
Topic: Doc Louis would like to punch you in the face

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Does this game save any progress at all? I played earlier and got to the 3rd section, but didn't get past it. I played again later and I had to play through it all again. Is that how the game is or is my game glitched?



I'll boot it up again later to find out, AENIGMA. I assumed it would save progress, but...hmm. Your experience doesn't sound too encouraging as far as that goes.




Thanks for joining Club Nintendo Mac




I haven't even gotten my email yet, but living in Canada I assume it'll be 2 weeks late like every service in Canada.



I haven't gotten the email either! Oh noes! I wonder how long I should wait before I start some shizzle.

I am way too lazy to think of something clever.
My Backloggery


No, the game does not save progress. I read that in the manual before I played the game. It's not hard at all to unlock the sparring round again anyway, so I guess it's okay. Weird, but not a big deal.

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P


Thanks Stuffgamer1, I quickly perused the instructions for the controls only, I should of read further



I have to say, I screamed in delight when Doc first broke out the Star Punch...and promptly dropped me to the mat in one shot. Yeowch, I felt that one through the TV... D:

"I invented this punch! whack Learned your lesson yet, Mac?"

Lieutenant Commander of the Lesbian Love Brigade
There can only be one, like in that foreign movie where there could only be one, and in the end there is only one dude left, because that was the point.


One of you guys is gonna have to make a video for all of us "Hat" people. LOL!

Mario Kart code, 4854 6869 0410 "Tim"
Animal Crossings City Folk Code:1119-1011-8429 , Name: Emily, Town: Peachy


I love when you finally figure out how to dodge the star punch (it IS possible), and he winds up saying "I invented...Wow!" He invented World of Warcraft? Shame on you, Doc Louis!

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P


Yeah, neither can I. It doesn't really matter though, 'cause I cleaned his clock without them!

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P


Y'know what's even cooler than dodging the star punch? Managing to dodge the punch that GIVES him the star in the first place! It's REALLY hard to do since there's so little warning, but it does save valuable time if you can pull it off. I was surprised I didn't get a star for managing, but I think that's the surest sign that you CAN'T get any stars against him.

My Backloggery Updated sporadically. Got my important online ID's on there, anyway. :P

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