Yup, the workers who just follow orders and have no input in how many games come to the vc or which games come out are guilty of GameOtaku's definitely serious problems. They are so lazy... I mean, clearly a guy obssesed with something that will never happen at this point and that constantly revives a dead thread has a clear judgement on them! Everything about this guy screams "hardworking man", so let's just all learn from him. When he's not bashing Nintendo about something he doesn't know about or writing "BAM" while writing his hilarious reasoning, he's working to improve mankind as a whole.
Do you really not see a problem with the way they are handling VC? The wiiu gets tg16 VC on a week lt basis for the most part and the 3ds has got really nothing aside from 2 Pokemon VC games all year. Employees do have some say but only if they are listened to, I didn't mean necessarily on the low level but rather upper management. There is so much content they could release but choose not to.
I dare risk bringing up the legendary thread to say I've seen a game modding forum where they speak of the SNES Classic modded to run any games, and it sounds like Nintendo's emulator has a LOT of compatibility problems with games it was never intended to run.
The guy there has been modding games to make them compatible but also explaining why each game he fixed was incompatible, giving insight into why they don't work (dismissing emulator bugs as "copy-protection" is just ridiculous).
Nintendo would be smart to take those findings as a free product debugging service (since, again, the author states what was technically causing the problem), but of course that's not how they do it.
Posting this as a "why doesn't Nintendo put SNES game X on platform Y?" thing. Now we have a little bit more of an idea.
Topic: SNES VC for older 3ds
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