Support characters were very much a staple of 3D platform games during their prime, and it looks like Playtonic Games will continue this tradition with the recent reveal of the first support character in Yooka-Laylee: Trowzer, the serpent salesman.
A business-snake whose career never took off, the smug salesman is apparently always willing to teach you some slick moves he acquired up on a high-stakes sales floor.
Yooka-Laylee's creative lead Gavin Price believes Trowzer thinks of himself as the best salesmen ever, but, in reality, with his downbeat appearance and a 1980s mobile phone, life never actually took off for him.
He'll take your money and count it (he's an Adder…) and because he knows best he'll even demonstrate the moves you just bought for you to replicate… if you can follow his jiggling.
Character artist Steve Mayles explains there is nothing traditional about the design process behind Trowzer:
I didn't want him to be a snake in the traditional sense, and when Gav suggested he should have shorts on (do I have to add shorts to all of my characters?!), a great idea for this was his body could curl back up through the other leg hole. So he'll move with a certain springiness, which will be fun to animate.
So what do you think of the very first support character for Yooka-Laylee? Does Trowzer show signs of being a dodgy salesman, or does he bring back fond memories of 3D platform games of yesteryear? Let us know in the comments below!
Comments 45
I love the shorts! They're comfy and easy to wear!
Haha, that name! Bit cheeky, great design though.
Looks great !
Looks great !
Mmmh, a serpent saleman...
A snake who puts his pants on one leg at a time... Brilliant!
So glad to be a backer of this. I just wish the momentum hadn't sllowed to a crawl though..
Wow, that's just so dodgy - a trouser snake, really? Is it intentional or just a lack of actual thinking?
@MadAdam81 Intentional. Why is it dodgy, can't developers have a bit of fun?
@ChibiJib That's their idea of fun? Making South Park look mature and refined? If that's what they think is actually entertaining, I wonder if the rest of the game will be that bad.
@MadAdam81 They've being doing it since the 90s dude, Jolly Rodger's Lagoon from Banjo Tooie comes to mind, especially the menu.
I recognize those trousers from somewhere... if I'm not mistaken, they used to belong to a bear who was exceedingly close to a bird. Perhaps just slightly dirtier...
@MadAdam81 Relax. Anyone old enough to get the joke is old enough to predicate it and anyone else is too young and therefore can just see some great character design.
It's not as if he's a penis wearing shorts.
Is there a reason he has one eye shut.
Maybe he is a one-eyed trouser snake.
Looks really uncomfortable. And all I can see is the trailer for the new Vacation film.
Salesman are always reptiles b/c they'r slimy. The one in Starfox Adventures is my favorite, and the one in Darksiders is practically the same guy.
Nice, all of the characters so far look interesting and unique.
Let's not forget these same guys also worked on Conker's Bad Fur Day.
@CapnKael You underestimate kids. It sounds like a South Park parody of Metal Gear and not suitable for a kids game...
@MadAdam81 Then they will get a laugh out of it then surely? If they understand it they can clearly see it's just a joke.
@kensredemption Innuendo yes, charm no.
To me: disgusting and inappropriate. That joke is rooted in blending the worlds of kids and sex, and--as I see it--suggests the developers of this title will be (subconsciously, subtly, or otherwise) negatively influencing children.
As far as I'm concerned, they have no business creating a marketed-for-kids animated feature, and I will not be buying this game.
...I don't get the joke, haha. All I see is good character design.
That's their trademark humor coming through. Lovely.
Classic Rare humour!
Back then in the 1990's ( even before that ) their was many run on jokes. You have to understand the nature of an cartoon is to entertain people both old and new. Take "Raymon Legends" for example, it does the same exact thing that Rareware does with it's games. Rare knows that nobody is going to buy another collect the crap game, or I am the most strongest thing in the world game. So they rather just make and typical game. Same thing with Megaman legends or Alundra 1-2. Rareware knows it is unable t compete with the early 1990's attitude to youngsters of the early 20XX. That is why they resort to "Cartoon" attire. Same reason why Conkers badfurday is so re-playable along with Beyond Good and Evil.
Is Trowzer friends with a camel named Towe?
@Tazcat2011 Lol
I really hope so. That would be awesome!
MadAdam and Day needs to both grow up. This is nothing new for those guys, or in cartoon humor going back well into the 1900s. Looney Tunes did it, Spongebob does it. You make puns that kids will think are cute but have a double meaning to give a laugh to an adult so all ages can enjoy it. PC whining about stuff like this really needs to be made unwelcome across the board, not just in games.
GASP!!! They named a snake TROWZER!? Oh my, now all the children will turn into horrible delinquents due to this abomination!
Honestly, get a hold of yourselves. If you think this is even remotely going to affect your kids then you have issues.
Love his design! This seems to be a similar guy to Bottles and JamJars in BK and BT.
@Tazcat2011: You win monies.
We also need a bodybuilding enthusiast toucan called Pex.
@Zadaris LOL, Pex better have an Austrian accent.
Some people take things wayyyy too seriously. To not like it is one thing, but to think that it will be the downfall of society's children is pushing it just a tad.
I have nothing against bawdy humour and I'm not easily offended by any stretch of the imagination but that said I hope this game's humour isn't tailored towards 'men of a certain age'.
Rare's games had a universal humour that was like Disney in its breadth - appealing to kids and adults alike. Seeing a shorts-wearing failed snake business man who has an 80s style mobile phone... That's not particularly relevant or recognisable to kids today.
That being said, im stoked for this game because I played all of these types of games as a kid!
@tanookisuit Double meanings and references for adults in those kinds of cartoons are one thing (heck, "Rocky and Bullwinkle" probably had more jokes targeted towards adults than children), but it crosses the line by including such a vulgar reference while marketing towards children, just as "Conker's Bad Fur Day" and "South Park" do. Such entertainment options should be made clear that they're meant just for adults such as other adult cartoons like "Family Guy," "King of the Hill," and hentai animé; and just marking it with an M rating probably isn't sufficient enough to do the job.
Would children even know what kind of "vulgar reference" that we're talking about? I think some people forget that sly injokes that adults get go right over the head of kids, as they should.
What would sufficiently do the job?
And did they say this game was being marketed strictly to children? Conker's Bad Fur Day was rated M, and Rare went out of it's way to say that it wasn't a game appropriate for young children. An M rating is similar to an R rating for movies, and it should always be up to the patent to police what games their kids get.
When you say "something isn't enough", it borders heavily on going from personal opinion to censorship against people who would like this kind of funny content in our games.
@MadAdam81 You're getting worked up over very little, a reference that most kids wouldn't even get. And most of the people who are playing this will be adults, anyway.
You seem to have forgotten that these are the minds behind Conker's Bad Fur Day, haha!
@BulbasaurusRex It doesn't need to be marked with an M rating. Dear lord it's just a snake named Trowzer, it isn't like they put a penis in the game! To compare this to something like South Park is just asinine.
More like Bozzeye and Jamjars.
@rjejr Reptiles are smooth, not slimy =|
edit: I think people seeing this as rude are just seeing things that aren't really there. It's just a strange character design, nothing rude about it.
Okay, this got a laugh out of me. It's dumb, but funny.
All you guys worried about the obvious risqué joke in a "kid's game"...But is this game actually being marketed towards kids? I thought this was being made with old Rare fans in mind, who are mostly grownups. Next to Conker's Bad Fur Day, this joke is nothing. Would kids even get it? I doubt many would.
@BulbasaurusRex "but it crosses the line by including such a vulgar reference while marketing towards children, just as "Conker's Bad Fur Day" and "South Park" do."
Um, I don't think Conker's and South Park were marketed towards children. Those are adult stuff, clear and obvious. And as I said above, do we even know if Yooka-laylee is going to be marketed primarily towards kids? I think they will market mainly towards old grownup Rare fans. The game looks kiddy, but so did Conker...And Conker's not for kids.
Now, I don't get the joke but...
I know that when I was young I didn't get half the stuff in Spongebob, and only figured things out when I understood it in the first place.
Day, these kinds of innuendo-style jokes were in PLENTY of family cartoons and games in the 1990s. Stuff that goes over kids' heads and can get a chuckle out of adults who feel amused by a silly little joke that given the name of the game, doesn't surprise me at all but I consider it a bit amusing.
To even imply that the developers are somehow "negatively influencing children" sounds unbelievably embarrassing, given that FAR worse characters have appeared in other video games that are obviously not for the younger crowd. Also, you may have unintentionally implied that kids are stupid and don't learn that fiction is not reality (obviously) given your comment about kids being "negatively influenced" and I think this is rather insulting given you're lack of faith in younger people being a lot smarter than you may realize and can do great things (and HAVE too!).
Also, MadAdam81, people have their own preferences. Let them have them. If you don't like it, fine but to imply people are somehow wrong because you don't like what's shown (the comment saying it doesn't have charm) makes you sound (unintentionally) arrogant. Also, they named the game Yooka-Laylee. It's intentional.
@May_Nyan - slimy as in Eve ate the apple that doomed us all b/c a slimy snake talked her into it, not slimy as in to the touch.
Yes, it is intentionally rude, it intentionally has 1 eye. And if you look back over Rare's history you'll see that rude is what they do. Conkers Bad Fur Day in particular.
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