Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate finally made its bow outside of Japan on 13th February on 3DS, so attention turns to what's next for the franchise. There's a decent chance that we'll learn more on what's next for the franchise on 30th May, with Capcom running a major "Monster Hunter Hunter's Gathering 2015" in Tokyo.
While ostensibly a fan event, with celebrities and franchise goodies for the legions of devotees in Japan, there'll naturally be anticipation for announcements on upcoming game projects. The timing is certainly right, with Capcom's existing pattern of releases (new generation, then a G / Ultimate version) making a new generation rather likely. There are also sub-series to consider, such as the Monster Hunter Frontier games that are largely exclusive to Japan.
If Monster Hunter 5 is on the cards, it'll be sweaty palm time for fans of Nintendo and major rival Sony. There's plenty of evidence to suggest that Monster Hunter 3 G (known as Ultimate in the West) was a major factor in boosting 3DS sales in Japan in Winter 2011, part of the portable's major comeback. The fact it was on the 3DS - along with its successors - was also a coup for Nintendo, following on from the win of securing Monster Hunter 3 (Tri~) on the Wii. There's a line of thought that, in Japan, the presence of Monster Hunter's main games on the 3DS was a factor in its early dominance over the PS Vita, especially as previous generations had been hugely popular on the Sony PSP.
Impact in the West is always lower in comparison, but the destination of the next Monster Hunter main series games remains a big talking point. Nintendo - and plenty of its fans - will be hoping that the status quo continues, at least. If you're an optimist you can also hope for more Monster Hunter on Wii U, but it's probably best to keep those thoughts in check for now.
Or perhaps none of that will come up in this event - we'll see at the end of May.
Comments 42
Prob new MH for ps4 or vita.
Nintendo would be fools to not secure this on Nintendo systems. It can go to others as well but it needs to be on Nintendo for their sake.
Maybe PS4 if Sony decides to use some of what little $ it has. If the next game is on a portable though it would make zero sense to go with Vita over 3DS.
@Gamer83 true, but the 3ds was in the toilet when mh3 came out in Japan, so, yeah I could see Sony trying that same idea again in a last stitch attempt and it would sell loads no doubt. But personally I'd love to see a new mh on ps4 for Japan and the west. Hopefully
It is deffo not coming to the WiiU, I think we can all agree on that.
MH for PS4. I refuse to get my hopes for a new Monster Hunter for Wii U.
If it is Monster Hunter 5, I hope it's still on Nintendo platforms or I'll have to spend a lot of money for a console just to play MH.
@readyletsgo I don't see a core mh for ps4 as it doesn't do any where near as well has the handheld spin offs/versions. I could see MH Frontier 2 hitting ps4 (seeing as the first is on everything in Japan). I don't see Sony paying for an 2nd exclusivity contract with Capcom (after SF5, which thinking about it seems 2nd prize-y)
If the NX is a new handheld/hybrid Nintendo will need an MH for it to hit the ground running. A MH5 for NX trailer would easily secure Japanese 1-2 million preorders by the time its finished
I hope it's an announcement that 4U will come to the WiiU. My belief is that a new title is in development for the PS4.
@abe_hikura haha sf5 is very 2nd prize-y to me too. No interest at all.
I think it is more that capcom see ps4 selling really well, xbone and WiiU are not. More money to be made on ps4 now.
I guess a mh5 for vita won't happen in the real world but it could be a spin off and would give vita the bump it needs. The 3ds got mh4 last year in Japan right? So it's only been a little while since they got a full mh game, but then again this is capcom so....
Also, it's 2 months away, that's a long time to wait for some information.
On the 'NX', I highly doubt anyone is allowed to talk about anything they are working on for that platform until Ninty make a formal announcement in 2016 (e3 most likely) about what that 'system' actually is, so, no, mh5 is not coming to the 'NX'.
I will take another one on the Wii U if it is in the cards, but then I am happy with what I have. I am only just reaching 4 star missions, haven't even touched the HR ranks, and only just getting comfortable with the first weapon of choice. If I understand correctly, I still have 500+ hours to go until mastery which means it will take me until I am roughly 65+ to finish it.
I'll take the optimist route and hope for MH4U for the Wii U!
An open world Monster Hunter on PS4 would be the most ambitious game. The 3DS probably has the biggest audience for the game, though.
TO me it's too soon to MH5, I hope that's an dlc expansion, or mh4uU
It makes no sense to go back to the Vita at this point, it's a dead platform. If you were talking about MH choosing between the successors of the current handhelds you would have a point.
I'm not expecting Capcom to hold out for almost two years until the NX comes out, so Monster Hunter 5 will probably be a New 3DS exclusive. Wouldn't be that weird to have two generations on the same platform, they did release Monster Hunter games covering three generations on the PSP, after all.
Man hopefully I don't have to cash in for another console just to play Monster Hunter...
There's a rumor that Monster Hunter Frontier 2 is being developed for PS4 and PC using Unreal Engine 4.
That. Would be awesome.
Would be nice if we got MH on more powerful hardware. We've been playing MH games with 6th console gen-LEVEL graphics for 11 years now (PS2, PSP, Wii, 3DS; despite releasing in the 6th, 7th, and 8th generations respectfully, their graphics performance are way too similar) and it'd be nice to see a game with at least last gen's graphics. Preferably this gen or beyond (PC). Of course there's Monster Hunter Online, but that looks to be China-only....
Except it's not dead in Japan. Which is the main audience for Monster Hunter.
I can see you buying a PS4 to play MH5 Tom
Monster Hunter fans follow the series wherever it goes to (mostly if it's on a portable). The series has its most fans on Sony systems; 3DS only has a bunch because many of them were forced to get one in order to play the newest MH games. I'd really prefer if they made MH5 for a system that has the power to allow the series to keep moving forward and evolve.
I think this is around the time both 4G and 4U were announced last year, so who knows.
I think, it is too early for part 5. What I could imagine, is addons and new DLC for Ultimate 4. But whatever it'll be, I hope the community will be happy with it.
As for me, I tried Monster Hunter on PSP and Wii U, but I never went into to say "this is awesome". But hey, everyone has a different taste.
I don't own a MH title yet but even I can say that Nintendo needs the series to remain on their systems.
I'm on the brink of potentially finally buying MH4.........a little bit more coin and it may be mine......if I don't buy Xenoblade instead!
I hope it's not a new 3ds exclusive, I don't have one yet hopefully we get the standard sized new 3ds here in the u.s.
it'll be sweaty palm time for fans of Nintendo and major rival Sony.
See boys, this is why you should own multiple platforms. Either way I am damn stoked for this event and it's news because I own both Sony and Nintendo systems. If Xbox get an exclusive mon hun game....imma flip.
If it's Monster Hunter 5, it will be for either 3DS or PS4. Remember, Nintendo's contract is up. Sony could go in and get Monster Hunter as an exclusive, meaning no more Monster Hunter for Nintendo platforms.
@IceClimbers That's my fear with everything not owned by Nintendo. Both Sony and Microsoft have proven that they are both willing and able to throw money at companies to lock series into exclusive deals. It would suck for Nintendo to lose one of it's best selling third party titles.....even if I've yet to buy one.
I'm surprised nintendo hasn't full out bought / second partied' / licensed the franchise.
It sells systems beyond anything out there. I sure love it...
Edit: ooooo wii u mh4timate in holiday season 2015 to replace the blockbuster sized gap left by zelda! Eat that, core gaming wannabe!
Due to time and games I was already playing, I missed out on MHTri, but if I hear about a MH for Wii U, consider me sold, no excuses this time.
Let's just skip to MH5G! I mean, the only titles I've played so far are 3U and 4U so I've been spoiled with G rank, I feel like I'd be done too quick with no G rank!
Either way, I hope Nintendo continues to get this series, I'm so hooked!
Oh wait if they add another rank past G rank, like a paid DLC pack for MH4U that adds like... G+? Wait, that's crazy, I never managed to finish G rank...
Not a chance. It's too soon for a new MH5. They already released MH3G, MH3U, MH4G and MH4U on 3DS. That's all there's gonna be for at least a few more years, by which time new hardware will be out.
I would be very interested in seeing proof of this supposed contract and when it's supposedly expiring. Cause up until now, that's been nothing more than a speculative rumor.
Port to Wii U... Please please please
Monster Hunter Mezeporta Recalamtion for WiiU (hopefully not, it's incredibly dumb), that's the most likely thing I see in terms of Nintendo-related news. Maybe a release date for Monster Hunter Online on PC for the west.
As for Monster Hunter on Sony consoles: not likely. Capcom kinda seems to have accepted that the competition (namely GOD EATER and Toukiden) has risen on Sony platforms - competing with them would only diminish sales figures for all of them.
Also, Nintendo handles the localization of Monster Hunter titles on their platforms, something Sony isn't very likely to do.
@JaxonH 3G and 3U are the same game, I think you meant to say MH3G/3U, MH4 and MH4G/4U.
The PSP had MH Freedom, MH Freedom 2, MH Freedom Unite and MH Portable 3rd. There's no reason they can't release MH5 and MH5G/5U on 3DS (or New 3DS).
Capcom needs all the money they can get, and just quickly making another MH game is a riskless move that's guaranteed to bring a lot of money. Not to mention that the 3DS is the cheapest platform they could choose to develop for, and we all know they don't like to spend too much on MH, despite it being such a huge cash cow for them.
Yeah, point is 2 separate games each with their own expansion release. MH isn't a game they tend to release a new one of that often. In fact, MH3G had been out for a while in Japan, which is why it seems like the releases were so close together here. But the truth is they were 3-4 years apart. Unless they localize their MMO, I'm not seeing it.
They even made a statement a week or two ago saying they plan to see MH4U live a long life before even thinking about what's next.
@AVahne I don't need a history lesson from you, I knew all that already, because wikipedia exists. Anyway, I don't see how portable Playstation platforms are relevant. Japan is handheld-focused and the 3DS is the main handheld. Monster Hunter has been on Nintendo systems for the last 5 years, mostly on 3DS so that's where the audience is presently.
A Monster Hunter developed for PS4 would live or die based on the western audience. As much as I want to see one I doubt Capcom will risk that, given how little white people tend to care about MH.
If it's an announcement to PS4 or PSVita and no more with 3DS or Nintendo, I will be done with the franchise. Like I said in the past, I invested way too much into the Nintendo consoles and even though I have a PS4, the local multiplayer (with my brothers and cousins) won't be there because they don't have a PS4 or Vita.
I do hope it's an announcement for a Nintendo Wii U though...that'd be freaking awesome. I'd go out and pre-order a collector's edition if they had one lol.
I can't see Capcom being too keen on moving the series back to Playstation after Sony tried to make them pay for server upgrades for MHP3rd, when Nintendo seems more than happy to help localize and market the games. Not to mention it was the DS they wanted to make the PSP games for in the first place, but it just wasn't strong enough.
The Frontier series is completely separate from the main series most people would be familiar with, so it could be Frontier 2 or something.
@JaxonH I remember late last year capcomsaying street fighter 5 would release 2018 at the the earliest as they wanted to completely rebuild the game and Engine, to "revolutionise" the genre which is there goal with each core entry. Then suddenly Sony's involved, it looks an awful lot like SF4 and is coming a lot sooner than than 2018
I wouldn't trust their comments, but yeah I too don't see an core MH for PS4 (the mmo is mist likely), could see an early trailer for an new 3DS one, like we got for MH4 when 3U was annouced. Which we won't get for a million years
I'm happy with MH4U right now. This game will last me a LONG time. And I can always go back and play MHFU or MH3U some more. It's the type of game you can play forever really...
The New 3DS would be a good place for it, but if they want to make it huge and a big open world area, the PS4 would have a stronger base for the game to sell with updates and all of that fizz. Wii U could get one, but with the sales, they may skip it...I don't know how part 3 did on the Wii U, but it did extremely well on the 3DS...that being said, the NEW 3DS would be great to have it on, especially after looking how Xenoblade looks on it, but...PS4 would be a better guess as to what it would come on...and I definitly don't see sony wanting to release it on the VITA with the fact that it looks like they're giving up on it.
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