Retro City Rampage DX certainly stands among a core collection of top-notch download games on the 3DS eShop; while also available on WiiWare - now updated to its DX form on the home console - it's the portable iteration that seems to have won over Nintendo fans. While it originally matched up in content with versions such as those on PC, developer Vblank Studios - primarily Brian Provinciano - has nevertheless kept the game updates coming.
The latest update hits Europe today and North America soon - it's awaiting approval in the latter region - and has plenty to offer both those with a standard 3DS and others jumping into the New modes. To start with improvements for all 3DS owners, the update will lock performance at 60FPS - to do this all new rendering code has been implemented. In addition cop coins will have an option to be turned on and off, and there have been improvements to the Spanish translation.
Moving onto the New Nintendo 3DS, the update brings notable additional improvements.
It unlocks the full power of the new, faster CPU, by running RCR:DX natively on New Nintendo 3DS systems. With their faster CPU, fast-forwarding, screen effects, turbo mode, and everything else are now as smooth as the console versions.
With the New Nintendo 3DS C-Stick, you can now aim, attack, and shoot like a twin-stick shooter.
This status update brings more positive news for fans of the developer, as he states that support for the 3DS version brings an emphatic "Yes" to the question of whether he'll develop another game for the Nintendo portable. Provinciano has been delivering updates for Retro City Rampage for a significant amount of time, but it's exciting to hear that his future plans include 3DS support.
Are you a fan of this game, or perhaps contemplating taking the plunge? You should certainly consider it.
[source retrocityrampage.com]
Comments 15
I love this game, and more people really need to just go out and buy it. One of the most fun games on the eShop.
@Prof_Clayton ok, will do
I will certainly be getting this game at some point down the line
Looking forward to the update when it hits the US. I only played an hour or two of this game when I first bought it, so now seems like a good time to give it another go.
im waiting for the next sale. but i have so many other games i wanna play first. retro gaming is a blessing and a curse
@SteveSnowmn Me too, it just got lost in a barrage of games that I got at the time of release. Now is perfect time to revisit.
Awesome. Vblank's support for there games shows they care. This is a wonderful thing. Can't wait to see what's next.
Really awesome to see that they keep going out of their way to update and improve the game at no additional cost to the consumer.
It's a fantastic game and everyone should rush out and buy it right now, show your support for a developer who cares.
Sweet! I love this game, and can't wait to see more about the next one!
But seriously, how come more people don't play it? It's my personal favorite eShop title.
I am finally going to buy this game when I get the New 3DS. This guy is dedicated and the game looks amazing
Question to those who played the 3DS version: In the console version (Wii) there is a mini game that if you put those red/blue 3d glasses you see in 3D. Is there something similar in the 3DS version? They could have just used the built in 3D (which they don't I guess) but I wonder what they did. Bit trip runner lookalike is also there, right? I don't think I want to double dip but curious about this.
This is a developer that we should all support more.
I really need to support this guy by buying his game since the amount of patches he has gave to 3DS players deserve to be commended!
I bought this when it was on sale a few weeks ago, I haven't played much yet, been busy with other games, but I really like it so far.
@TossedLlama you got to go to the arcade building, there are 3 different videogames to play - one is the 3D one, one is bit trip runner and one is that mini game from street fighter IIRC (and another is the meatboy one i think).
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