It wouldn't be the first time that a voice actor has revealed a game's localisation plans. Apparently Xenoblade Chronicles is headed to the U.S. after all, according to the official website of voice actor Peter Dickson, who is cast in the English translation of the upcoming highly anticipated title. Additionally, his Twitter, as well as the tweets of other Xenoblade actor Adam Howden, confirm a European release date of September. Dickson's official site reads:
Peter has been cast as the Emperor Sorean – the leader of the High Entia in the cult Nintendo RPG Xenoblade Chronicles. The game will be released Autumn 2011 in UK, Europe and USA. Peter is thrilled to have played such a leading role in a massively successful Nintendo title.
And from Adam Howden's Twitter, the release is:
September......the something....
Does this seal the deal for you?
[source peterdickson.co.uk, via twitter.com]
Comments 27
sweet now i know when i want to beat xenosaga by. i know they are not connected.
Fantastic! Now give us a NA date!
Please be true for NA! And please bring Last Story with you!
Yeah, what you said. Otherwise Skyward Sword will be about all there is to look forward to in the Wii's final days.
Hopefully this is true.
Hopefully this is true, albeit not soon enough for me
Woot, good RPG's inc..... please please please.
time for the resurgence of the wii in the west!!!
Yes one down, two to go, let the light shine for The Last Story and Pandora's Tower too.
I'm glad I at least know the PAL version is coming - although it's nice to (possibly) have some word on a date!
Xenoblade; DQ10. I gotta get myself a wii.
Screenshots are very nice.
..........YES! I don't care if its a rumour. I can celebrate. YES!
Tagline definitely should have said "The troof..."
Hopefully these rumours are true. I also hope that the last story, pandora's tower and earth seeker get western releases too.
This is great news if true. I want this and The Last Story and Dragon Quest X and Zelda and we got any other RPGs we are waiting for confirmation on for the Wii?
I think this one is legit. Can't wait!
Is this turn based? If it is I'll buy it.
Cult Nintendo RPG? Has it reached that kinda status with it's fans across the world already?? I haven't even touched the game yet
Anyway, the more news I hear, the better I feel. Bring it on.
Probably will be confirmed at E3 along with The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Stream, and a bunch of 3DS and Wii games we aren't expecting. They'll probably top last years but every one will say the Wii is dead which it isn't. Yet.
I think it's a safe bet that Nintendo is going to bring this and Last Story to the states. If for any reason just because there probably isn't much else in development for the Wii due to it's impending successor.
@3 and bring Pandora's Tower too
As far as I've seen, it appears to be a mix of turn-based and real-time, sort of like FFXII.
okay thanks
Coming soon.
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