Image: DigiPen.edu

Nintendo's been pro-active during this generation to support and promote game development from smaller studios around the world, helping the eShop to be a vibrant platform on both Wii U and 3DS. Another project is now set to get underway, and this time it'll be utilising development talent in Singapore to bring 3DS eShop games to a 'global audience'.

As reported by The Straits Times, Nintendo has announced a partner with "video games and digital media university" DigiPen to launch DigiPen Game Studios. This company will seek out and support developers in Singapore and provide mentorship and assistance to bring their games to the 3DS eShop. This year will also bring the first DigiPen Game Conference, and developers will have a chance to submit their projects for selection into the programme.

It seems like a bold project - DigiPen hopes to select and begin progress on ten 3DS eShop games by 2016, and Nintendo will provide marketing assistance.

It'll be interesting to see if any particularly intriguing games come out of this, and whether more promotions along these lines will continue to arrive in different countries.

With thanks to Ryan Millar for the heads up.

[source straitstimes.com]