You're never going to please everyone, and Nintendo's Digital Event at E3 this year may have left more people disappointed than the Big N would like, but you can be sure that you weren't as upset over the presentation as this young man.
You can find the original post from NeoGAF here, but we think you'll find it much more entertaining to see our reading of this timeless piece, so check out the video below.
Does this sum up your thoughts about Nintendo at E3 this year, or is this perhaps a little overblown? Let us know with a comment in the usual place.
Comments 140
I was pretty disappointed at the end, but I did laugh at someone in the comments on the live chat who said:
"It's just started to rain here. Thanks, Nintendo".
...wait 31 and living with mom? I think there are bigger problems here...
I gotta agree with him actually haha
Maybe just a bit overblown.
Squeenix with their Chrono Trigger trolling is more deserving of that reaction imho, even if their conference was otherwise far superior to Nintendo.
>Raging fits
>Mom knocks on door
>He is 31
Yeah... I think no comment is needed to realize it.
I enjoyed this years E3.
@Peach64 Is this the new "Thanks Obama"?
@Peach64 That was them TOO? Sure, why not add insult to injury...
"Mom shut up and get me my doritos and mtn dew"
If you have nothing left to live for after a video game media event... well as @Ryu_Niiyama said, you have way bigger problems than what Nintendo is going to release in the next year.
This year wasn't the best E3, but at the end of the day, in the 2nd half of 2015 we get - Star Fox, Xenoblade, Mario Maker, FATAL FRAME 5 (YES THAT WAS GIVEN A RELEASED DATE), Yoshi, Zelda 3DS, Yokai Watch and some other 3DS games I'm currently forgetting.
And some people are going to buy those spin off games announced.
We are having a mini tropical storm over here in Texas.
Thanks Nintendo.
Despite the lack of any big titles, I am very excited to see a new Star Fox. Fire Emblem and SMTxFE has much hype for me but we got no more new details than the last time they were announced. This was Nintendo's chance to show off these games but they kind of just showed fancy trailers.
I'm more disappointed all good games are coming out next year than anything else.
@shinokami to be fair there could be a real reason for him still living with his parents at that age, I'm 31 and still at home although I look after my disabled father so I have a reason
not sure what this guys reason is
What a plonker!
I feel pretty much the same, tbh.
i wanted devil's third
i never never got devil's third
they never got their lives
@Ryu_Niiyama Haha that is what I was thinking.
I was sold on Triforce Heroes and Paper Jam and completely fail to see what all the complaining is about...well, except for those who wanted real Animal Crossing instead of a board game. That I get, even though I think AC is better on handhelds anyway.
Thanks Alex, that was entertaining. It's so interesting when people think they are entitled to things.
I was disappointed at no new big games, but heck those may come later. It is most certainly not the worst (2008)
wow. what an awful e3 conference. i honestly can't even defend that level of suck.
most of the games that were "showcased" seemed like mini games built off better games. the zelda game is basically a link's awakening 4 swords mini game. chibi metroid, enough said. paper mairo seems like a dlc for mario dream team.
The big problem with the Nintendo Digital Event was that after all the other conferences had their moment of "dropping the mic," Nintendo just kept a firm grip the whole time.
Lets be honest, if this had been a Nintendo Direct, no one would be complaining. But since it's E3, there's a whole lot of pressure to deliver, and Nintendo didn't come in swinging.
Hopefully though, we still have 2 days for Nintendo to show off something else. They've done it before.
Stop it.-Morpheel
well played, i love this video! good job!
There is at least one person who reacts this way to every single Nintendo announcement. No voice chat in Splatoon: "I have nothing." No King K. Rool in Smash: "I am an empty shell."
And so on.
If I can put my Cranky Kong hat on for a second: Gamers these days are really whiny. Back in the old days games were hard. The only way to beat them was through sheer repetition and dedication. And when you failed in the game, you didn't have a dozen others in your backlog to switch to. In fact, if it was a new game, you probably either rented it or were playing it at a friend's house, so you had very limited time to play and beat it or you might never see it again. You had at most one or two current games, and only ever one system to play on.
The point is just to say you probably have an absolutely absurd number of good games already, from Nintendo or otherwise. You couldn't possibly have completed Monster Hunter 4 and Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (I don't think it's even possible to complete Monster Hunter). You have unlimited replayability in Mario Kart 8 (which is still getting new content) and Smash (which you have only had for 6 months or so and is also still getting new content) and Splatoon (which is virtually brand new and will also continue to receive new content). And of course, there are a bunch of things the direct showed that we already knew about that had people excited when they were first announced (Star Fox, FE, SMTxFE, Mario Maker, Yoshi, etc.).
There's still plenty of good stuff coming. The only problem is that you already knew about it. I'm not defending the decision to use E3 to announce a bunch of spin offs and smaller projects. They should have at least announced they were working on something bigger without showing footage. But I am asking that folks have a little perspective about these things and calm down a little. It was kind of a lame direct. There will be better ones.
I'm over this now,nah hell no. This is going to be an interesting year for Nintendo.
lol describes Nintendo fans xD perfectly
@Ryu_Niiyama I think he's referring to a past time and that now he's 31 and bummed out like he was back when he was a kid (I hope).
Holy crap. Listen, i think this e3 was disappointing, but not the worst. We still got star fox. And remember 2008?
Who noticed the people through the window in the other office?
Hope there is a good reason as to why this guy still lives at home with his mom. If there isn't, get a job, and move out already.
@OneBagTravel didn't sound like it. I think Alex went too over the top with the hand gestures as it made his reading of the quote have an odd cadence. The "now, I'm 31" part didn't sound like he was stating a current age as a counterpoint to a prior memory so much as he was actually stating that to show how long he has been a "fan" ....and living with mom.
I may watched different Digital Event. I am pleased and can't wait for more! Do you guys really forgot that Nintendo is doing E3 show like every month through Nintendo Direct?
Sounds like the people on the forums right now.
Well... It wasn't bad like the 2008 event
At this point can we bar windows and block access to rooftop stairs for the enraged? I would hate to hear about mass street pizza orders over this. -_-;
WOAH! Was this conference dissapointing? Yes. But it's not the end of the world, @whoevermadethatcomment. I mean...I was dissapointed, but I at least didn't have a freaking tantrum!...Or be living with my mother at the age of 31 and I pray to God that doesn't happen.
@XCWarrior There is plenty of people who don't have many reasons to live for, don't judge their reasons. It's good enough that they still fight to find reasons to keep living!
> Is 31 years old
> Hints that he's still living with his mother
> Definitely not autistic
lol, it wasn't a fantastic e3 but it was still good.
@Fazzie_Bear I dont think you know what autistic means
This was like youtube comment theatre! I loved it, and unfortunately he's sort of right. I wouldn't be that extreme though.
@brucelebnd 'Chibi Metroid,' dear god, I never thought I would have to read those two words together.
2014 E3 was awesome and this year's one was the polar opposite. Why didn't they build on the momentum they created last year and on top of successful launches of Smash 4 and Splatoon and give us what we really want. A proper Metroid, F-Zero, Paper Mario for Wii U!!!
Sure there some positives this year, Starfox looked great and it looks like they're keeping the 3DS going in it's final years, but it wasn't the greatest. I haven't seen all the conferences yet UBI's was cringeworthy bad and I read somewhere that EAs was terrible.
This is why I always say keep your expectations low. Do that and you won't be as disappointed. I wasn't.
Honestly though, this guy sounds like he has much bigger problems.
Was the ND bad enough that it broke the internet, b/c I couldnt get to NL or Pushsquare for about an hour?
Anybody else have a problem connecting, Im in the US.
I'm glad I'm not the only one.
@dizzy_boy I did! I thought that was funny, actually.
Haha you're actually officially mocking a random forum user. That's rough.
Am I the only one who wasn't that disappointed with Nintendo's presentation? Sure the amiibo thing sucked, along with the Metroid prime 3DS thing, but was it really that bad? We still got a release date for Xenoblade, Paper mario (which imo is one of the best RPG/platformer i've played) combined with the Mario and luigi RPG thing, Star fox U, a new online/local multiplayer Zelda, and Mario maker. The only downfall I'm seeing with it is that it didn't build a lot of hype like last year, and didn't have Devils third, no Zelda U, and an untraditional "Metroid" game.
Not like he doesn't have a reason to be so angry...
Even though the Digital Event was disappointing, I'm glad I didn't find it quite as bad as him.
I'm disapointed, but that is over the top.
Really loved the acting you did Alex, it made the read even more enjoyable.
Maybe they'll have a Digital Event 2.0 with Zelda U, Metroid U and Devil's Third, plus a bunch of other surprises, right? RIGHT?!
Just trolling, sorry.
That's Shakespeare, right there.
Am I the only one that doesn't care either way about what is presented at E3? All I care about is that any gaming company actually makes games. ¯(ツ)/¯
My Body is Broken
@dizzy_boy Was that Tom?! Hi Tom!
What the heck! The press conference REALLY was not that bad! It was easily a 7/10 maybe a 7.5 or 8.
7.5/10 for me animal crossing and yokai watch brought it down for me. (Plus segments on games we already knew about) Other than that it was great and we still have awesome treehouse streams coming strong! The majority of the games either will be great or deserve the benefit of the doubt. People complain about a lack of innovation in nintendo games then when the try something new, everyone proclaims doom and gloom. Ugh.
I was very happy with the StarFox Zero announcement but overall the presentation was a bit lackluster. I think they will show off more things during the Treehouse-sessions though.
Why doesn't this young man tell us how he really feels...
@Ryu_Niiyama Haha you're on fire today!
Guess with the money he'll be saving now he's no longer dedicating his life to Nintendo he might be able to move out?
As mentioned above, there are plenty of equally immature reactions spamming up these boards from members I'd argue were old enough to react in a more dignified manner.
@97alexk geez aren't you being a smart alex.
I personally won't lose a minute sleep over any E3 announcement and while I question some choices made by publishers/developers in their announced games, only my own experience can judge these games for me.
I am fine with not being smothered with tripple A titles It is already a good year for gaming with some great releases in the first half and a lot coming in the 2nd.
Next year there will be a new e3 new games to enjoy in the meantime have fun playing what you got now ( and don't dare say you played all the good games already)
> NeoGAF.
Oh god. Run away. Run away fast.
ACTING! Thank you! No, THANK YOU!
Brilliant performance, Alex!
Although some people are overreacting. I do thank Nintendo for all the money I'm going to save, not spending it on games.
I tried to rewatch the direct after I calmed down. It is as bad as everyone thinks, it's even worse a 2nd time around! I'm sad about no Krystal in star fox tho. I think a lot of it had to do with the message they where giving, about transforming and evolving as a company. But they seem to be resting on the past and showing mostly what we already knew. Metroid needs to be taken off the name should be the 1st thing they do and give us a real metroid game. But I think I finally joined the crowed of they are moving on to NX
@Giygas_95 "This is why I always say keep your expectations low. Do that and you won't be as disappointed. I wasn't."
I wasn't disappointed either, except slightly so for the AC on Wii U, just because they announced an AC and it's crap. Other than that, I wasn't too bothered by this event, tbh. Also, this is the internet, reason is not allowed.
The amiibo leak made me think we were getting a real Animal Crossing. Not the worst leak we've had but seriously, these leaks are one of the worst things of this year's E3.
Sadly; I know exactly how that guy feels
Guess people are forgetting that Nintendo has been announcing new games all year long. NWC2015 was part of E3 and Nintendo has a TON of games in development. They delivered.
I love Alex's dramatic reading of those comments, it's priceless.
that was funny
Many of the other E3 presentations were showcasing games further out. There's something in Nintendo's strategy that's not letting yhem do that. I'm sure they have something up their sleeves for the second half of 2016 and early 2017, but I have no idea what.
So I went to Neogaf to check on that thread, and the first response that guy got was:
"See you next Direct then?"
For some reason it made me lose my s***. Thanks, I needed the laugh.
My rage died, remain only sadness. I still love Nintendo, and will buy NX no matter what, but really, part of my happiness as gamer died today.
Another gem from the thread:
"I invited a friend of mine who used to be a Nintendo fan to watch this with me. I felt like I was inviting her to see this mutual friend of us she doesn't hang out with nowadays, and I tried to rekindle the friendship, telling her he's a very cool, funny guy...and he shows up drunk out of his mind in his Mario themed underwear."
While it was a terrible digital event, this video is hilarious!
@tsukipon This just in... Star Fox and Fire Emblem are not big titles...
@Ryu_Niiyama I dont want to say another human being isnt allowed an opinion...but that is the least credible you can get.
My favourite part was the muppets and Reggie dancing. My 2 cents are as follows:
1) Last year was a home-freaking-run and it feels like Nintendo bunted a single up the 3rd baseline and it went foul. The expectations were too high and I think many of us, myself included, were hoping for something Nintendo never planned on doing. They have fully decided to move onto to the NX in every regard. The only new Wii U games announced are games that don't seem like they need a lot of development time and could have been games started in 2014 or even early 2015. We saw like a second of Mario Tennis. Last year, we had new games coming out of the woodwork with titles like Hyrule Warriors, Yoshii's Wooly World, Xenoblade X, and even a new IP in Splatoon. Add in the early ideas of Star Fox and lead off with Smash Bros and you felt like the Wii U was in store for a big year. Sadly, a year later and X, Yoshii and Fox still aren't out. Instead, we got a heavy douse of games we already know about and very little new stuff. It seems like that video showed us the end of the pipeline for the Wii U but that the 3DS is still alive and going strong.
2.) If you think about the games they presented, it's clear that Nintendo is listening to fans. However, they aren't willing to fully commit to those desires on this generation of consoles. Fans desperately wanted Metroid so we got a Metroid game, but its a hack and just has the name. But it's a Metroid title. Fans were desperate to see Zelda this year but the game is pushed to 2016 and many pundits are now predicting the game wont even be on the Wii U. It's pushed to the NX. So what do we get? 1 new Zelda 3DS game and a Wii U port with DLC included for the 3DS. It's not the Zelda we wanted, but its Zelda. Lastly, people wanted Animal Crossing Wii U and for 10 seconds, it looked like we got it. In the end, it's an AC party game on Wii U. It feels like Nintendo is trying to produce filler while taking all the main ideas people want and moving them to the NX.
How daft a comment.
Whoever that person is, I have my very short rant for you.
Hahaha great read, Alex.
Oh well RIP WiiU, hopefully they do this horribly with the NX. =
Oh well RIP WiiU, hopefully they do NOT do this horribly with the NX.
I think the Macro-Nintendo Direct was 10x better. That was the e3 for me. But fear not! The big N will surely go back to its days of glory!... Some day.
It wasn't their best, but it sure wasn't the mess the internet has made it sound like. I'm not sure why I even hang out at places like reddit any more when I'm bored. I wish i could find some positive comments a bit more often.
I didn't think the event was that bad. If anything, I got more hyped up for Super Mario Maker and Yoshi's Woolly World. Especially since my amiibo will be put to much more use.
The guy who posted this on NeoGAF... I'd say he needs some help. Serious help.
@whodatninja Been stuck home sick for almost a week. I'm bored.
@SphericalCrusher Thank you.
Well. He did say he gave his heart and soul to Nintendo. Not a wife, or a career, or his own house... Or even Jesus. Thats a big starter for some of us out there. Lol
I calmed down and saw that there were plenty of Nintendo games releasing this year and early next.They said the this E3 was about this year and early 2016.The reactions to this make me ashamed to be a Nintendo fan...sigh.At lease when everyone cools down in a few months we can all look at the reactions and laugh.
I kind of wish Nintendo had gone into some details about Club Nintendo's replacement, their collaboration with DeNA, and progress on their mobile game (which is due by the end of this year).
You know, when someone goes on record about their age and living at home with their parents during a rant, that's pretty much an indication that they are not really who they say they are.
Embarrassing. Nintendo officially killed Wii U at E3. R.I.P. Wii U. The only secret game was Mario Tennis. Where was the secret AAA game from Tantalus/Straight Right? Where was the secret Retro Studios game? Where was the Namco online game? Where was Fatal Frame 4?
Gutted to be honest. Most exciting news remains Earthbound Beginnings! what the heck am I going to play until zelda u I have no idea.
Honestly, I'm excited for everything they showed. Don't really care that insert title here wasn't shown or announced. Everything else looked good, and that's all I care about.
I am playing Ryu in smash and enjoying fun and engaging online matches in splatoon.. Thanks Nintendo!
@havokpants Devils Third releases in september, that was announced a week before E3
I wouldn't go as far as the guy in the video, but this year was disapointing.
No Online Multipler Star Fox
No Paper Mario for Wii U
No 3D Mario for Wii U
Nothing about F-Zero . . . NOTHING
and worst of all . . . NO METROID! No, that 3DS game doesn't count. It'll probably be a good game, but it's not Metroid!
Fans want a new Metroid game! We have been clammouring for it for years! Yet, we have nothing. That game with the Metroid attached to it felt like a joke. Like next they were going to reveal the TRUE Metroid game and say, "ha ha, fooled you, actually here's the awesome game you want," yet . . . nothing. Big disappointment this year. They better hit a grand slam next year to make up for this year.
The E3 Direct was pretty disappointing sure, but there's always the next Direct coming up, and there ARE a handful of fine games coming up.
We all had to know we were going to be set up for a little bit of an disappointment when they announced that they were going to focus on games to be released in the near future.
Anyone who is over 21 that would ever get that worked up about anything regarding a simple hobby like gaming should probably get psychologically evaluated or take anger management. Also, if you are over 24 and still live at home, you should really re-evaluate your life's choices.
Well after a night of sleep, I'm still disappointed. Thinking about it I guess they had lots of handicaps (most of them created by themselves):
Hope Nintendo has a plan, because with this E3, they made me want to buy a PS4.
Oh I actually think I'm more annoyed than this guy.
@Jayvir So; since I was in foster care as a child, and video games are what basically changed/saved my life*, by giving me something I actually cared so much about that I went on to study in that general discipline at uni and then eventually got jobs at games companies like Rare and Rockstar, as well a now making my own games—I should "probably get psychologically evaluated or take anger management" because I'm majorly disappointed and p*ssed off at how utterly sh*t Nintendo's E3 was this year?
I mean it's just pathetic and somehow indicative of deep psychological issues that a 38 year old man could possibly have such an emotional attachment and reaction to anything as meaningless as video games, right?
Don't be such a small minded ignoramus.
*Specifically Nintendo games, and Super Mario World in particular, which was the game that basically made me fall in love with gaming and decide I wanted to pursue a future career in the industry.
@Ryu_Niiyama I'm 28 and physically and mentally handicapped "mental health not low IQ" and live with my mom and pops, not everyone does so because they want to...
Funny enough, I can't really agree with this guy. I was furious yesterday, and I'm still very angry at Nintendo for this year's Live Event, but I spent some time sleeping longer, writing my story concepts, and before I realized, I had calmed down again.
I still think it was a plain insult towards the fans to create some extremely shallow spinoffs instead of even acknowledging what the franchises are about (especially Metroid and Animal Crossing), and I will say that it's gonna take some good time before I find myself trusting Nintendo again, but I've accepted the events.
Also, I really brightened up while watching that hilariously embarrassing Square Enix live conference! It's a very shallow comfort, but it's kinda funny to see someone actually being even worse than Nintendo.
That cheered me up after the let down of the Digital Event, at least I had mild disappointment rather than that reaction.
I'm just sad that they look to be dropping main support for the Wii u so fast. Reminds me of the old Sega days when they started losing their fan base's confidence. If you liked Nintendo's E3, good on you, but really there's nothing much to defend here since they didn't really do much of anything anyways (aside from the obvious Metroid Franchise Tarnish) I'm more shocked that they even bothered to make a video.
It's not that E3 sucked for Nintendo. It's just that it was okay at a time when okay isn't enough.
@MrMario02 I think that's it, as a direct it would have been quite good, as the showcase for the next 12 months it was very disheartening.
I was dissapointed yesterday,But after watching it again with low expectations,We got, The best looking Mario & Luigi game in years ,Whats basically 4 Swords 2,A interesing Metroid SPINOFF (the real one will come)Starfox looks amazing,new English FE trailers and the Xenoblade X date,The only real downside is how they made Animal Crossing more casual.In summery It wasn't amazing but it also wasn't a disaster
I'm glad this guy is gone. If he overreacted that badly to this I'm surprised he was ever a NIntendo fan.
People keep mentioning 2008 E3 and how this one wasn't as bad. Dare I ask what happened during E3 in 2008? I've only seen the last 2 or 3 E3s, so. Yeah.
@RantingThespian Paper Marios coming out on the 3DS..
@Neko_Rukiafan sigh You can put your pitchfork and affronted badge down now.
I made a comment on his age and the fact that he lived with his mother and left it at that. Those two things on top of what, despite the sheer ludicrousness, was a well articulated rant makes this person seem like they are not disabled in any way that would require them to remain at home under care of a parent.
Just as there aren't people that can help staying home there are plenty that ARE leeches. I've met tons of both. (my mother has been a vocational rehab specialist for 40 years) Also, while I don't have to live with my family I do have an amputation that makes life annoying. So my comment was not something off the cuff by a fully able bodied person that has no experience and didn't think. So I stand by my earlier comment.
At least in 2008, they showed new games for their console. This was worse than 2008.
Honestly its not the end of the world. E3 is purpose is to show what's coming out and what they are working on. Doesn't mean that they aren't working on other things. Besides Nintendo has Nintendo Direct which keeps us informed through out the year. Please tell me how much more entitled you are than everyone else.
It's amazing to me how much people can infer about this person's life from the fact that he/she is 31 and living with his/her mom. Yes, it could also be a she, or please tell me how exactly all of you know it's a man. Because it must be, right?
A 31 old woman living with her mom? Oooh, that's so sweet of her, she's probably caring for her and loves her so much, they must be a really happy family.
A 31 old man living with his mom? Disgusting, right? He's a low life, a loser. Probably never had a girl friend. No job either, playing video games all day. Using his mom so he doesn't have to pay rent. What a sad, sad life he must have.
You people who judge a person based on the fact he/she is living with his/her mom at age 31 disgust me. Why do you even care?
Btw (because I know this will come): I moved out as soon as I was 18.
After reading through his other forum posts, I think he was just joking.
"Btw (because I know this will come): I moved out as soon as I was 18."
LOL and here I was thinking that you were being suspiciously defensive of that rant they are mocking
Maybe their biggest mistake is to focus on game coming out later this year and early 2016. They should keep building hype for upcoming game in development. See, year before they show Xenoblade Chronicle X, SMT x FE then last year showing Zelda Wii U. Even though we know the game is still far away, it will please the fan base. For instance, a new Zelda trailer will help cure the heart of many...
Neogaf is the site that keeps delivering.
It wasn't Nintendos best E3 but come on, they had good games to show and the presentation itself was fun. Sure, I think most of us wanted more but calling it Nintendo's worst E3 is just plain wrong. Remember 2008? Wii Fit Snowboarding? Robbie Drums? Remember that?
This isn't even the worst musical thing by a million billion miles ever they've done. Wii Music anyone? Everyone dancing up there with Wii remotes and the game not playing properly and it sounded like just a bunch of noise. Or even just the embarrassing time when Zelda on the Wii didn't work properly.
lol, people getting irritated at Nintendo just because of one video. Not every E3 of theirs is going to be "epic".
Frankly I didn't have a problem with E3, since I'm still playing though about 6 games, just got Lego Jurrasic World and am about to get (I'm hoping) Splatoon and Mario Party for Fathers day. With Lego getting into the toys to life world that's 3 of those to get this fall, plus Lego Avengers, Xenoblade, Sonic Boom Fire and Ice, Mario Maker and possibly Triforce. I'm actually releaved there's not more to buy. Plus I give them a pass since they had to scramble to fill the gap of having to move Zelda Wii U. Sure a true Metroid would have been awesome, but I don't mind. I haven't watched the video yet, but from the comments it sounds like this guy's an idiot.
Be glad Nintendo isn't like Sony.
I think even the most diehard Nintendo fan would agree the e3 direct was pretty bad.
@Ryu_Niiyama Oh no, I hope you feel better!
I'm stressed out with exams myself. (Should be studying but E3 had me distracted for a while lol)
Im not to disappointed about E3. I feel like nintendo just announced all the games they were working on in Directs and they announced them to early. They have Xenoblade X Zelda U Starfox Zero and a bunch of indie games. Its just not as Skype as last year. Sure it was lackluster but why does it matter where they announce games. Shouldn't it matter what games?
Well, I do recall that one December direct that announced Rosalina for smash and hyrule warriors. Maybe we'll get another one of those.
Just like any video I try to watch on this site, I'm interrupted by the video ads that auto play on the right side of the page. thanx, NL
Nice of Nintendo life to take the piss out of a fellow Nintendo lover and reader of this site. Classy
I'm probably in the minority here. I never bought a Wii-U, and didn't see much of a reason to before E3. Mother is real incentive - if they finish the series and offer one more game I'm really interested in, I might take the plunge.
3DS-wise, I'm excited about metroid. A good shooter designed specifically for a handheld system is rare. Prime Hunters was amazing at the time, and local co-op was my ideal play style for Reveations on 3DS. The new Zelda is intriguing, too. So for me, it wasn't bad.
That said, I think EA won E3: That trailer for SWTOR's new expansion was REALLY emotional.
Because reading mean comments is more entertaining than covering Nintendo's E3 conference.
...I can't tell if what I just said was sarcastic or not.
@kyuubikid213 I meant this year.
At least there is still space for suprise releases, because somewhere in a dark dungeon nintendo is working on "secret titles" , they will announce later this year.
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