Nintendo of America has confirmed that the Nintendo 3DS family was the biggest-selling hardware platform during the month of February, with 395,000 consoles retailed during the period.
Predictably, the New Nintendo 3DS was the reason for this surge - it sold 130 percent more consoles than Nintendo 3DS XL did it in its first month, back in August 2012.
The system launched alongside The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D, which has become the fastest-selling Legend of Zelda hand-held title in US history. More than 515,000 combined physical and digital units were sold during February.
Elsewhere, Capcom's Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate continued the positive trend by posting sales of 290,000 combined physical and digital units, making it the fastest-selling Monster Hunter title – across all platforms – in North American history. It's also Capcom's fastest-selling title on the Nintendo 3DS in the region.
Such bumper figures are perhaps to be expected when new hardware hits the market, but these are impressive numbers nonetheless.
Nintendo's other console - the Wii U - isn't in quite as rude health, but there are still positives to consider. This year, sales of Wii U hardware in North America have increased by more than 20 percent over sales in the same period last year. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U has passed the 1.5 million marker, while amiibo toys have shifted 3.5 million units - again, both of those figures are for North America.
Comments 70
I'd have expected N3DS figures to be higher for launch, but absolutely delighted by the Majora's Mask figures. I hope the people in charge of game design decisions back in Japan are watching. Topped the charts in North America, Japan and the UK despite being very, very different. You don't have to use cookie cutter game design to be a success.
Pretty good numbers for N3DS, not mind blowing, but still pretty decent. Surprised MM is on top, tbh, although I wish ALBW had sold that well at launch.
Thats nice, i havent bought a new nintendo 3DS, i probably wont. Great to hear its doing well. Lets hope it carries over to the Wii U
Its to be expected. After all this is Nintendo we're talking about here.
It's interesting that the N3DS has had a better first month than the original model had,I wouldn't have expected that at all.I wonder how many of those sales were from upgraders?
Hopefully in following months the Wii U can get a good release schedule going for games. There's some cracking titles out this year, they just need to set the pace. Will we see more N3DS exclusive games too given the uptake?
Let's hope the popularity of mm and other n64 remakes on the ds/3ds models encourages ni Nintendo to get on with the Wii u n64 vc!!!!
And Virtual console and 3d Classics aren't handled better. **sadface**
Lesser news, but the Wii U is also up YoY. It's still selling poorly, but it's still chugging along and picking up a little steam on the way. It's not much momentum, but it's momentum. I think 2015 will be its peak year. It would be following the same trend as the Wii, which also had its peak year the year following MK and Smash.
Fantastic results for Majora's Mask and Monster Hunter, and I'm sure NoA is pleased at the launch for N3DS as well.
In reference to the Wii U, it's always bad news when they don't actually give any numbers. Good news for the 3DS though.
@MoonKnight7 94k for Wii U. Sony doesn't give out numbers in their PR either though.
I don't think we'll have n64 or GC VC anymore with remakes being popular,. Plus the 3DS and Wii U remasters are the superior versions. Why would Nintendo bother releasing an inferior version for a cheaper price? Plus you can still access it through Wii mode. I wanted them on the wiiU before but at this point, I prefer the remasters.
I can't help but feel the Monster Hunter sales are a bit low but since it is apparently the fastest selling game in the series I guess I must be mistaken. If it continues to sell well hopefully we will get the inevitable next entry in the series as well. More gamers need to appreciate the joy that is Monster Hunter!
Were they expecting the Wii U? LOL
Yeah, and it sold almost entirely to people who already owned one of the other 3DS models, which Nintendo fully understood since they didn't include a charger.
Can someone explain to me why Nintendo fans seem to prefer remakes over new games? From Metroid to Zelda to Mario to Pokemon, it seems Nintendo already does too many remakes, and yet that's all Nintendo fans seem to want.
There have been three Zelda remakes in the last four years--and it's not like those games were hard to find in another form.
May I have a source with that? I'm just curious where you got the number. I may have to bookmark the site, as this always interests me.
If that's the case, it's terrible, especially since Iwata just said to his shareholders that NA is the Wii U's best market. The PS4 can do that in roughly half the time.
It's low for new"ish" hardware, but I can or i would like to blame it on the fact that Nintendo didn't release the smaller version in NA.
@MoonKnight7 Some math and speculation done by users on NeoGaf in the February NPD thread. Won't get too into it here, but it's pretty legitimate.
@MoonKnight7 If the numbers are correct, I have yet to verify them myself, they are average. However, what you said about the PS4 is not quite correct. By your words, the PS4 will be selling 376,000 units per month in NA, which I can tell you, it is not. It is obviously selling better than the Wii U, but not in those numbers. Both Sony AND Microsoft have been in trouble before, but still do it. They sometimes list consoles shipped as consoles sold, which is obviously incorrect.
Good, now maybe they can release the standard New 3DS in North America. I tried the New 3DS XL at Best Buy and it is too big. What happened to the idea that people should walk around with their 3DS to earn coins and communicate through streetpass? How could I do that if the New 3DS XL can't fit in my pocket? I want it so badly, NOA listen to my words. I am not the only one.
The PS4 has recently pass 20 million sold, not just shipped--sold. In roughly 14 months, it has sold that number, averaging 1,428,571 per month, so it is very much realistic for the PS4 to sell 376,000 per month.
Sony has also noted the PS4 as the fastest selling Playstation hardware ever--and if it's selling better than the PS1 and PS2, that is incredibly impressive.
@outburst your probably right, I prefer the idea of remastered games aswell(especially as I got an n64 last year). The problem is I only buy home consoles not handhelds so I miss.... Well , all of them! It seems the norm to switch from home to handheld which works for most but I'm still gutted to miss games like luigis mansion2 and the remakes =(
Most of those sales was from people upgrading from the old 3DS, but it still a good launch for the New 3DS.
@Peach64 To be honest they probably would have been quite a bit higher if both versions of the system were released in NA. I skipped buying the new system because I don't want the XL version and a lot of people around the internet have done the same thing.
@Quorthon remakes are, like it or not, the biggest money spinners for companies. I'm talking film,tv,gaming and even books......
The low investment/high user base makes the risk low and loss unlikely. Just look at the ps/xbone line up of remakes too. Now imo there IS too many and I prefer original games but as an industry gaming is quite stale and risk free... In time maybe this will change but only when they have a financial incentive!
I'm with you. I prefer them on the big screen as well. I'm a first time 3DS owner with the N3DS and I'm underwhelmed playing Luigi's Mansion 2, 3DLand, Smash3DS, etc. I prefer them on the Wii U even with NES/SNES/GBA VC games. The only ones I would probably enjoy on the handheld are turn-based games or puzzle games (not puzzle platformers) like Fire Emblem, Codename STEAM, Pokemon-like games (since I'm not into Pokemon), Animal Crossing, etc.
Ok thank you, I'll look into it.
They are re-introducing the franchise to newer audiences and old ones alike. Its not that we're not getting new games but remasters are "easier" to make needing only little resources and/or with little help from outside developers. They also act as fillers since we're lacking games compared to other consoles. Yeah, you already knew that of course. Nintendo screwed up with the Wii U. I hope they'll make it right on the next gen.
Great news for Nintendo! I bet these numbers would have been even higher if they didn't have stock issues with the launch. I don't think this is only people upgrading. Two people I work with bought one for the first time when the new system launched.
Wii U seems to have done about 94k this month, which is a HUGE improvement from last year. This time last year they were only selling 50-60k a month. The Wii U might never be a hit but could end up at GC numbers or slightly better when it's all said and done. Not bad for how it had been going. Now if they would do a price cut they might see some more improvement. I really think they would get more people to buy it at $250.
"However, what you said about the PS4 is not quite correct. By your words, the PS4 will be selling 376,000 units per month in NA, which I can tell you, it is not."
The number from @CaviarMeths is 94K. Then I said,
"If that's the case, it's terrible, especially since Iwata just said to his shareholders that NA is the Wii U's best market. The PS4 can do that in roughly half the time."
The conversation is talking about the course of a month, "half the time" would be 2 weeks. May I ask why in your mind, 94k x 2 = 376k??
EDIT: According to others, the that number is pretty close anyway. I still question your math though, in reference to our conversation.
@ravens326 You're a full grow adult and can't fit it in your pocket? I've had a XL for the last 3 year's and never once had a problem fitting it in my pocket and I'm not a big guy. I'm well below the average male in size so I don't see the problem. In fact the new 3ds XL fits ever so slightly better in my pocket.
@akaDv8R PS4 didn't sell 374k last month, but pretty close. It sold nearly 80k over Xbox One, which, according to Microsoft's PR, sold 276k. That puts it around 350k.
@Quorthon That 20 million figure was worldwide. NPD data is just the US.
All I hear from you is blah blah blah. You don't know me so don't assume anything about my size. I have small hands dude. So hush.
Soooo.... The Regular New 3DS is coming to North America now, right?
@Quorthon Who said these people prefer remakes? New games and remakes aren't mutually exclusive. I'd love a remake of Mario Sunshine but that doesn't mean I wouldn't rather have a new 3D Mario game. I saw that there is a petition going around to remaster Modern Warfare 2. Does that mean all Sony/X-Box fans prefer remasters to new games? Obviously not.
Glad MM is selling well. It proves that there is/was a market for it and it's not just a niche title with a cult following.
Very good news for Ninty, solid sales for the N3DS and brilliant sales for MM3D, which isn't surprising considering Order and Evolve disappointed.
@akaDv8R Nintendo also used shipped figures and always have. When retailers buy a console off them, it's considered sold as they have have their money. NPD use sold to consumers.
PS4 is probably way over 300k. XBone was 276k and PS4 sold more than it. We also know PS4 sold more than the new 3DS, and you have to figure New 3DS makes up most of that 395k that the 3DS family sold.
@Chicagoway Wii U sold 82k last February so not exactly a huge jump.
@ravens326 Yep, small hands here as well. Been told I have girl hands so still don't see the problem.
@outburst @ULTRA-64
I'm with you. I own a 3DS XL and I've tried so hard to enjoy it. It's just tiny, cramped, horrible screen resolution and worst of all I can't share the experience with my family at all. I've got my phone for on the go quick bursts of gaming (and so much more) and my 3DS just sits patiently waiting for me to care.
It's not that I don't like the games because I do (love Kid Icarus!). I just don't like the limitations of the device I'm playing on. And I like the 3D effect!
The good news for all of us is that Nintendo is designing the next set of hardware releases to use the same programming platform. This means more shared games on both new hardware options. (I guess there's that fusion idea but that doesn't thrill me too much, do we really want to compromise the console performance even more?)
Quiet. Mind your own business.
@Quorthon Why do you people like to exagerate everything? What Mario remake? And ORAS is the only Pokémon remake since HG/SS wich was released back in 2009. Metroid? Just Zero Mission and the Prime Trilogy, and both were long time ago.
More on topic, it's great to see an amazing game getting the first spot, Majora's Mask should've have sold more units, but I'm happy with this
Here's a strategy for Nintendo:
Give a Wii U free for every purchase of the New 3DS, it will increase the market share tremendously. No, it's not stupid, this will move all the inventory out of the warehouse. Once that's done, Nintendo can launched the New Wii U with better processors, more memory, in the same league as PS4. Then make a TV commercial to make all Wii U owners feel like suckers for buying the old one. (Simpson's Nelson Haha!) Announce a new Mario or Zelda game that runs better on the New Wii U.
Done. Success.
I wonder how well Twilight Princess on the Wii sold in its first month.
I mean Majora's Mask and MH4really profited from being sold at the new 3DS's launch. As did the console from these games being available on the same day. Imo.
@OorWullie 1 from me, but it's slso my 3rd household 3ds. I have a 2ds, 3dsxl and now new3ds. I have 2 boys and I don't want to share.
@Nintendian Do you remember what happened to Sega when they kept rushing out new hardware? 32X, CD, Saturn and Dreamcast? They lost all consumer confidence and went under.
Nintendo does more remakes and ports of older games than any other developer or publisher.
Not counting the Virtual Console--which is made worse with the lack of cross-buy on the 3DS and Wii U, the past generation saw all of the following remakes and ports:
Punch-Out (remake of the original NES game).
StarFox64 3D
Ocarina of Time 3D
Majora's Mask 3D
Wind Waker HD
Mario 64 DS
Super Mario All-Stars Wii
Donkey Kong Country 3D
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire
Kirby's Adventure 3D
Kid Icarus 3D
Urban Champion 3D
Excite Bike 3D
Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon
Kirby Anniversary Collection
Metroid Prime Trilogy
Donkey Kong Jungle Beat (New Play Control)
Mario Power Tennis (NPC)
Pikmin (NPC)
Pikmin 2 (NPC)
Going back another generation, and all of the following were remade or re-released for the GBA:
Super Mario Bros 2
Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island
Super Mario Bros 3
Ice Climbers
Legend of Zelda
Balloon Fight
Clu Clu Land
Doctor Mario
Donkey Kong
Kid Icarus
Mario Bros
Zelda II
A Link to the Past DX
Not to mention, Super Mario Bros for the Game Boy Color, the Zelda Collection for the GameCube, the Ocarina of Time set for the GameCube, cross-platform Twilight Princess, and let's be honest here, as the Virtual Console for the Wii U counts--they are reselling games that are technically already available on the Wii U through the Wii Channel because the only thing better than buying Donkey Kong Country is buying it two more times.
Nintendo spends more time porting and remaking and reselling their older games than any other company out there--which is what's helped garner them the "lives in the past, dependent on nostalgia" criticisms. Hell, Iwata wants to make it even worse and actively stated he wants more remakes on the 3DS.
In the meantime, other platforms and publishers are busy making new games.
Clearly you didn't see the fanboygasm that occurred when the Majora's Mask remake was revealed--and the fans promptly stopped caring about Codename STEAM or Splatoon--which were also covered in the same Direct.
I'm willing to bet that that remake will outsell both of those games.
Fair enough, but even with an average monthly worldwide haul of well over a million, Sony selling over 300,000 per month is still handily realistic.
To be fair to Sony--who spearheaded the whole "HD remakes" era--they at least packaged multiple games together and sold them for a budget price, and when their games are on multiple machines, you get cross-buy for them. Nintendo (and Microsoft with Halo 1) has been greedy enough to charge full prices for single game remakes, particularly Nintendo, who has now done it with three Zelda games... in four years.
For the record, I find Hollywood's over-reliance on remakes these days to be a major problem with the industry, and a primary reason I don't see movies in the theater. If the best Hollywood can do is butchering what was done better decades ago, it's not worth my time.
Way to go Nintendo 3DS. I have a feeling there are still some surprises left for this year.
@Quorthon Yeah, you're still exagerating things, Urban Champion 3D won't kill the industry
@Quorthon on the Hollywood thing I agree 100%, there is just no invention anymore. Anything original has been spread so thin with remakes and spin offs that the concept is wasted. Gaming is a little different as the markets and audience vary through the platforms. Nintendo have always made money by selling the same thing repackaged, it's their standard formula (as you illustrated in an above post). Now although this is not an outright good thing, it makes them enough money to maintain a foothold in a dying industry as both hardware and software manufacturer/development and as the innovator of more New technology and gameplay options than the rest of the industry put together. Put simply, we both didn't like remakes as much as new games but if I said 1 more Zelda remake and they will be able to afford to make a fund a risky new ip . Eg, splatoon, would you take it??
People, don't feed trolls
On the subject of remakes, Nintendo does put out a lot, but you must take into account that they release more games than any other developer in the industry. So obviously the number of remakes will be higher. But going by percentage of releases that are remakes, I'd be willing to bet they're on the lower end of the spectrum.
I mean, I have 15 games for my PS4 and 9 of them are remakes, and not even full remakes, mostly just a fresh coat of paint with higher resolution.
Remakes sell on all consoles- everyone buys them. But ironically, even though I have twice as many Wii U games as I do PS4 and X1 combined, I've got over 4x as many remakes on PS4 and X1 than Wii U, and twice as many as on 3DS. Yet I'm not complaining.
If only they'd have released the regular New 3DS in the US, perhaps sales would have been EVEN higher...
I'm gonna miss having pocket space
@Quorthon You forgot Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver in your list. Though that list is for 2 different generations of hardware.
I wonder how that number of 3ds units sold will hold up next month. I would guess everyone who wanted to upgrade did so. I'm hoping the number drops low enough that they will decide to sell the standard 3ds here, so I can get one of those!
I'm quite surprised about the success of Majora's Mask. I decided to skip it, I reached my limit of rebuying the same game over and over. Will pass on Xenoblade as well, which is fine since I won't have a new 3ds.
Are you guys enjoying Majora's Mask on a handheld? To me, there are some games that are just way more enjoyable on a big screen. Anything first person, anything with a sprawling game world... Pretty much most Zelda games and certainly Xenoblade. I can't imagine really enjoying those titles as much on a 3ds.
I bought the new 3DSXL today. Can't wait to play all my games in 3D
@Spoony_Tech All I hear from you is, "I'm a man who pays no attention to others. If I can fit a N3DS XL in MY pocket, everyone else should be able to! After all, all pockets are the same! Women's clothing has the same deep pockets as men's. Man man man."
@TheLobster And yet before I commented on him I checked his profile and seen he was a male. I would suspect you couldn't even fit the regular 3ds in your pocket.
I'm really glad to see that Monster Hunter 4 is doing well. It's just an awesome game and the best one in the series for me. I can't stop playing it.
@Spoony_Tech It depends on the pocket really. Women's pockets suck. I just want to get that out there.
@Spoony_Tech If you wear pants that're actually in style this decade, it's physically impossible to fit an XL in those pockets. That's the case for a large number of 3DS players, who're teens. Even a standard 3DS is a really tight squeeze.
Myself, I've got some pretty outdated jeans with giant pockets, and my XL only barely fits in there. When I take it out I have to be extremely careful or the cartridge will eject on the way out (that's why Japan has those cartridge slot guards).
If I wear any of my more fashionable pants I have to also wear a coat or bring something extra to carry my XL. So yeah. The size of the XL sometimes dictates what clothes/accessories I'll wear for the day.
So I totally get what ravens326 is on about. He probably wears contemporary fashion so he doesn't have bucket-sized pockets.
@SaGa_K You know what's also in style? Man purses.
@ravens326 their numbers on the 3DS XL market and the Smaller 3DS are screwed up big time.
They did not factor in the reason it stopped selling, People all ready bought one to upgrade from the DSI, Plus Pokemon took it's sweet sweet time holding back from moving into the 3DS platform which basically would of boosted 3DS sells if done sooner. If a smaller version of the new 3ds was added to the NA I bet it would sell in descent numbers.
Heck I wish we could just pay Nintendo extra to make the smaller one on Demand for a bit extra cash on their website.
I mean honestly I would give Nintendo 400-500USD just for the smaller model. It's just a better form factor.
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