
  • Interviews NinjaBee's Brent Fox

    Co-owner talks Amazing Brain Train, WiiWare and more!

    With The Amazing Brain Train now available across the US, we had a chat with Brent Fox, NinjaBee's Art Director and co-owner. What does he make of WiiWare, and what are NinjaBee's goals for 2010? Here come your answers! Nintendo Life: Introduce us to the concept of The Amazing Brain Train. What...

  • Nintendo Download 18th January 2010 (North America)

    Brawn, brains, twins, dogs, ninjas and platform games "risen from the dead" -- this week has it all!

    A nice update for North America this week as we see a game many thought would stay in Japan, a new brain teaser and a catch-up title for the Genesis on the Virtual Console. DSiWare is no slouch though with a selection of strategy and platform games...