It's rather hard to believe, but Rodea the Sky Soldier is finally on the home stretch to getting released. The previously vaporware game from Yuji Naka, of Sonic the Hedgehog and NiGHTS fame, is set to release sometime this Fall after a touch and go development cycle of over three years. Based around the concept of flying, Rodea the Sky Soldier will place players in control of the titular robot as he seeks to defend the kingdom of Garuda from ancient forces that he had repelled one thousand years prior.
Though the game was moved to Nintendo 3DS and Wii U later in development, NIS America has just confirmed a nice surprise: the original Wii version will be packaged in with a first run, physical Wii U copy - this is also the case in Japan. Though it seems the Wii U version will be superior in just about every way, collectors will surely rejoice at the opportunity to own this piece of the game's history. If nothing else, it'll doubtless have incredible resale value as supply will be quite limited.
Will this tempt you to pick up a physical copy? Does this get you any more excited for this long awaited release? Sound off in the comments below.
Comments 57
It's the Wii version I wanted to play, the Wii U version is just an added bonus, and I'm waiting to hear about what the 3DS version is like before deciding to set funds away to pick it up too.
Classy! I will take it.
huh that is pretty cool! I'll give the wii copy to a buddy.
Seems like a waste of resources as this game will almost certainly be packaged as a "Wii U" game, meaning that those who are yet to upgrade will not look twice at this game. =/
Seems like a smart move. Still appeal to that Wii audience, but nudge them to the Wii U.
Nintendo should have done this with some games.
If I'm not correct you are getting the Wii and the Wii U version? Is there any difference besides graphics? This game looks fun!
Thanks to this news I preordered the game.
@Pink_Floyd I'm guessing the Wii version (which I am eager to obtain) will have full motion control input and the Wii U's taking advantage of the gamepads gyroscopic features. Heck, since it is Yuji Naka, he may have possibly added Amiibo functionality for Sonic.
So the wii version keeps the original motion controls? I am getting this anyway but it would be great if it does.
@Marakuto Nice! Now to find where i can Pre-order. Thank you for responding I appreciate it.
I was going to buy the Japanese one for the Wii version but I don't think I will need it now. (Obviously I will still use the wiimote). Probably just get it digitally though.
It wasn't vapourware because it was made. (As the Wii version proves).
I thought this game was going to be digital only.
I do like these kinda special editions.
This will give people an idea of how much has been done to the wii u version compared to the wii version. Still I have no interest in the game atm but this is a great surprise to those who are interested in it.
I don't understand the point of the Wii version, why not just include the remote controls for the Wii U version? Like what pikmin 3 did.
@SparkOfSpirit How did you preorder it? Is there a link on gamestops site somewhere?
I'm still on the fence. I know little about this game, but I loved the sonic Adventure games, so if it has similarities to those, great. (Having just read it's by the guy who is famous for sonic and nights) .NiGHTS for Wii was the most disappointing game I've ever purchased, so if its anything like that, no thanks. And being focused on flight, it kind of sounds like an updated NiGHTS. Or am I wrong?
@pillow It's on Amazon's Canadian site.
Day 1 for me, I will preorder when available in the U.S.
Thanks for the heads up NL. Its nice to go preorder something Nintendo related and have it actually be available.
I'd guess they included the Wii version solely because it was already done and just sitting on the shelf. It can't be that hard to put Wii remote controls in the Wii U version, which has better visuals, so it's tough to see why else they'd just toss in the Wii disc.
I'm on the fence about this, I'm not sure if I like the gameplay. I want to like this though because the 15 year old within me still likes the look of it.
Wow, 3 years in development huh?
I haven't heard of this game but a 2fer is always nice. Might look into it more.
Awesome, two for the price of one. Thank you Mr. Naka.
No idea what this is. Europe release?
@SparkOfSpirit where?
@readyletsgo amazon.ca
@SparkOfSpirit ah ok. So no where else at the moment.
Guess I'm getting it day one then.
I'm still a bit in the dark over 'what the actual gameplay is'. I'm not normally fussy about graphics, but the lack of character animation really confuses what is actually happening. It sort of looks like the on the rails cannon bits from Sonic Lost World, but is that all the game?
It looks a bit like all the best parts of kid Icarus just less on rails. If nothing else it's pecked my interest.
Where is it available for pre order?
EDIT: Nevermind, I see someone already asked that
I need to know more about this game before I buy it. So far it looks interesting. If it doesn't come out near other big name titles, I'll probably pick it up.
I have no reason not to pre-order now.
Thats one poopoodoodoocacapoopledoopley framerate. Game looks cool though, I'll probably buy just because it'll most likely be hard to find later.
To those wondering why the Wii version is included i heard that they overhauled the game a bit when developing for the Wii U/3DS in terms of not just graphics but gameplay as well, so they are essentially different games although very similar. iirc one of the versions is focused on more arcade like gameplay. Regardless it's rather neat to see what kind of differences were implemented between versions even if they are only aesthetic, good for them for providing a cool fan service just because they can.
Life is good.
Don't question, don't complain, just preorder and appreciate.
I cannot say I ever recall seeing this until now. It definitely looks like a Wii game from the included trailer so I can see why both versions are included
I'll get the two for one version for sure. Whether it will play better with Wii remote or gamepad we're yet to find out. I'm still surprised (pleasantly) this is actually getting released.
This definitely looks like one of those games that could easily be mired by bad controls. I sincerely hope the three years have been used wisely and it plays as solid as it looks. Cautiously optimistic but I will wait to hear more since this is the first time hearing about this game.
Looks great.
I don't mind the graphics of the game, and I liked what I saw in the trailer. Plus 2 different copies of one game would be a nice bonus,
That will make it easy to see the differences between the Wii U and the Wii version and how much has been changed/overhauled.
Awesome deal. I plan on getting this.
@sillygostly Why? No body buys Wii games anymore...Atleast it has a chance on Wii U.
I dont care i was buying a physical copy before they announced the physical copies, just give me the damn game....PLEASE
Wii: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4Wi2xnTrJw
Wii U: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlkZJEk1Kf4
@Spoony_Tech To me, it does look on rails. But you create the rail.
I cant believe ill finally be able to play this game!
@pillow Because it's a totally different game.
looking good, but 2 questions:
Will the Wii version still come with the game on the eshop (seeing as we have Wii games on the eshop now) and do nintendo even support the wii anymore for this to happen
I still cant' tell what this game actually is.
...I know what inspired the artwork for this game....!
A 2 disc set like Bayonetta?
I'll gladly pick this game up if it reviews well, but I still don't have a good grasp of what you actually do during gameplay and I'm concerned that all that time in development hell may have ruined it.
This video seems far more promising than other videos I've seen of this game, but that doesn't convince me it will be a good game, rather they had someone edit a great trailer. Still skeptically optimistic.
Pre-orders open at Gamestop (online). Release date is 9-22-15
Didn't even know this was a thing, but since Yuji Naka is on the team, it'll probably be a D1 buy for me .
Has it been confirmed whether the Wii version is the same final product as the Wii U version, ie that the only changes are aesthetic?
i'll plan to pre order once there a release date for the game,
i however not sure if ill play wii u version and wii version, i could give my brother's friend the wii version, as i don't need it
Interesting. Looks like a mix of Zelda, Cloudbuilt and Bayonetta. Still I'm not sure if this actually will be fun.
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