When Nintendo of America tweets a link to a TV news segment, we're normally inclined to shrug it off. We've seen enough news anchors stumble their way through a conversation about Nintendo games for one lifetime.
Yet this one's a bit different. A Nintendo of America rep appeared on Fox 5 Morning News with some props, Mario and Luigi mascots and a copy of Super Mario Maker, and two news hosts transformed into excitable kids. Even accounting for the jolly entertainment approach typically taken in morning news, one presenter in particular appears to be having a genuine fanboy meltdown, even if his Mario experience dates back to the NES days.
We're excited about Super Mario Maker too, but are we as excited as this guy? It's a close one.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 45
Seriously though, Super Mario Maker looks pretty good, but I'm not as excited as him. I'm not really much of a level design guy, but modern Mario games are too easy, so I might get it just to challenge myself.
I think this guy is legitimately excited because he literally had no clue about the wii u and probably no clue about any of the newer Mario games, then this bombshell really brought back that nostalgia.
I'm as excited as that guy that the Wii U is being shown on tv and nobody called it a "Wii".
Wii U seems so overdue for a price cut, I really hope they take the SMM momentum and price cut right before launch. Sept 6 would work, all the newspaper flyers advertising the game could advertise the new price.
@rjejr A price cut with an announcement of a Super Mario Maker bundle would certainly go down well.
I'm just gonna say it right now. My local news guy is ROLLING.
i am so ready for super mario maker its the game i want the most i have already pre ordered the book and amiibo edition i cant wait for it its going to be the best mario game and best wii u game
@ThomasBW84 @rjejr Would cutting the price down really be good for Nintendo right now? Things just look bleak to me as it is, if they drop its price they won't be making as much as they should.
Either way I got one refurbished straight from them for $225 with Nintendo Land + 3D World which was a great deal imo. The damn thing came and it looked and felt like brand spanking new, even, which surprised me as I expected it to have signs of wear due to being refurbished. If you want a Wii U for cheaper just go for that, it's perfect and I honestly do not regret it, even if the Wii U's library disappoints me greatly, the console itself was good for said price.
@ThomasBW84 - Wow, I can't even imagine a SMM bundle after last years - let's bundle May game MK8 for the holidays instead of new game SSB.
SMM seems like such an obvious no-brainer choice I just can't imagine Ntinedo doing it. Would make a nice holiday gift though. Hope you're right TW. Yoshi in Oct would be nice but not a system seller like SMM.
@sWiTcHeRoO - "if they drop its price they won't be making as much as they should."
Better to lose money on the console and try to make it up on all the games, then lose money having the console siting on a shelf not selling at all.
I was in Target yesterday, still 2 bright red $99.99 Wii Mini boxes sitting next to the Wii U. Anybody who wanted to buy a Wii U for $299.99 has had almost 3 years to do so. All that's left are people waiting for a cheaper price.
I really share his enthusiasm. Seeing mascots of your favorite plumber would make my inner child giddy. Can't wait till summer ends...
Not sure if bad actor or mentally unstable...
He's acting as if this is the first time he's seen anything like the Wii U. Which at this point wouldn't surprise me so I say he's legit. And I'm not that excited as he is for Mario Maker but I'm still buying.
@rjejr: Wii Mini's for sale for life!
@OddworldCrash Or...... y'know....... maybe he is just a regular human being who is actually excited for a video game that he thinks looks really cool. I mean, what are the odds of that? That's NEVER happened before.
Oops. I'm excited for the game, too. I must be mentally unstable. I know someone who is really excited to see a Pixar movie. Another person who wants to see the new Dragonball Z movie in the theater. And other friends that were excited for Arkham Knight, and all of them must have been "mentally unstable" for getting excited about something they want.
Who knew that hype was a mental disorder? Well, congratulations, Dr. OddworldCrash PhD. Another brilliant diagnosis. You are a credit to the medical profession that you clearly belong to. I suppose next is the informed statement that vaccinations cause autism? I guess if looking forward to a video game = mentally unstable, that logic can't be far behind.
I'm not excited over Super Mario Bros. released in 1985. Oh well.
I'm super hyped for Super Mario Maker! The first reason is so that I can build levels tailored to each of my kids, making some easy fun ones for the younger ones and gradually tougher levels for the older ones. The second is after seeing the NWC levels, that I'll be able to challenge myself with some of the craziest levels ever. The third is for being able to share and see what the community will create. Safe to say it's a day one buy for me.
I'll buy SMM, but I don't like the fact that it is being treated as a Triple A title. When it was announced, I always assumed it would be sold for $29.99 - $39.99, maybe an eshop only title or like a Captain Toad release, just to keep gamers happy until the real Triple A titles were released (Zelda, Starfox, Metroid, etc). Guess I was wrong...
Hey look guys, Advertising.
Finally some good advertising from Nintendo ^^. I am glad to see that Nintendo are advertising more and more for the normal person and make it this big on Fox News .
Hopefully this is a sign that Nintendo will step up their advertisements, and show people who are and aren't lapsed Nintendo fans the joy of playing Nintendo games no matter what age ^^.
An anime would really help and right now it would be the prefect time to release a Splatoon anime or a good Mario anime if done right to promote Mario Maker (or animation like the Pikmin Shorts).
Still in the end I wish Nintendo the best of luck both in terms of the Wii U and the NX .
I freaking love the enthusiasm in this .
Really? To me their "excitement" feels extremely forced and artificial.
And the guy sitting with the Wii U Gamepad totally hasn't got how to use Mario Maker (he just randomly puts elements in the level) or he's just that uncreative.
Or maybe this is an American thing? I for one wouldn't call that excitement or enthusiasm, I'd call it acting.
And I'm definitely more excited about Mario Maker than that guy in the video. ^^
@OddworldCrash: Definitely bad actor!
I think I would be just as giddy if I were in his spot, between actually getting to speak with one of Nintendo's representatives, talking about the Gaming Lounge, watching one of my co-workers play the most -awwwkward- round of SMM ever, and knowing I was anywhere -near- Charles Martinet. It's nice to see genuine excitement with this kind of reporting. Heck, we just had a recent announcement for Nintendo coming to Universal, and it seemed like it got lost amidst the bevvy of other announcements because the reporters didn't have something tangible to make of it.
C'mon @ThomasBW84, don't deny you would be exactly as giddy in his place They even got Mario and Luigi in the studio! WHAT A SCOOP!
There is a Fruit Loops commercial currently that shows off SMB being played on NES, at least in Canada
I can see that guys nipples thru his shirt.
Nintendo is using sex to sell mario maker!!!
I will not settle for this sexist scene,nintendo.
Disliked,unsubbed,disowned,left for ever,bye bye,i'm done.
"When Nintendo of America tweets a link to a TV news segment, we're normally inclined to shrug it off. "
I'm pretty sure you guys posted an entire article based around the fact some reporter referred to a 3DS as a 'Gameboy' in a newspaper one time.
Poor Luigi gets no love
Heh heh, the guy playing the game is pretty bad. He can't hit the blocks and has no clue he can swim underwater. He's never played Mario before.
Honestly, I'm undoubtedly more excited than he is, but mostly because I love designing levels and have dreamed of having a tool to create super mario levels since I was 3. I used to get graph paper and draw out my own level ideas
However, I love his excitement, and how legitimate his excitement is. Like, you can tell how excited he is because he's not really doing a good job of doing his job haha . He can barely news anchor he's so excited.
This seems soooo forced. Hes pretending to be stoked because his boss told him to make a big deal of it all. Its so lame.
The costumes scare me...
A SMM bundle that also comes with the Amiibo that work with the game could be what they need.
@HollywoodHogan Nintendo's posted some that we've happily ignored, but that 3DS one was pure gold.
@Ryno - I wonder how many Wii Mini you could get trading in your X1?
So many cynics... the dude had a picture of his NES hooked up, it's hard to get more legit than that. Sure, he seems a bit, err, much, but his inherent awkwardness is no doubt exacerbated by genuine excitement.
Not taking everything you see and hear at face value is a healthy outlook, but it's wasted on innocuous things such as this.
@rjejr: Is the Wii Mini still selling for $99.99?
@Ryno - "Is the Wii Mini still selling for $99.99?"
Yeah, why? You lost faith in your X1 already. Don't worry, if it's ever clearanced out I assure you you'll be the first person I tell. Well after I explain to my wife why I spent $48.98 on a machine w/ no Netflix.
Seriously, have I mentioned that it bothers me that Nitneod is sitll the Wii Mini in NA fo r$99.99 right next to the overpriced $299.99 Wii U. I knwo Target carries the PS3, maybe even the Xbox360, but the X1 adn PS4 aren't backward compatible so that makes sense. Wii U has played every Wii game since launch. Why are they still selling the Wii Mini for $99? I'm not kidding, no smiley face, it bothers me. 2 years ago was ok, but not in summer 2015 nearly 3 years after the Wii U launch. Why even bother making it backward compatible if they were going to keep selling the old one?
Wii Mini - my favorite joke to bane of my existence, like an ex-girlfriend who you can't shake now that you have the better new girlfriend.
@rjejr: Yeah, I'm going to get a Wii Mini so I can play Disaster Day of Crisis & Project Zero 2: Wii Edition in spite of Reggie thinking it was not a good idea to publish them in the U.S.A. In 30 years we will still making jokes and bout the Mini and it will still be at Target for 99.99. What about the Wii Mini and Wii U, beyond some really good exclusive games, hasn't been baffling?
You know, it is quite relaxing relegating a Nintendo console to 2nd console zone.
Glad this guys excited but they are just the worst
For awhile I was okay with it, but I'm with you, now. Drop the Wii U to $150, recall the Wii mini and bury them in that landfill with the E.T. cartridges.
If they are concerned with losses, just keep the game prices right where they are and delay the player's choice thing (if it was even planned).
The only thing that would make this a questionable decision right now is if NX is planned to have 100% no exceptions backwards compatibility with Wii U and with the performance rumor going at least there is that possibility. But let's not start that discussion.
This news thing was awkward to watch at times, but this kind of enthusiasm over the classic Mario is what is going to sell this game to a wider market. It's still true, I guess, that Mario nostalgia is a big seller. Super Mario Maker could possibly sell some consoles.
Is there a generation that has that kind of nostalgia for the 3D Marios? I do wonder if they'll push another wave of huge sales. Maybe the timing is right for NX to try and host a Mario that taps into what people loved about Mario 64. If anyone could agree on what that is maybe.
I am happy for this video, but good lord the guy playing is awful, and the other guy plugged his NES into a flat screen. These guys have a lot to learn XD
@aaronsullivan - "Drop the Wii U to $150, recall the Wii mini and bury them in that landfill with the E.T. cartridges. "
It's like your agreeing w/ me and mocking me at the same time.
Oh, and you can't repeat the 2D Mario nostalgia w/ 3D Mario. 2D Mario isn't just the birth of Mario or 2D Mario, it's pretty much the birth of home videogame console gaming. Pong can only get you so far, NES is the true beginning. Though I still like my Atari. But 3D Mario is just Mario in 3D, more evolution of gaming into 3D than revolution that was the NES. I'm personally all about 3D gaming, but 2D Mario and Pac Man own videogame nostalgia.
Even if there is a Pixels 3D movie in a couple of years it won't have the same sentimental value as the classics.
And it's too late for a Super Mario 3D Maker - that's called Minecraft.
Well, I'm not intending to mock you. Just exaggerating a bit. I really do think it's harmful to have those up there now, where the first couple of years there was not much overlap in demand, now it just makes the Wii U look way too expensive... especially next to the other guys.
On the 2D Mario vs. 3D Mario and Atari: I agree with you on a popularity level, but on the actual advancement of gaming, Atari 2600 was pioneer for local couch multiplayer, and Super Mario Bros. was an evolution with a couple of key advances like commitment to continual secrets and the analog feeling physics of jumping by holding down the button for longer to jump further. Along with running and side-scrolling those advancements spawned hundreds of games like it. The same thing can be said for Super Mario 64, though. Third person games have used all sorts of features pioneered in that game like pushing an analog joystick to get direction based on the camera angle rather than the character angle. Camera that is a bit directed but also manageable by the player and so much more. It was just as influential even if the game itself was no where near as popular.
Of course, we were really talking about nostalgia and really, most people were cutting their teeth on Playstation that generation of new gamers so really you are right. The number of people pining for that game is way, way smaller than the originals. But we are talking about upping Nintendo numbers and that small base could help at least.
It's the problem Nintendo has been dealing with through the last few big Mario games. Trying to get those two groups of Mario fans together in one big base. Hasn't happened yet I don't think and Super Mario Maker is only going to grow the 2D love, right?
BTW, been crazy busy and haven't replied to email yet. So, don't go looking.
@aaronsullivan - "BTW, been crazy busy and haven't replied to email yet."
Thats ok, haven't discussed it w/ the wife yet either. Just spent about an hour shopping for a shower curtain and liner for the boys bathroom. It's after midnight. Ah married life. I think we got a nice one though.
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