Ancel's creations catch up with him

Rayman creator Michel Ancel has taken part in an interview with French site GameBlog, where he talks about his experience with Nintendo's new Wii U console.

Ancel's comments, which have been translated by a NeoGAF forum member, give a tantalising glimpse into the power and potential of the machine.

Ancel states that it's hard to describe just what the system is about; he likens it to a new recipe which you have to taste to appreciate.

He also stresses that unlike the Wii, which many people criticised for catering for casual players too much, the Wii U is for the "core gamer", and that Nintendo has taken a different route into the next generation - while the console has "enormous memory", it does not offer the "graphical revolutions" one would usually associate with a next gen platform.

[source, via,]