
Number of Players
1 (Single Player)
Release Date


  • US 30th Nov 2009, 500 points
  • EU 27th Nov 2009, 500 points
Controller Support


  • Review Copter Crisis (WiiWare)

    What a load of cop(ter)!

    There's something appealing about being a helicopter rescue pilot: it's one of those aspirations we have when we're children of what we'd like to grow up to be. Sitting at home pretending to be one via Digital Leisure's latest WiiWare instalment certainly doesn't sound the full realisation of such childhood pipedreams, but...

Screenshots 8

Copter Crisis Screenshot
Copter Crisis Screenshot
Copter Crisis Screenshot
Copter Crisis Screenshot
Copter Crisis Screenshot
Copter Crisis Screenshot
Copter Crisis Screenshot
Copter Crisis Screenshot

Copter Crisis News

About The Game

You're in the pilot seat now!

Copter Crisis puts you in the pilot’s seat! As a member of the elite Helicopter Rescue Squadron you’ll be assigned to respond to any type of emergency anywhere at anytime. As the most recent member joining this elite rescue squad, you’ll have to complete training missions and get yourself comfortable with the latest in helicopter rescue technology. Once the Captain thinks you’re ready, you’ll be tasked with executing rescue missions all around the Black Wolf Canyon.

Your Wii Remote™ becomes the control stick as you guide your copter along the canyons while avoiding falling rocks, severe weather conditions and even anti-aircraft fire! You’ll be charged with rescuing lost hikers, delivering supplies to remote areas, assisting on scientific missions and even blasting your way into hidden underground cavern systems. Complete all of your objectives and rise through the ranks to take on the toughest of rescues.


  • Over 30 Exciting Missions
  • Up to 10 additional military copters via
    Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection Pay & Play