Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer

Nintendo recently updated the Japanese website for the upcoming Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer on the 3DS, and lots of new information about the sharing functionality within the game has been revealed.

In addition to posting images to Twitter and Facebook via the Image Sharing feature - as was the case in Aminal Crossing: New Leaf - you'll naturally also be able to post images to Miiverse too. However, it appears that the whole process has been streamlined this time; you won't need to go through the Home Menu to share images of your happy home or animal friends. This is the first time - that we can think of - that a 3DS game has sidestepped the Home Menu in order to let you share within the game itself, though this is a common feature in Wii U games [Update: Integrated Miiverse posting of album snapshots is available in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS, added in a post-launch update]

Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Miiverse

What do you think of this move to streamlined sharing? Will this encourage you to post more screens of your creations?

[source, via]