Do yourself a favour: don't Google "Kegel Exercises"

The Wii has a huge audience, from little children to pregnant women, and so it's only fair that each gamer gets a game individually tailored to them. Kaasa is already working on Physiofun, a physiotherapy game for WiiWare that uses the Balance Board, but a PEGI rating has outed something rather more... specialised.

Kaasa's WiiWare game, called Pelvic Floor Muscle Trainer, is aimed at mothers whose pelvic floor muscles have faltered since giving birth, Kaasa's Nico Kaartinen tells us.

As you can imagine this is NOT a typical gamer product but the Wii has opened up new target groups that are looking for something like this. These customers are NOT gamers but see the usefulness of the device together with the Balance Board and Wii Fit.

Pelvic floor exercises, sometimes called Kegel exercises, help women to control their pelvic floor muscles in order to prevent stress urinary incontinence. Net Doctor has more information, and some pretty clear diagrams, for those who want to know more.

There are currently no screenshots or further information available, but when it reaches our desks we'll be sure to get them online as soon as possible.

Credit to reader Janne for the tip.
