In the next month or so we'll have the battle of toys-to-life. Along with Skylanders SuperChargers and LEGO Dimensions we'll have Disney Infinity 3.0; it's going to be a hugely competitive - and expensive - battleground, and a particularly important one for Disney in light of momentum being lost with Infinity 2.0.
It's a battle of brands and tie-ins, with LEGO Dimensions in particular boasting the likes of Doctor Who and Back to the Future, but this is perhaps where Disney has the upper hand. This year is bringing us a new Star Wars film, and the franchise will feature heavily in Infinity 3.0.
The latest trailer aims to tap right into any viewer's nostalgia; rather than plugging the spin-off animated series it focuses on the original and prequel trilogies. Iconic moments are portrayed in cute visuals, along with the inevitable cross-over joke at the end.
Check it out and let us know whether this Star Wars content is important in tempting you to pick up Disney Infinity 3.0.
Comments 33
Those Captain Eo rumours never seem to come to anything... Come on Disney, give me what I want and I'm in!
Have to admit, the star wars hype is getting to me and I'm looking into all the store exclusive Rebels
The lack of the's...disheartening.
Debating on this or Dimensions...this does seem to cost less though.
This may be the first Disney Infinity game I buy. The combat looks good enough to hold my interest, I get to play a bunch of star wars and marvel themed things, and the best part of it all is couch co-op.
This is a must buy
And other ads on you- tube show
'Pod Racing' Clone Wars' and Grievous and Darth Maul.
I saw this trailer on the eShop the other day.
With your username and your avatar, I am surprised you are debating about which one to get.
Yeah but dimensions has Star wars, Doctor who, Back to the future, and Ghost Busters- all things I love.
It doesn't have Star Wars...
@ryanator008 Oh consider me a dunce then.
Easy choice now.
Considering I really have no interest in Dimensions, I'll be going for this one instead.
I got an email from amazon today telling me that the starter pack and Yoda figure I ordered would be able to get to my house sooner.
Original date of arrival - September 4th - September 9th
New date of arrival - September 4th - September 9th
At any rate, I'll be glad to have a new game and some new toys to work with.
@Darth_Vader @ryanator008
That was what I thought too. Although there is Lego SW, it is not in Dimensions.
I am leaning more towards this one as well. Got 6 figures preordered, but not the starter pack. Want to see reviews first.
"In the next month or so we'll have the battle of toys-to-life. Along with Skylanders SuperChargers and LEGO Dimensions we'll have Disney Infinity 3.0; it's going to be a hugely competitive"
Don't forget Animal Crossing: amibo Festival and Happy Home Designer.
Watch the video w/ the sound off and you'll see the only game coming out this holiday that makes Starfox look good. I know those Star Wars toys will sell, its Star Wars, but I wouldn't be surprised to see Lego D outsell DI 3.0, no matter the cost. There have already been a billion Star Wars games - and another big blockbuster this holiday in Battlefront - but Scooby Doo and Doctor Who and the rest could be a potent force (he he) to contend with.
We own DI 1.0 and 2.0 but will probably skip this one. Won't rule it out entirely b/c for $15 clearance at Target I'd pick it up, maybe for Wii U after NX releases.
@Darth_Vader In the end, it really depends on which one is less expensive for me.
@DBPirate The best part is the couch co-op. That is true.
Also, all indicators is that this will have the strongest playsets so far, so I'd say it's good place to start if you're interested. Be warned that at least the Spiderman and Avengers playset in 2.0 was bland and uninventive and an overall step down from the more creative playsets in 1.0. 2.0 was a stop-gap in retrospect. The multiple studios involved this time potentially make this one a big step up.
I'm waiting a bit for Holiday sales. They like to discount the starter packs and things with the next wave of figurines being the draw at that point. By that time, I'll have a good idea about the weak points.
@rjejr While I agree that many of the Marvel figures are disappointing in the DI toy motif, I'm really enjoying the Star Wars translation. I'm looking forward to this almost as much as Battlefront myself and this one I'll be able to share with my kids much better.
Besides, even though there have been a billion Star Wars games, this is the year Star Wars relaunches as a franchise where we get a Star Wars movie every year for the foreseeable future. Probably the last chance to celebrate the old movies.
@BertoFlyingFox The prequel playset actually looks really good to me and I'm not a big Clone Wars or prequel fan either. Plus, it's part of the starter pack with Anakin and Ahsoka.
Love the Prequels. Not a big fan of the Original Trilogy but both look quite good.
@aaronsullivan - "this is the year Star Wars relaunches as a franchise"
I'm not faulting them for doing it, though the graphics do seem a bit Wii-like - I'm not talking the design now, just the tan blandness, but I just can't get excited about SW anymore I don't think. Not when there's an entire universe of Lego to play anyway.
Hey, we can both have fun with what we like best! I know I'll be missing out on plenty of LEGO, but I don't quite get the advantage of those over the regular LEGO games and it seems odd to have no world constructing mode like Toy Box for LEGO doesn't it? But maybe I don't know because I haven't been following too closely. I do like the fun franchises and allowance for mixing it up, though.
I will get this game. I don't know why so many people hate Revenge Of The Sith so much. Best SW movie IMO. Loved the clone wars as well, but the original trilogy lacked characters and the whole political scene was missing as well.
@aaronsullivan Now that you mention it no toy box does seem odd, but since my backdrop is Skylanders we played 4 of those so far w/ no toy box, and none of the other Lego games had a toy box, though LotR had a really big over-world map. I am hoping for some type of open world to play around in. It also seems SO much better to me than DI b/c supposedly you can use every character in every world. That's actually much more important to me than building, we already bought Lego Worlds on PC for that.
Did you see the Lego Movie? You know I don't like much but I really did like it, it was really good, much better than I thought it would be. Low expectations help, but I still recommend it.
Checking all three starter packs, I was a bit surprised that the newcomer has by far the most expensive one. I know Lego isn't cheap but still. DI has the cheapest and it is the only one I have figures of, so I may go with that, again, depending on reviews and if there is a discount in the future as @aaronsullivan suggested me to do.
@rjejr LEGO Movie is awesome. I don't even hate the song!
Looking forward to the LEGO Batman movie spin-off and the sequel.
And don't get me wrong, I love, love, love, LEGO. Right now, I'm more focused on actual physical building of LEGO. Very slowly building a ship from scratch with my son based on the Star Wars Rebels Ghost. The store bought one is just too dinky. We have a bunch of trays of separated LEGOs for building and everything.
@sinalefa I sure hope they do what they have in the past this time. I keep talking about how it went down the last two times.
I suppose if it sells really, really well, there may not be as many sales. I'm expecting it will be similar though. I mean, once the initial launch wears off, they want to sell those figurines and they will only work with the newest game. It's only natural they make that cheaper and cheaper as time goes on. Best of all, the retailers like that game of dropping prices to draw you in, so if you are patient you can just buy things when they are on sale. At least at Target I see the figures go on sale sometimes and I don't completely get it. It's like they are trying to clear stock, but they all work with all versions of DI and they all restock so...
I know Sumo Digital is handling the racing parts of this game and I got alot of trust in those guys, clever to hire them to handle that part,mjust hope the other studios are as wisely chosen for whatever they are chosen for, could be a really fun game which isn't something I'd though i'd ever say:)
Lego Dimensions looks good though, gonna be hard to keep saying no to everything toys-to-life as I have up til now;)
@sinalefa From what I can tell Lego D has 14 worlds playable w/ all characters ranging from Wizard of Oz to Scooby Doo to Dr. Who to Back to the Future to Portal to who knows what else, DI has 2 or 3. Plus the vehicles in Lego D all have 3 forms they can take, so more interaction for my kids and I, and even the platform seems to play a part w/ it's sectional lighting like a disco floor. So I'm guessing there's about 5x more to do in the base Lego D than the base DI 3.0 set. Toy box excluded, which I know many peopel like, but we havne't really enjoyed it that much in our household.
Some actual reviews will be nice though, as it's all really guesswork at the moment.
@aaronsullivan - "LEGO Movie is awesome."
Did you really go there? (I like my Piper avatar more every day.)
Almost bought Mindstorm EV3 but I just couldn't do $350. It's been in my Amazon cart for about 3 months now waiting for a sale, but it hasn't budged. Maybe when they announce Ev4 in a couple of years.
"let us know whether this Star Wars content is important in tempting you to pick up Disney Infinity 3.0."
YES !!!
@rjejr Does Lego: Dimensions have a Toy Box style mode though? That and the Doctor Who characters would be the appeal for me.
@Darknyht - "Toy Box style mode"
Probably not. I've played a lot of Lego games and I've never seen one. And to be honest after 4 Skylander games w/o one and 2 Disney Infinity games that hada it as a focus I'm kind of glad they are focusing on the story and those 14 worlds and not worried about an open creation. I do hope there is a hub area we can just play in though. Skylanders has always had a hub, though 1 year it was just a flying boat, I like cities better. An overworld map is probably too much to ask for though, but I'm hoping for one. .
@rjejr been thinking about mindstorm for a long time myself. Price though! It has been so long I'm wondering what's next
Seems like this trailer has been out since at least E3, but still excited for it. Next Friday can't come soon enough.
While "Disney Infinity" can't be beat with the sheer amount of nostalgic characters and franchises on offer, it's just not enough of an actual "game" for my tastes. The main focus is on the Toy Box mode, and I have very little interest in simply fooling around with that kind of tinkering. Meanwhile, the adventure mode is very bare-bones compared to any of the Skylanders games, while it has yet to be seen what exactly Lego Dimensions is offering on that front.
Basically, if Disney combined their vast collection of beloved characters, worlds, and franchises under their umbrella with a well-made version of the Skylanders toys-to-life game formula (complete with awesome voice acting and with as many of the original actors as they could get), I would be all over it, but I just can't get excited over what "Disney Infinity" has actually become.
My guess with Dimensions is that the toy box isn't included as it would take the focus/need away from Lego Worlds. I've never been one for Minecraft (yes I'm that one person that thinks WHY when I see it) but Worlds defo caught my attention.
My son loves DI but has mentioned about Lego Dimensions & Worlds a lot more.
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