E3 week may typically be associated with the big beasts of gaming, but there's more to be enjoyed from the LA extravaganza. It's an industry event also graced by many smaller Indie developers, and the Nindie contingent will be there in force to show off exciting new downloads on the way.

We have a Nindie treat before the expo doors have even opened, as highly respected studio Shin'en Multimedia has given Nintendo Life the first look at gameplay footage for the highly anticipated FAST Racing NEO. The futuristic racer may draw comparisons to the esteemed F-Zero series, but based on this video should be regarded as an exciting brand in its own right - be sure to watch in HD at 60 frames-per-second.

Of course, we already know some exciting details about this racer, and it's promising a great deal:

  • It'll run at 60fps (frames per second) and 720p
  • It'll support 1-4 local multiplayer
  • Online racing and online rankings will be included

Shin'en Multimedia has often delivered some of the best looking games on Wii U and 3DS, while the studio's already told us in the past that this is a passion project for the team.

Are you excited by this footage and the racer's planned release this year? Let us know.