Xeodrifter is a gem on the 3DS eShop, a rapid Metroidvania-style project from Renegade Kid that's rightly earned plenty of praise. With its imminent arrival on the Wii U eShop in North America there had been doubts that early adopters would be able to enjoy the offer - this was the result of eShop limitations and the existing process of cross-buy codes being issued in receipts.
Happily this has been resolved - with Xeodrifter arriving on the home console on 30th July in North America it's now been confirmed that existing 3DS owners will be able to get a free copy; presumably a Nintendo Network ID function will be used.
It's pleasing to see that a workaround has been found - will you be diving into this one on Wii U?
Thanks to Spoony_Tech for the heads up.
Comments 24
At last, my kids can now play this game as I wasn't buying it twice.
Awesome. Thank you Jools
Love it!
Great! However, I've been stuck in the same spot for awhile now. Maybe playing it on the big screen will help me figure out what to do next.
Treasurenauts has got to be effectively dead at this point, right?
I've known this for weeks.
@Stu13 Nope. After completing Mutant Mudds Super Challenge, Jools will dedicate most of his time to Treasurenauts.
So they've finally fixed cross-buy a little...now to just tie ALL purchases to NintendoID and allow for re-downloading in the future.
@manu0 Good thing you've known for weeks considering last we heard it wasn't going to be available to current 3ds owners. If you've know for weeks where's your sorce?
@Spoony_Tech Interview with Jools.
I figured they would find a way to make it happen; it just didn't make sense to me. Well that's a relief. I look forward to downloading this on Wii U as I haven't touched the one for 3DS yet.
@manu0 That makes sense.
@NintenBo Well maybe I should be following him then.
Wasn't this already posted on this site like a week or two ago?
So it IS possible?! Imagine that!
It's a great title! It's like what Metroid would have been like if Nintendo hadn't been busy prepping Urban Champion and other gems for its 3D Classics line rather than actual classics
@HeroOfCybertron It was. But a week ago, a new article said it wouldn't be possible for people who already bought the 3DS version before the release of the Wii U version. But now it seems they found a way.
Cool. I'd probably be willing to give this another go
@Olmectron Yeah but I remember reading something about a week or two ago that must of been on another site and twitter saying that Nintendo and Jools found a way for early adopters to get Xeodrifter free for Wii U too.
It's xeodrifter coming to the UK on Wii U , the 3ds version took ages to come here.
@Spoony_Tech You don't let your kids play the 3DS? I wouldn't either. It is just a funny bit I guess. Smart Move.
@vitalemrecords My kids have their own 3d/2d's but I wouldn't buy the game 3 times for their systems either. When Smash came out my son got addicted to the demo and wanted the game. I said we will wait till the Wii U version comes out so we can all play because I'm not buying the game 4 times lol.
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