In case you missed the announcement last weekend, or simply allowed it to slip from your mind - the free March DLC for Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate is now live in Europe and North America. Far from being a small cosmetic set of content, it offers up a whole load of quests at various levels that'll unlock all sorts of outfits, including some particularly enticing Legend of Zelda Link armour and weapons.
The following checklist of what's on offer was posted on the Capcom Unity blog.
- 14 new quests
- 11 new weapons
- 4 complete armor sets (8 if you count Blademaster AND Gunner) plus the 3 Fan Club pieces
- 2 Palico armor sets
- 1 Palico weapon
- 1 Bonus Palico: Calico Red
- 2 Guild Card backgrounds
- 1 Guild Card pose
- 9 Guild Card titles
- 1000 Caravan Points
Even better, there's a handy video that breaks down the content, in terms of which quests will open up particular goodies.
That's a lot of good stuff, though you'll need to get to high level quests in the Gathering Hall area (online, local or single player) to get hold of the Link content.
Capcom is also kicking off its Monster Hunter Caravan Tour in North America, starting this weekend at PAX East in Boston. There'll be a special themed area with Capcom goodies at the company's booth, and future stops for this tour will be announced in the future.
Are you going to jump into this DLC in Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate? Let us know.
Comments 45
How long is this gonna be around for & is this always gonna be free?
I ask this because my New 3DS XL is still in for Repairs at Nintendo.
@Robo-Knight They're free forever
@Robo-Knight The content will be around for a good while (probably beyond this year), so you'll be fine.
Sweet, thanks for the Info then guys.
I'm only HR 3, so I can't get Link yet...
The Kings Speech looks hilarious.
What happened to your New 3ds XL?
It just stopped working for some reason, so I had too send it back in.
I already downloaded them before going to school, can't wait to make the Link equipment when I get home.
Wow. As if there isn't already enough content in the game as it is. I've clocked around 60 hours and I feel like I've barely scratched the surface. This is my first experience with a Monster Hunter game and I'm extremely impressed so far. Keep that content coming Capcom!
I need to pick up this game ASAP.
Sorry to hear that
Hmm, I might consider getting this at some point - though I might struggle with my Aqua Blue old school 3DS
@TeeJay I just turned HR3 about an hour ago so this will be motivation to rank up quicker for me.
Never played a Monster Hunter game before, seeing a link outfit dlc, and than reading that free dlc will be coming each month pushed me into buying this game, and trying it out. Only played two hours so far and this game is amazing!
Going to be working on Link set later and other pieces of it.
I like the game, but I can't stand people at online. They have very horrible attitude, and trolls kick out players for posting the urgent quest (for HR up) or even posting different quests. People at MH tri or MH3U were not this bad. I like Capcom for giving us a free DLC, but they should not have allowed room leaders to kick players out. That fuction often getting abused by wrong hands.
I've been committing the MH sin of only playing single player. Haven't even been in the gathering hall yet. Maybe I'll jump in tonight and try to up my HR, because as primarily a bow user, I need that Hero's Bow so bad...
@Code-X Then just make your own room. I kick players out of my room on a constant basis. I created the room stating farming for a certain monster and some joker comes in and posted his HR quest. If you didn't care what people are focusing in that room and decided you are more important, you deserved to get kicked.
However if the person comes in and ask nicely, I might considered holding off the farm and help him out.
Capcom giving free DLC? What's next, porting Revelations 2 to Wii U?
For those yet to try the Three Virtues arena quest ( which is required for Links outfit ), heads up. That third monster ( forgot it's name ), hits hard. Very very hard.
@Hy8ogen Hey, I don't like people posting their key quests on a certain room for a certain monster either. However, if the room leaders kick people out from the room which is designated for any quests (ex: 6 or 7 star quests), then there is a problem. And I have been seeing that all the time.
And now I'm high rank! Huzzah
Welcome to the family, we'll see you online!
Ok, who wants to do a little hunting online and blast through these DLC quests?
I LOVE free DLC!
@JaxonH what HR are you? I have stopped for a while so I can level up with one of my friends, but I'm currently at HR5.
Oh hey, Yoko! I'm currently starting HR7 in the caravan, and HR5 in the guild. Iggly helped me farm Tetsucabra HR for an armor set since I needed one jumping in to HR5. Crafted it, upgraded my glaive and that was the last I played online. So yeah, just starting HR5. But well equipped and ready to hunt!
Ok, my friend code is 1418-6707-5664
Also my armour is... Decent. Haha, I started to make dah'ren at first in low rank, but some of the armour is a bit of a hassle to make and not really worth it... I ended up upgrading it a bit though and have the high rank helmet. My defence is a little over 300.
@yokokazuo @yokokazuo
300? Nice! Especially for where ur at in the game! I'll add u as a friend, wanna start a room?
@yokokazuo mine is 1160-9763-9374
You can create it, I'm just finishing a quest.
Edit: I just made one actually
Would it be great if they did shulk in April for Xenoblade Chronicles 3D
@Oren87 You're right. At 60 hours as a New Hunter you'vE really just scratched the surface. Many much more gaming goodness to be experienced, especially as you grow to be a better Hunter
I hope I get a chance on this DLC I hope it doesn't end ! :/
@andrew20 I'd be all over a long sword Monado..
I'm really bad at Monster Hunter, or so said some player online, so naturally despite wanting to get the Link armour and the Hero's Bow (to try it out) I cannot finish the quests because I keep getting knocked out by Rajang and Akantor any tips? (FYI have full Rath Soul armour and Seregios Long Sword stage one) Kirin and Zinogre are a breeze with others but Rajangs laser and Akantors roar both one shot me! argh
Good to hear! I'm just about to take on the second Mangala. The Gore was by far the toughest monster I've taken down so far So wish me luck!
I jumped online with a few friends for the first time a few nights ago. We spent the whole night grinding a few monsters for a weapon or two each and had an absolute blast! I see this game lasting me a long time which is refreshing in the age of 10 hour long fast food triple A titles.
Got me my set its pretty cool ^_^.
@Oren87 Great stuff! Well I've spent 600+ hours on mh3u so I'm likely to have the same or more on mh4u.
@Spoony_Tech I'm just HR 2 so far. I've been tediously going though the quests. Doing a majority of the offline stuff. I made it to the fourth town in the game and now have a new Palico to aid me in my battles. This weekend I'm going to concentrate on doing online quests. The group I run is getting together at 5pm pacific time on Sunday if you wanna join us. Joni and Gavin will be there
@Windy Hey thanks for thinking of me as usual. If I can get on it won't be till closer to 7 your time. I'll look for you guys if I'm able to get on. Do you use a passcode?
How do you get the armour? I was expecting it be be the same deal as the mario palico gear.
Anybody tell me the stats too?
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