Following his untimely and devastating passing earlier this week, Satoru Iwata's funeral has now been held in Japan. The Nintendo President passed away on 11th July, aged 55, with the company issuing a notification on 13th July.
The official Nintendo Twitter account has now shared its thanks and gratitude to all that expressed condolences at Iwata-san's passing, and also to those that attended his funeral.
The tweets are below, translated by @cheesemeister3K.
In addition Nintendo of Europe has also shared the following messages.
All of us at Nintendo Life wish to share our best wishes, once again, with Satoru Iwata's family and loved ones.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 31
Now what happens...
Played some Smash Bros last night. It didn't feel the same as it did before. I had to turn it off. I'm sure things will be alright again soon. I'm sure Iwata would hate to think that his passing might stop people experiencing the fun he was instrumental in bringing to us, somehow. But it's all come as a bit of a shock.
When looking back on E3, it's obviously easy to see why they employed puppets for the prentation. And it sort of makes you feel a bit bad for the late President, following the backlash from what many consider to be a poor E3 showing.
I hope Nintendo honour their pledge to continue the fine work Iwata did during his tenure.
For the first time since I've had my 3DS and Wii U, I have not felt compelled to switch either of them on both out of respect for Iwata's passing and the fact that I just really do not feel like playing anything at this moment in time.
His death was - and still is - an enormous shock to me, especially after the use of those puppets in their E3 digital presentation. Nintendo won't be the same without him.
: (
I'm as upset about Iwata as the next guy...but I fail to see how NOT playing the games he loved to create is a sign of respect. First thing I did when I heard was switch ont he Wii U and play some games while thinking of him. Gave them a lot more meaning.
Yeah, since Iwata's death my nightly gaming schedule has been thrown way off. The only thing I find myself playing is Earthbound since he helped with that, and then after a good hour of playing that I just kind of feel lost with what to do. Before I was playing Persona 4, Devil Survivor 2, Smash, and such every night but now I really don't feel like playing them. It's a strange feeling.
I'm sure I'll get back into the swing of things soon, but it's really something. Still is hard to believe he is gone.
That last tweet made me so sad :/ I miss iwata so much, i think we all do.
@Mogster yeah weird. if people dont feel like playing games right now because of iwata passing away then that is fine. but the reasoning behind it doesnt have to be logical for everyone.
i actually started using my 3DS way more after his death than before (in the last weeks).
thank you for posting this Nintendo Life, Very little news seems to be coming from the Japanese news sites.
@97alexk Just when i thought i had no more tears left to shed...
Was gonna ask about NintendoLife putting up an article to mention the new Splatoon weapons coming out tomorrow but then I just lost motivation after seeing those tweets. Now I just feel guilty.
What some fantastic and touching tweets ^^. While it is really sad that Iwata has died and I wish he didn't, but if there are one good thing coming out of this is to see the love from us fans .
I have played many of the games Iwata was a part of and I really love them and will try to think about Iwata a bit once in a while when I play them.
Rest in peace, Satoru Iwata.
Nintendo are a class act, as was Iwata. I can't think of many multi national billion dollar companies that really do capture a feeling of family between it's workers and customers.
There are many ways of reacting to loss. Iwata-san talked "directly" to each one of us during his broadcasts, his humanity, humour and enthusiasm for Nintendo gaming always present. He shared a genuine part of himself with us during those broadcasts and that is why some feel his loss so deeply. He was also a nice bloke and in a world where so many are actively despicable, we feel the loss there too. No right or weird way to react to loss, it just is what it is. The collective sadness is tribute to the impact Iwata-san has had in our community of gamers. May he be truly missed in whatever way is apt for you.
I don't think people not playing games is out of respect for Iwata necessarily. People around the Internet are playing games Iwata was associated with, out of respect for the man.
For me I think it's more about the contrast between the fun Nintendo games bring us, the nostalgia of characters and the imaginative worlds they inhabit, and the very human consequences with death and the futility of life.
When playing some Smash last night, it was hard because there's that juxtaposition.
It's a cruel world we live in - that someone who seems like such a nice guy like Iwata can be struck down like that is heartbreaking really.
Times like this really prove out how Nintendo is more a part of our lives than just a distraction or form of entertainment. So the Wii U might not be the financial success that people may have wanted, but I would never want Nintendo to stop being Nintendo in order to make a buck. Whatever Nintendo does, as long as they do it in their own way, I'll be happy.
There's a part of me that still doesn't believe this is real, that it's all some kind of joke and we'll all be laughing about it when Mr Iwata shows up in the next Direct or shareholder meeting alive and well.
I don't know if it will ever fully sink in with me. I always shed a tear when seeing these articles.
I'm playing Earthbound in his honor. If it weren't for Iwata, it probably never would've seen the light of day. Thank you, Iwata. I'll never forget all the happiness I've gotten thanks to you.
I'm also playing Earthbound in his memory. Anything else, I just can't find the mood now.
First game I played after hearing the shocking news was a game I should have played a long time ago, it now felt a more appropriate time than ever to finally play Earthbound in honour of Mr. Iwata. R.I.P Satoru Iwata
I'm gonna miss his Directs he had a way of making it seem and feel like it was a personal message from him to you such a CLASS ACT IN ALL AREAS he left some MIGHTY BIG SHOES for Nintendo to fill .
Ever since Iwata-san's passing I've been using my Wii U every night and carrying my 3DS around with me every day. There's still this cloud of melancholy over my head, but going through all of the games in my backlog I kept thinking about him. So much so that I could've sworn I heard something like, "Please understand that this is not the end" in that pleasant accent of his. I can't play with enthusiasm, but it's the only way I know how to honor Iwata-san given everything that's happened.
Everyone deals with grief differently so the choice of playing or not playing out of respect is entirely subjective and personal.
Iwata may be gone too soon but he's left a wonderful legacy
The first thing I did after hearing the news was turning off all my Nintendo systems in respect. So yeah, everyone has a different way of handling grief.
I'm still heartbroken, but I've managed to return to normal Nintendo gaming, but I'm doing some of that for Iwata. For example, I changed the color of my Mii's clothes to black, and I created a "For Iwata" name in Smash Bros.
You will be sorely missed, Iwata. RIP.
I may not want to play like the rest of you but that doesn't stop my Nintendo Purchases!
Fans reactions to Mr. Iwata's passing were amazing. So much love.
Just had to leave these here.
Still heartbroken too. My family and friends hardly can understand how a guy of 36 years old cried and can't hardly talk about Iwata without droping a few tears, but my feeling tells to me that Iwata was so close to me.
I will miss him a lot. For me this is a post Iwata era that were starting, a Nintendo that will hurt a bit too.
@ottospooky Honestly, I thought it was a perfectly good E3, but considering that, you are right, just thinking that he died knowing that his last E3 was really criticized is really sad
@tanasten I really admired Iwata, he was so dedicated to his work, and I agree that Nintendo will have certain problems going on from here.
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