paying more than a particular amount (in this case the standard $60 MSRP), but nowadays games have gotten cheaper and the play lengths are longer.
Not that I like paying more money than I have to, but honestly I think some games sell for too little, considering what it costs to make them in recent years and how much you can get out of them.
I'll just order it from and pay the extra shipping. Not missing out on this item in case it sells out quickly and I'm not around when it becomes available on
just a little something, i noticed in the special edition page, the discription calls the mechs "skells" instead of of the west's title of "dolls".
@LordofMentos You got that backwards. Skell is how they're (unfortunately) localizing the original term dolls.
That custom USB is pretty slick and definitely ensures that I will purchase this. Better start putting aside a few pennies, specially for this.
How many GB to the usb?
@blackice85 I think you read me wrong, the game itself will be worth $60 to me, I'm sure of that. The question is - is it worth an extra $30 to get a 5x7 postcard I'll toss in a drawer, a USB drive I'll never use with music I'll never listen to and a book I'll look at maybe once. I do think the book is worth $10 or $15, just not sure I think the thumb drive and postcard are worth $15 as well. I'd be OK w/ $74.99, or $90 if it had that map. I really really WA the that map, I think right now I'm too upset we aren't getting good it. Or a case. Shouldn't a $90 game be in a metal box?
@blackice85 my bad then. thanks for correcting me. Yea it is a shame. Dolls are way cooler.
@rjejr Ah sorry. Yeah I'm not too into the USB thing, the card is nice but not worth that much to me, but I do like artbooks and have paid a lot more than 30 for some. So in your case no it's probably not worth it, but it is for me.
Ouch. $120 CAD, and the soundtrack is only a sampler? The art stuff looks gorgeous, but for me the soundtrack was kind of a "make or break" item after absolutely loving the Xenoblade soundtrack...
Also, I've got a preorder locked in for half the special edition price... so not sure I can justify paying that much more for some supporting trinkets or not.
@RaccoonNinja28 Worked fine for me just now, are you in the US? Maybe just use a new search rather than my link? Other than that I don't know, sorry.
@LordofMentos The name change doesn't make any damn sense in the first place, they purposely use an English word, so we decide to use a made up word instead? I'm getting the game either way, but I hope to God the script isn't butchered too badly.
Preorded on amazon. Very cool U unique USB twist. Ideally I would like all the bonuses plus a digital copy though.
@rjejr no.... Just no
@blackice85 I think dolls sounds to them a little too feminine.
@dumedum Even if so, why would that matter?
So I'm assuming $110-120 Canadian. Yuck.
Shut up and take my money!!
@rjejr I managed to get it thankfully!
@rjejr I have great idea. Just import the EU version too, then you'll have everything!
That's pretty cool, ESPECIALLY considering this is NoA we're talking about. A tad too expensive for me though, especially if that artbook isn't hardcover.
If I were to pay more than $70 for an LE, I'll be saving my money for Neptunia VII's LE which will likely be $75.
Still interested in the game though. Will likely wait for it to be on sale, since I have other games on priority.
Noice job!
Preordered. 100+ pages artbook sounds great. Gotta thank my fellow amiibo hunters for the heads up.
Would love to hear your conspiracy theory blaming Reggie for not including the map just to piss you off lol.
Surely a good value when you consider the number of hours we'll get out of it, but I just can't pull the trigger on this. I'll stick with the regular edition. I've been waffling on the LE Rise of the Tomb Raider, and if I can't decide on that, I won't go with this, either.
It's tempting, but the price is a bit too steep for me (Guess I'm just cheap). Still, it's nice to see NoA do something that doesn't make me cringe for a change.
@sinalefa @rjejr
(grabs popcorn and waits...)
That USB looks awesome! I wonder how many GB it has.
I got a copy preordered! Super hype!
Would preorder if I had money
I'm shocked! You actually ordered a CE? Hell musta frozen over, we're going ice skating tomorrow bud!
Then again you did really love Xenoblade... a LOT, so I guess it's not too surprising.
I got my 2 copies of the Collector Edition preordered, but will cancel one if I can score at BestBuy for 20% off.
***Btw, I heard Reggie skimped you out of a map just to piss you off. That SOB... The nerve! You should write him a letter and tell him exactly how you feel, and exactly what you do to CEO's that don't include maps with their Collector Editions
I was hoping that the special/limited edition would included a disc of the original Wii game a la Bayonetta 2, but this is pretty nice as well.
Are you that cheap enough to have a soundtrack not on a CD but a USB?
The USB looks cool though.
Are you that cheap enough to have a soundtrack not on a CD but a USB?
The USB looks cool though.
I'd love to preorder from Amazon, but I don't have money. Additionally, I have a gamestop pre-order already paid in full. So I think I'm just going to wait to see if Gamestop gets the limited edition for pre-order, I should know by tomorrow or monday. If it does then I'll just switch my order over to the LE and make small payments up to release. Otherwise, I'll just cancel at GS and pick it up on Amazon. Looks like Amazon is the only retailer who has it right now.
Looks wonderful. I'm considering going digital on this one. The outline of the Nintendo account system should be in effect by December, and I'm expecting some type of big in digital purchases will carry over to the next device, i.e. NX. And for the collectors edition going almost 100 dollars is nothing. Considering the amount of work put into these games, that should be a standard price considering prices haven't gone up the last 20 or so years.
They don't charge until it ships. I'd recommend locking in a preorder now while it's available because I can tell you right now this thing is going to sell out super fast. You can always cancel later, but once it sells out you won't be able to order later.
Finally, got something good before it sold out. Thanks for the heads up, NL!
I already blew my savings on the Wooly World bundle (preorders just went live yesterday for it here where I live), so no limited edition for me, even though I really like that USB... Plus, I reserved the normal edition and and already put up some money for it.
personally I liked the euro version more myself... but I guess the people at NOA are collectors at heart.. I'm with @rjejr... don't care much for the card and artbook is kool and I guess I'll use the usb.. but the map would have been helpful for playing the actual game.. but hey what do I know..
Either way I hope moving forward nintendo can maybe bring some equity with their offerings because i'm getting a little frustrated with the major differneces in releases between games lately...
I should be playing Yoshi right now!!....
Tempting, but I think I'll pass. None of that interests me enough (besides the art book) to want to shell out the extra $30.
@JacketsNest101 as already stated, you best lock in an order now, this could sell out ridiculously quick. I'm talking "this minute do it or you may regret it" quick, Nintendo hasn't had a good grasp on supply recently. You have several months to decide to cancel but every minute of hesitation counts with these things.
Well, The other side of that coin is maybe Europeans shouldn't be playing Yoshi yet. I think there's real differences in demographic between continents, which explains the separate divisions in Nintendo. Each one tries to make decisions for their own region and what lineup works best for them in what order.
But it's tit for tat- ya we don't have Yoshi, but they waited forever for Kirby, and Etrian Oddyssey, and half the other 3DS games came late for them. But, I'm with you when it comes to equality for collector editions. I was pretty bummed when I found out we're the largest gaming market in the world. Yet the only region not getting a physical release of Fatal Frame. And we missed the Bayonetta 2 LE. Among many others...
@ShadJV Well, I do technically have the money right now. You guys have convinced me, I just pre-ordered it. They better not charge until it ships, because if they charge me then I will be cancelling my Gamestop preorder, although I may just do that anyway to cover costs here.
If it actually is $100-$120 CAD I'm just getting the digital game and I'll buy the USB separately as that is like a must have for me seeing as I have like 6 USB sticks and still wanting another one or two. Don't really care that it's only 10 songs that are included as I've already been listening to the entire soundtrack on my phone for several months now.
Sweet! Just preordered. Will switch to BB once they have it up.
Pre-ordered around an hour ago. That pre-loaded USB is awesome and a brilliant idea!
I do wish the soundtrack was complete though. 10 tracks is nothing more than a tease.
Looks like nice HD scans of XCX map are online and I'm assuming the non-Japanese maps will be too. You can just load them into a nice image viewer on an iPad and use that as your map. Zoom in and out as you please. Not quite the same fun as hardcopy but potentially more practical.
It's been a long time since a collector's edition has even caught my eye really.
Oh, and even though the box isn't metal it looks pretty slick.
Missed out. Oh well. This is a pretty nice looking special edition. Hope they come back in stock.
The art book and art card feature such classy artwork, but the game case and box make Xenoblade Chronicles X look like just any old run-of-the-mill robot action game. That art card should be the cover image for the game, like how the old Konami NES games featured painted cover art.
It looks great. the only thing that would make it better, would be to use that retro card (Far right) as the box Art.
Why are there only 10 tracks on the thumb drive? Why not the whole OST?
@hypercoyote The main selling point is the custom USB itself and not the songs on it. If you wanted to you could just download the rest of the soundtrack and put it on the USB.
@Xaldin Naw, to just download it would be illegal since it's not obtained through legitimate means.
And it's already all pre ordered out. Because of course it is.
@blackice85 because the game should sound hardcore.
@dumedum That's a terrible reason so you're probably right lol
Gah! I really want this game, but I really want the special edition, but I don't know if I can justify the cost!
I'll have to decide and put in my pre-order.
@Action51 Good luck with that, it is already sold out.
I'm buying this!!! Xenoblade is my all time favorite game. I'm hoping to like X half as much as the original
Dang can't believe I missed the Amazon pre order! Why did they have to go live during a splatfest? Hopefully ill be able to grab one from gamestop when they open...
Thank you for talking some common sense into me and making me realize exactly what I would do if I were to get this SE. You just saved me $30, pal.
I wish it had the steelbook though. But I think The pendrive is REALLY COOL!!!!!!!!
Is that matted print acid-free? This is important. For $89.99 they better not be trying to pass a paper mat off on me.
Well that sold out fast. I'm sure other retailers will start offering in time.
Either that or Amazon has sold out an initial batch and is reserving the rest of its stock to give people time to know such a thing exists.
For all the talk of how bad NoA is, you guys actually get the best special edition. Us over here can't even order it yet!
You get a fullblown artbook, while we most likely will just get a pamphlet.
I really want that USB + music, but the Australian/European Collector's Edition set doesn't include it. (though I believe it includes everything else)
wait... now you're doing conspiracy theories too? i thought i was i was the only looney here lol
I was at the panel today at PAX where they announced it. Massive cheer. Seemed like everyone was ready for a special edition. Really fun to see some concept art as well.
It's pretty cool, but those goodies just aren't worth enough to me to spend an extra $30.
if it comes to Europe, I am going to have to go nuts and get it
Wow, this edition looks fantastic, and even better than the Europe version. I'd love to have that USB with some music on it and that artbook is awesome. Europe is getting an artbook but I doubt it's 100 pages.
Still hopefully I can get the Europe edition when it goes up before its sold out.
Looks awesome! I'm actually considering it despite not having a Wii U yet. Now for a Xenoblade X Wii U Console Bundle, I would actually bite.
I wooould switch my Amazon pre-order over, except Amazon has a physical presence in my State, so the tax on this would make me cry.
@YorkshireNed We're getting a less cooler LE
Whaaaaat??? This looks WAY Better than the Xenoblade X Wii U Box set I bought. Seriously... even if it's not a full soundtrack it's AWESOME, and my art book only has like... 20 pages. I'm kinda tempted to buy this even though I can't actually use it...
This is better than the European Special Edition
This is pretty worth it, but I'm a little bothered that it's only ten tracks off of the OST. Oh, well, it is what it is. Just wish it were at least twenty tracks. I get that they'll want to do a full soundtrack release with all 100+ tracks (didn't they confirm that number?) and so I understand the limitation. If only it were slightly less limited.
But hey, the flash drive itself is cool enough. They might as well have not mentioned the teeny handful of songs and left that a surprise all its own.
LOL, it's sold out... typical Nintendo.
@GH05T it is also way more expensive
@rjejr "a USB drive I'll never use with music I'll never listen to and a book I'll look at maybe once."
Don't buy it, then. It's not the game's fault you have bad taste.
Not worth it at all. $30 extra for pretty much nothing wtf? Give me a Riki doll or something
@ikki5 I doubt that. It's probably about the same. (The EU version's price hasn't been revealed yet)
@rjejr A 100 page art book, a flash drive with 10 songs and a lithograph. Those alone would retail an extra $50. Just get it. $89 is nothing compared to the obscene price of that stupid Juggernog edition of Black Ops III.
@JaxonH You seem to have an ear to the ground for this stuff, and there is no PM option I can find, could you please mention me or shoot me an email it these become available again for preorder on any site? I am so excited for this game and am a little crushed I missed the preorder.
I-I Need this, ALL of This,
Pre Ordering soon...
(i kinda do want that Flash drive...)
You're right. I doubt this policy will ever change even though it seems American and European tastes for games at least are becoming more and singular with each generation ... So who knows....
That's a great price for all the content you're getting.
Woe is me. I unfortunately didn't bother to check NintendoLife at around 9 o'clock last night so I missed my best chance at preordering this great looking collection. I can only hope that it becomes available again soon at either Amazon or Gamestop. I'd love to have that USB drive and 100 page artbook.
Ya I'll do my best. This is just one retailer so there are plenty more to score one from.
Judging by how long this one lasted, you should have a good chance of getting one with at least one other retailer. I'm shooting for BestBuy so I can cancel with Amazon since the GCU discount would make it $72. So if I see it go up I'll try to remember to @ you.
@ikki5 @Yorumi Plot twist: Typical Amazon didn't order enough
@blackice85 "So in your case no it's probably not worth it, but it is for me."
Yeah, I probably should have been more postive about this yesterday. It's a nice set, and I still may get it even at that price, so I'm glad NOA finally did something - Yoshi Wooly World is out in 6 weeks but damned if anybody in NA is allowed to know about it - but again I was so happy to see NOA was getting a special edition but it lacks that stupid map.
I suppose in fairness the map is so big it only fit in the Wii U box bundle, not a game bundle. Only just figured that out now though. My mistake.
The soundtrack USB is a really cool touch. Hopefully this makes it to the UK.
@Captain_Gonru - "Plus, I don't use Amazon."
How do you survive w/o Amazon? I do 98% of my normal shopping at Target, but if Amazon folded I'd freak at the holidays.
@aaronsullivan Yeah I don't really need the map, I just needed it more than a 5x7 postcard or a USB thumbdrive. I've never ever been a fan of any videogame music even though I have about a half dozen CDs of it, JRPGs like doing it. Case is nice, and the book. My wife is a production manager in book publishing and she says an 11x7 book like that is pretty nice so I'll probably get it.
@JaxonH What's the initials for making me laugh so hard I have tears running down my face? I ordered it for several reasons - 1. Amazon doesn't charge until it ships, so I have 3 months to change my mind. 2. Amazon occasionally adds in extra stuff for pre-order bonuses closer to the release date. 3. It would be a Christmas gift to me, and the bundle makes it look more like a gift than unwrapping just a game under the tree. If it came out in March or Oct I'd have to go just game. 4. And I have over $100 in Amazon credit from using their credit card, so I could technically get this w/o laying out any real money. I'd say I'm 60-40 keeping it. I'll keep you and Sin posted.
@sinalefa Oh man, never even thought of blaming Reggie for the map. Now that I've decided it's a console bundle only deal I guess I'l just have to thank Reggie that we're getting anything at all, as much as that kills me.
@RaccoonNinja28 Congrats.
@Sir_JBizzle I actually just checked Amazon.UK to see if they had it. I think my earlier recognition stands though, the map came w/ the Wii U bundle and not the game. That being the case I'll probably pick this up. Unless I don't.
@burninmylight I wish I had more people talking sense into me, all my friends on here are going to cost me $30 as I bow to peer pressure I wind up buying it. Now that I just found out it sold out in 13 hours it would be hard for me to cancel my pre-order. Well unless they raise the price, drop the book, or delay it, I'm easily spooked.
@day I like to think of them more as conspiracy facts. Reggie hates his job, well at least his demotion 2 years ago, he probably enjoys getting paid to do nothing but run his mouth, and he hates Nintnedo fans constantly giving him a hard time, so he takes it out on us. It's the only thing that makes sense to me. It's kind of shocking we got this really, must have caught him on a good day. Or Japan overrode him as Nitneod tries to support Monolith Soft who they acquired 8 years ago. And it does make a mighty nice Christmas gift.
@MrRight My taste is fine, it's my budget that has issues.
@kensredemption - Yeah, I think I've been talked into it. And it's not so much the value, which I agree is there, but how much I spend on videogames. I'm cheap. I usually only buy games used off Gamefly, or just rent them, or Target clearance for $4.98 or $14.98. Or $5 on PSN. So $100 - it's $97.75 w/ tax - is an OBSCENE amount of money for me to spend on 1 game. That's practically console territory in my mind, bought a PS3 last Christmas for $170 which included a complete $70 Disney Infinity 2.0 set. But I might just be able to let it slide as a Christmas gift from my wife, saves her the hassle of shopping. Probably means PS4 will have to wait though.
Dude don't question it. It's $30, not a brand new Ferrari. I know what would help you- you need to start displaying some of these things so that you get use out of them.
See me, I decided last night after ordering these that I wanted a small Xenoblade display to match my Fire Emblem and Monster Hunter displays. So I got 2 Xenobkade X CE's, will display the cel art and Artbook as well, went to eBay and bought original Xenoblade Art book, buying another Shulk Amiibo (Beyond my open set and sealed set Shulk), I bought the Xenoblade Cover Plates last night, a sealed copy of Xenoblade 3D, and I already have a sealed copy of Xenoblade Wii.
And all of that is going to make a small Xenoblade display, similar to what you see here
Monster Hunter Display

Fire Emblem Display

upload images free
@JaxonH My favorite is the new 3DS cover plates since the US didn't get the new 3DS. I do get to blame Reggie for that, right @sinalefa
The Gamecube controller under the Kinect is kind of cool too.
Honestly though that silver MH 3DS I think is the best piece of hardware Ntineod has ever made.
I'll try to get our photos up later, I've been meaning to for about 6 months. I remember taking them but they are still on the SD card.
Yes do share! I wanna see whatever you've got set up.
And you have eyes like a hawk to notice the Kinect in that pic.
@rjejr I said that only as as joke, I never thought you'd take my suggestion seriously. Your reasons for choosing amazon are the exact same as mine. I always have credit to burn there, so I figured why not? You should keep it. So what are you going to do when you receive it? I imagine you wrapping it up, putting it under the tree and opening it with faux surprise on Christmas morning. Lol
To: rjejr
From: rjejr
@JaxonH he could probably even send it as a gift and have amazon print a little note on the receipt...
Ay, you ready to get down on some Gears Ultimate?
Normally I would be all over this but seeing as the eshop verson will obviously run better and Canadians are getting totally screwed on the price of the special edition I wil pass.
Very nice collection
@rjejr If I'm going to pay more for a game I want something physical not just in-game content. Besides, paying for in-game currency sounds a lot like Candy Crush and other iOS games. I think that kind of perk would be good as a free bonus for early adopters as it rewards the player but doesn't cost the company anything.
Xenoblade Chronicles X is the #1 seller in the United States according to Amazon! Thumbs-up to Nintendo of America!
@Cyberbotv2 How do you know the NX is going to be a home console a lot of people think it's going to be the replacement for the 3ds
@Cyberbotv2 How do you know it's going to be a new Home console it might the replacement for the 3ds which more sense
Sorry for the double post my first post was not showing up
@rjejr Thanks for putting in some realism. The art book is pretty much the only thing I'm really interested in. I wouldn't use the rest.
This special edition is neat, anyway. Even if I really wanted it, I'm already trying to figure out whether I should get Mario Maker, Star Fox, and Woolly World, or drop a game. I'm getting Xenoblade X for sure, though. Maybe I'll let go of Star Fox Zero. I never really played much besides Star Fox 64, anyway.
@daff3ww : I don't have any clue if it's a console or a Valve type system or whatever. I'm just hoping it's something where digital purchases transfer over.
Anyone else who missed the CE is listing it to sign up for alerts. I'm sure everyone here already knew, but I really want one of these so thought I'd share for anyone that didn't.
@JaxonH @Sir_JBizzle
To: Bob
From: Santa
That's the way the little stickers always read. And even though my kids are too old to beleive, that's th ewya it's staying.
@Mikes I'd say drop Star Fox. Borrow it from a friend for 2 hours, that's probably how long it will take to beat.
@Captain_Gonru Ah, I got ya. I didn't drink Folgers coffee for awhile for whatever reason was popular back in the 90's, and I don't eat veal, poor poor calfs, and I try my best to avoid Walmart. But I have to shop somewhere, ya know. All corporations suck, but I have to shop. Lots of people still buy iPhones but I think the suicide rate at Foxcon is probably worse than the heat exhaustion rate at Amazon.
I like shopping at Amazon b/c they don't charge me until it ships, they've given me plenty of extras over the years - I somewhat take advantage of the politiness of their CRS people offering me compensation for slights, like at Target -, their credit card works well, and a free year of Prime right now and multiple free months in the past. I used to do most of my shopping at CompUSA and Circuit City but apparently I didn't shop enough. And it' sa good thing I'm not in Canada, I hit Target at least once, usually twice, a week.Going there after I fisih replyign to 32 more emails, everybody feels the need to reply to me. I think I'm a love him or that him kind of guy, to wordy to ignore. I need to probbaly stop replyign back to everybody adn stick w/ the half dozen or so like you I get along w/. All the old timers.
@JaxonH OK, found them.
Skylanders, shelving built out of old door frame edge molding. Hopefully enough room on the bottom for the new vehicles.
3 amiibo, and DI characters, shelving built out of door frame wood and some roofing pieces where the skylights went in. .
@rjejr Nice game collection, and you have a Skylanders collection that rivals my amiibo lol. Very nice.
@JaxonH Yeah, that's one of the reasons why we don't have much of an amiibo collection, those toys ain't cheap. I'm afraid of Lego Dimensions.
@aaronsullivan @Captain_Gonru Just got out of Target and despite a half page ad in yesterday's flyer the DI 3.0 stuff wasn't out yet, the woman who works there who I have a history with - mind out of the gutter - says they don't come out until Friday. She did look in the back and says there was a whole box full. I wasn't going to buy any, just wanted to check out the size of the display, which is currently jam filled w/ DI 2.0 figures and game boxes. Not even sure where they'll put the the 3.0 stuff, no room at all.
@Mikau94 - "I think that kind of perk would be good as a free bonus for early adopters as it rewards the player but doesn't cost the company anything."
Well I can always hope it gets added later. Seems like a bunch of games these days have pre-order bonuses, or store exclusive bonuses, along those lines. And as I mentioned earlier Amazon is usually pretty good about adding things on after you pre-order before any new announcements. Though I don't even know if there is money in this game or just resources, I do know we need something to buy our skell/doll. Getting 1 of those free to start the game would be nice.
@rjejr my target was way better off. Strolled in around 9:15 and got 6 DI figures at $10 each (2 for $20) the computer was only allowing the first 2 purchased to get the deal but my checkout person had already gone through it and just changed them all to $10 each. Actually she even changed the two that had the discount applied I noticed later. Have to find a way to clear that up somehow. Sort of afraid to do it officially and get things messed up though.
@sinalefa did you buy any DI 3.0 figures yet? That Target deal was nice for figures and the $20 for digital base game (no playsets) would give you a way to play with your previous purchases pretty cheap. I'd wait for sales on playsets though.
@aaronsullivan 3.0 or older figures? I'd guess 3.0 since you already had most of the old ones you want but after my Target experience who knows. Was 3.0 game out?
And @sinalefa would still need a base. Here's how it went w/ me.
DL'd the free game on Wii U after setting up external HDD. Bought DI 2.0 w/ my PS3. Hooked up my PS3 base to Wii U, no problem there which was nice going across both hardware and generations. Bought Capt Jack Sparrow and Barbossa to play 2 player since you need figures from that play set for multiplayer. Tried to find the playset but couldn't. Turns out you need a little clear plastic piece to play the 3 playsets that came w/ the 1st game. Why? They were already in the game no? So I still haven't played any of the 3 "games" in the first game - Pirates, Incredibles, Monsters Inc - even after buying a base, 2 characters, and doing the 11GB download b/c I don't have that little piece. Which is why I haven't paid $20 for the DL, b/c w/ my luck I'll be missing something.
@aaronsullivan Know how I'm always saying how I want Captain Nemo and Dumbo and Bambi and Thumper and Jiminy Cricket as toys but you tell me I can't have them b/c nobody knows who they are and they won't sell?
Well the who heck are these people:
Star Wars Rebels™ character figures Kanan Jarrus, Ezra Bridger, Sabine Wren and Zeb Orrelios
Seriously, I've never heard of any of them, and I'm a sci-fi geek, ask anybody.
@rjejr: It's Star Wars, so they get top priority.
I have the 5 Inside Out characters and Obi Wan but I would need the starter pack. Want Sabine Wren but I think she is released later on.
Ordered Woody and the Frozen sisters for $35 today on Amazon.
Just an FYI, you can find those bases for pretty cheap in the aftermarket. They have been the same since 1.0. I forgot all about it until @rjejr mentioned it. Also, since you bought the Inside Out play set you'll have a proper game to play, too.
If you are interested in Clone Wars characters and play set, waiting is probably more cost effective as the base set went on sale quite a bit for the other versions. If not, I'd get an aftermarket base and the digital download on Wii U or PS3/PS4.
You are quite invested already, though. It's going to feel pretty valuable to be able to have fun with all those characters at least for a little while. Especially if you can play with a buddy in the Toy Box (online or local).
Oh, and until Sept. 20th or somewhere around there, they split all the Star Wars Rebels characters off as the exclusives. Sabine is Target's.
It's very temporary but kind of obnoxious to split up one tight group of characters like that. :/
@rjejr Those characters are from the quite excellent Star Wars Rebels TV show that runs on Disney XD.
It's a bit stilted at the beginning, but I look forward to every new episode now and there are so few shows I can enjoy with the kids. I'm into it. It takes place closer to the time of the original trilogy, so it's good for old folks like me. The art style is based on the Ralph McQuarrie concept art for the original movies which works most of the time.
It's promotion of the newer series and movies as usual.
Anyway, I'm really pleased to see them in there, myself, but I'd still buy that Captain Nemo and his Play Set if it existed.
Looks like they are setting up to do something in conjunction with Kingdom Hearts in the future which is very interesting for more classic character opportunities, actually. I wonder if they are going stronger with RPG elements in 4.0, too. Or it might just be token fan service. Thing is, there are no brand new Disney owned properties to exploit so whatever the plans are more classic Disney characters are bound to show up.
Thanks a lot for all the information. I may either wait or get 1.0 starter pack for Wii that goes for around $25 new. If dl 3.0 is $20 or more I may get 3.0
Had no idea Sabine was exclusive and I cannot buy on Target so I will have to ask my fellow amiibo hunters to catch her for me.
I bet your kids know about that show. If not do what I did and check wookiepedia.
Lots of options.
You can work hard to get Sabine now or wait about 20 days and she'll be everywhere. (Just looked it up again and it was hard for me to find but apparently September 20th is the day the six exclusive figures are available everywhere)
@aaronsullivan The first Kingdom Hearts games was great. Every shadowy villain figure in every game since then to this day I still refer to as "heartless". It was 1 of the first real time team party action JRPG games I ever played, and it had a good dose of Disney and Square. Much more Disney than DI has had if you ask me, though honestly all I remember is Mickey, Donald, Goofy and Tarzan. But it was a great game, like a 3D world Subspace Emissary.
So if they go that route, action based JRPG story driven game, I might have to buy it, especially if Sephiroth shows up. Playstation All Stars Battle Royale would have sold much better w/ Sep as the final boss, just for the music alone.
"aftermarket" I just found that word funny, but I don't buy pre-owned cars either.
@sinalefa My kids watch Pokemon, Dreamworks Dragons and way to much Youtube. Mostly Diamond Minecart, Chuggaconroy, Psyko and papaMMO all videogame people. 1 guy had over 100 15-20 minute episodes for Xenoblade Chronicles. My kids don't play videogames anymore, they just watch other people do it for them. It's like Animal Crossing: amiibo Festival, right @Captain_Gonru
I think you should pick up a used, I mean aftermarket, DI base from eBay or Game or wherever for $7-$8 and then DL 3.0 for $20 on the console of your choice, it looks much better than the hub in 1 or 2. 2 was much better than 1.0, I spent many hours just building and decorating a house. Which sounds really stupid and makes me feel like my life is a waste, but it was fun. Maybe I'm the target market for Happy Home Designer?
I've never played the Kingdom Hearts games. I've only looked on a bit as my younger brother is a big fan of them. I'm fascinated with it, just never dove in. The key is a big suggestion that something like that might be coming, but I'm still wondering what DI 4.0 is going to be. There are apparently several more Play Sets coming for DI 3.0, maybe they will stretch this one out more than a year. I doubt it, but there's also the issue of when that cut off from PS3/360/WiiU will happen. Eh... I don't think I can care this far ahead as a player. More like curious about their strategic planning.
I know it's big with Twitch and all that to watch video games and I get the fascination and drama of watching someone play, but it drives me nuts how my kids will watch people play video games. Thing is, I trained them. When they were younger "we" would play through Zelda and Metroid games. Which was mostly just me playing and them watching.
@rjejr Yeah, it's not looking as appealing anymore. Looks like the list is down to three. Thanks.
@rjejr Hey there, I'm desperate to get this special edition. would you happen to have an extra preorder for this?
@JaxonH I'd be happy to take that 2nd preorder you have there.
@Wizardo Sorry, no can do.
Unfortunately it's not an extra. I am keeping one sealed and opening one. You'll have plenty of opportunity to grab one at one of the other retailers though. If you don't know how to track, you can always keep your ear to the subreddits and watch for updates, or do it the old fashioned way- check Target/BestBuy/Walmart/TRU websites every so often. Usually I'll keep a tab open for each website I'm monitoring and just refresh the page on my phone every so often.
Also, sign up for notifications on Amazon for when it comes back in stock. And it WILL come back in stock, might be closer to release when it happens (like a few weeks away from release), but they ALWAYS take a 2nd round due to cancellations and confirmed stock levels.
@JaxonH Thanks for the info!
Go get your Xenoblade CE
Go order your Xenoblade CE
Here ya go, Xenoblade CE
@Ralizah @ikki5 @FX102A @Dpullam
Xenoblade Collector's Edition in stock @GS
@JaxonH Thanks man! I locked in mine yesterday ^^
OK I think you're the last person in this thread that said they missed it and wanted one.
Xenoblade CE
@JaxonH Thanks a bunch! Just got it preordered! Made my day.
Ya no problem. Glad you got one locked in
@JaxonH If it wasn't for you, I would have never known one was available. Once again, thanks!
GameStop has it again on their website! Yoink!
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