@KaiserGX I dunno what you thought I was saying, but it's not what you thought at all. I was just suggesting your enjoyment of Brothership's QoL changes stemmed from playing that game right after Superstar Saga(well, not right after, but you get what I'm saying right?). Like I said earlier, you go from the first game in a series to the latest and you're bound to see notable improvement.
After a bit of a break, I've been going back and clearing out various sidequests I hadn't done before finishing the game. I'm still really enjoying inhabiting this world, even if it's just fighting Seedles to get the 30 Seedle Seeds or finishing up the last few challenges. All the battle mechanics and animations are so satisfying that I haven't really tired of them. One nice touch I especially like is how after about thirty seconds of no inputs in battle, the camera starts to pan around and show different interesting angles. Makes me really appreciate what a polished product this is.
The one sidequest/mechanic I think could have used some work (or could have been scrapped altogether) is the fishing. The percentages for what fish can be caught in what sea and by which brother seem really arbitrary, and I'm a bit annoyed by the sidequest where I have to catch 3 Egobies for a piece of equipment I'll never use! But, then again, I suppose if I'm choosing to complete the sidequest, then I have no one but myself to blame...
“Why do you speak of certain reversals—machinery connected wrong, for instance, as being ‘ass backwards’? I can’t understand that. Ass usually is backwards, right? You ought to be saying ‘ass forwards,’ if backwards is what you mean."
@BougieBeetle I feel like the one they really needed to cut down on was the forced use of the rhythm mini-game. It's one out of only two mini-games in this game, and it's horrible how often they utilize it to pad out the story. Other Mario and Luigi games were no-where near as bad in terms of making you play mini-games, given it was just a quick one and done generally speaking. This? This rhythm game? Its used constantly as a way to make up for the lack of actual interesting story content in the later portion of the game. Pretty much just to fill time in order to stretch the game to 50 hours.
"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."
Topic: Mario & Luigi: Brothership
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