Wii News


  • News Twilight Princess "Starting Point" for New Wii Zelda

    Aonuma continues cryptic discussion of new title

    With all the secrecy surrounding the new Zelda title - for which we still don't have so much as a title or even anything other than a single piece of artwork - it wouldn't be a surprise to see it feature a minigame requiring you to get blood out of a stone. Eiji Aonuma continues to talk in tongues...

  • News DS and Wii "Year's Worst Platforms"

    According to review aggregator Metacritic, that is

    For all the talk of fantastic games released on Nintendo formats this year - including, y'know, Little King's Story - keeper of the review scores crypt Metacritic claims that the DS and Wii had the worst all-around software of 2009. Collating review scores from hundreds of sources on countless games...

  • News Japanese Wii Sales Double in a Week

    In translation: ker-ching!

    Famitsu have reported the Wii's sales figures have risen from 46,674 units to 101,000 units over the week ending 6th December, boosted by the launch of Super Mario Bros. Wii in the homeland. The notion that the Japanese only like small devices continues to be thwarted however by the DSi LL, with sales of over 62,000 in the...

  • News Rooms: The Main Building Coming to Wii and DS

    Hudson announce their brand new point & click adventures.

    Hudson has just announced a brand new point & click adventure for the Wii and DS systems called Rooms: The Main Building. Combining unique puzzle-solving elements with the point & click controls of the Wii and DS systems, the game offers gamers an immersive experience unlike any...

  • Review Ultimate Shooting Collection (Wii)

    A 3-in-1 tour of Milestone's vision of Bullet Hell

    Milestone is a pretty rare beast: a company completely focused on arcade shooters (well, other than that hula game) at a time when arcades and the old shoot 'em up game genre are both practically extinct. They were putting out Dreamcast games after that system died, so perhaps they just have a...

  • Review Planet 51 (Wii)

    Join the space race!

    Planet 51 is based on the animated film of the same name. It’s produced by Pyro Studios, the team behind the Commandos series, and published by none other than Sega, so it should be pretty good. The problem is of course that most film to game translations are cheap and badly designed. Does Planet 51 join them? Planet 51 is a...

  • News Wii Becomes Fastest Selling Console In UK History

    Six million Brits served since 2006

    Nintendo has proudly revealed that the Wii has shifted six million units in three years, making it the fastest selling home console in the history of the UK video game industry. Since its launch in December 2006, the popular system has entertained and enthralled countless stiff-upper-lipped Brits and made its way...

  • Review Castle of Shikigami III (Wii)

    Shooting things and shooting the breeze...

    The Castle of Shikigami series is one of the more recent shooting franchises to appear in Japanese arcades and subsequently home consoles. Castle of Shikigami III is the first to appear on Wii with Aksys providing the localisation for North America. Combining good looks, humour and challenging gameplay,...

  • News Nintendo Cutting Back On Wii Production?

    Has the machine reached its zenith?

    The Nintendo Wii may have sold a shed-load of units over the past few weeks but reports from Japan indicate that even this increase in revenue is unlikely to completely turnaround the machine's flagging fortunes. A report issued by Japanese news firm Nikkei has revealed that two Japanese companies involved with...

  • News Nintendo Shifted A Boatload Of Hardware Last Week In US

    Over 1.5 million units bought between bites of turkey

    Last week was yet another good time to be Nintendo as the company reports on selling around a hojillion hardware units in the US. According to the company's internal tracking numbers, over 1.5 million Wii and DS/i systems combined were sold during Thanksgiving Week. If you want to get all micro,...


  • Review Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles (Wii)

    Do not underestimate the power of the Darkside!

    When Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles was seen to only cover RE0, 1 and 3 it was pretty clear that a sequel would be in the offing; the positive reception and respectable sales figures it received probably didn't hurt. If you're a fan and expecting more of the same in this digest-version of the...

  • News Rabbids Recall Retracted

    Rabbids Go Home stamped with new, higher rating

    A few weeks ago we hit you with the big news that Ubisoft's Rabbid adventure was facing recall from select UK retailers due to "potentially offensive content." Now you'll be pleased to hear Rabbids Go Home has reappeared on shop shelves with a new, higher PEGI 12 rating. Considering the...

  • News Giant Mario Coins Hidden in Aussie CBDs

    Nintendo holding strange new contest to win copies of New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    Live in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane? Haven't got much to do between Tuesday the 1st and Friday the 4th of December? Like looking for stuff? Well, you're in luck! Nintendo Australia are hiding coins in each of the three Central Business Districts in honour of the recent...

  • News Sony Boss: All Your Sales Are Belong To Us, Nintendo

    Says PS3 is picking up speed, Wii flagging

    Sony Europe exec Andrew House has a history of mouthing off about his company's chances so his latest little outburst is hardly suprising. In an interview with Games Industry.biz, House touched upon the current surge in PS3 sales and compared it with Nintendo's recent struggles with Wii hardware: I think...

  • Review ANNO: Create a New World (Wii)

    Have sim fans' prayers been answered?

    The history of sim games on home consoles hasn't been the brightest since the control pad interface doesn't lend itself as well to the fine control you would normally expect using a mouse on home computers. The Wii's pointer makes a good mouse replacement of course, so theoretically a game like Anno: Create a...

  • Review Jambo! Safari (Wii)

    Jambo! Now jam on outta here!

    Animal games seem to be the big new thing, especially on the family-friendly Wii. You can't throw a Remote in a shop without hitting one these days, with every major publisher putting out their own take on the safari-vet-sim sub-genre. Jambo! Safari is Sega's entry in the virtual-wild-animal-game stakes, and a...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Wii Gets Perfect Score in Famitsu

    Japanese magazine gives Mario's latest top marks

    Print media might be suffering at the moment but that hasn't stopped Japanese magazine Famitsu's influence in the industry. The veteran publication is still seen as something of an authority - both in its native homeland and the West - so the news that it has awarded New Super Mario Bros. Wii a...

  • News Miyamoto Keeps Edging Toward Hardware Design

    Role shifting since the DS

    Shigeru Miyamoto is known for creating some of the best games ever made, some of which necessitated a few revolutionary hardware designs to even be able to play them properly. While his game-making style hasn't changed too much over the years (still mining those hobbies), Miyamoto explained to Edge that over the years his...

  • Review Arcade Zone (Wii)

    A mini-game collection for retro-fans.

    Whilst the word "arcade" will mean "video game" to many, it mustn't be forgotten that many arcades also featured carnival-style games that dispensed tickets for buying plastic trinkets (or, for the truly skilled, something more flash like a transistor radio or a soft toy) from a prize shop...

  • Guides Everything You Need To Know About Importing a Wii

    Are considering getting a North American Wii?

    Given the pan-Wii coverage on Nintendo Life there's been plenty of opportunity for the green-eyed monster to make himself known on both sides of the Atlantic. You might have considered buying a Wii "from the other side" to avoid waiting for your favourite downloads or disc releases, so here's a few tips...

  • News Muramasa Knocked Back by Week Delay

    November 27th the new date for Europeans

    We've just spoken to Rising Star Games's Yen Hau, who's confirmed that the firm's upcoming release of Muramasa: The Demon Blade has been pushed back by a week to launch next Friday, November 27th. Considering this week sees the European launch of New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Lego Indiana Jones 2 - among...

  • News Aonuma: Prepare for Zelda Surprise Next Year

    Zelda big boss sets up E3 revelation

    For a few years now, Eiji Aonuma has been promising something of a reimagining of the Legend of Zelda series. Twilight Princess was touted as the last Zelda "as we know it", and now Mr Aonuma has spoken to the UK's Official Nintendo Magazine about some of the developments in the next title. "It is...

  • News We Pray - Coming To A Console Near You?

    Wii is getting cross...

    File this one under "Huh?", "What?", and...you know what? Let's not file this one at all. We Pray is set to be the motion-controlled minigame-based church simulator to end all motion-controlled minigame-based church simulators. If, of course, it really exists... Check out the trailer below. According to...

  • News Rabbids Go Home Recalled Due to Offensive Language?

    UPDATED - Recall not happening says Ubisoft, official statement on its way

    We've just received some early reports that Ubisoft is recalling Rabbids Go Home from UK stores due to it containing "language that some users may find offensive". Actual details are hard to come by, but we'd hazard a guess that the line in question is "No...

  • News Voice of Mario Wanted To Voice Link

    It's-a me, Leenk! Yippieeeee!

    As the voice of Mario, Charles Martinet has been a staple of Nintendo ever since the plumber first showed the industry how 3D gaming is done. But why stop with Mario? Speaking to That Gaming Site (via GoNintendo), Martinet explained how he tried to move his way into Hyrule. I spoke to Mr. Miyamoto and said: “I wanna...

  • News Wii Music Plus Possible?

    Miyamoto sees more in the future of Wii Music.

    ONM UK didn't just grill Shigeru Miyamoto on Mario, they also asked him some questions about other games. One of these was Wii Music. It's quite logical to think that after Wii Fit Plus, Nintendo would also want to offer an enhanced version of Wii Music. But although Miyamoto would like to do more with...

  • Review Ju-On: The Grudge (Wii)

    Time to break out those rubber underpants!

    The Ju-On series of films are a true horror landmark. Released at a time when most horror films have just become an endless series of remakes or are more depictions of torture than "scary movies," they refreshingly provide genuine frights with terrifying tales of vengeful spirits haunting the...

  • News Miyamoto Unsure if Super Mario Galaxy 2 Will Include the Super Guide

    Remains a New Super Mario Bros. Wii only feature for now.

    If you've been following (or have already purchased!) New Super Mario Bros. Wii, you should know that it includes a very helpful feature - the Super Guide will let the game demonstrate how to beat a particular level, so you can copy its tactics if you're having trouble. Of course, thinking...

  • Review New Super Mario Bros. Wii (Wii)

    The Super Mario Bros. experience long-time fans have been waiting for

    Nintendo has been making Super Mario Bros. games for as long as they've been making game consoles, and after the mammoth success of New Super Mario Bros. on DS, it comes as no real surprise to see them continuing that tradition on the Wii. And while Nintendo have made it clear...

  • Review Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex (Wii)

    Two years old. HD-to-Wii port. Surprisingly good

    When Treyarch first announced that they'd be porting Infinity Ward's two-year-old Xbox 360/PS3/PC powerhouse Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare to Wii, nobody seemed to think that the game would faithfully translate to Nintendo's underpowered console. The first screens were laughed at and the game seemed...

  • Review Need For Speed: NITRO (Wii)

    You've got boost power!

    With lagging interest (read: sales) in their Need For Speed series, EA decided to try something new: instead of half-sim, half-arcade street racing games that lost direction with each new entry, the franchise would be split in two and refocused. Back in September, the Xbox 360/PS3's sim-oriented Need For Speed: Shift was met...

  • News BBC To Launch New Dedicated iPlayer Wii Channel

    Enhanced version of the popular TV streaming service coming to Wii on the 18th November

    British Wii owners have been able to watch TV programs using the BBC iPlayer since 2008, but the veteran broadcaster has announced that it is releasing an updated version of the service which will function as a dedicated Wii Channel. The new version will be...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Wii Strategy Video

    Check out some useful tips from the pros.

    The kind folks over at Nintendo were kind enough to send over a brand new gameplay video for their upcoming Wii console release New Super Mario Bros. Wii. In this video you can check out some of the helpful strategies the guys over at Treehouse have put together to help you get the most out of the game. You...

  • News NASCAR Gets A Mario Makeover

    New Super Mario Bros. Wii car competing on Saturday

    The world's of NASCAR and Nintendo fans alike will mesh together on November 14 (a.k.a. this Saturday, a.k.a. New Super Mario Bros. Wii Eve) thanks to a decked-out stock car co-sponsored by Gamestop and Nintendo of America. The car, and its driver, Denny Hamlin, will be competing in the Able Body...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Wii Packaging Is All Kinds Of Awesome

    Paint the town red with Mario's latest adventure

    We don't have our press copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii yet, but those lucky chaps over at Kotaku do - and they've taken some photos of the packaging to tease us with. Normally we wouldn't report on something as banal as this but the fact is the case for NSMB Wii looks fantastic. It's made of red...

  • News Electronic Arts Less Than Happy With Wii Sales

    Veteran publisher laments "weak" third party sales performance on Nintendo's console

    In case you hadn't noticed, EA is pruning its workforce with gay abandon at present, hacking away 1500 jobs in order to reduce its running costs. The fact that many of its Wii titles have underperformed (Dead Space Extraction has reportedly sold a pitiful 9,000...

  • News Pixmania: Wiimote Tech Is "Endangered"

    Death by Natal?

    UK electronics retailer Pixmania has compiled a list for The Daily Telegraph of what it deems are "endangered" technologies that "will be lucky to survive by the end of next year," and Nintendo's game-changing Wii Remote is sitting pretty in 6th place. According to them, Microsoft's upcoming motion-sensing,...

  • Review Rabbids Go Home (Wii)

    Well and truly off its trolley

    As the fourth Rabbids game in the Wii’s three-year lifespan, you’d be forgiven for thinking Ubisoft has run out of ideas for its bizarre creations, but Rabbids Go Home is potentially the oddest game in the series yet. Making a clean break from its minigame origins, Rabbids Go Home is an all-new adventure game from...

  • News Crystal Mario Surfaces Down Under

    Melbournians, show your NSMB Wii chops to win!

    The Nintendo Experience, EB Games of Swanston St, Melbourne are hosting the only launch event for New Super Mario Bros. Wii in Australia. From 9pm onwards on November 11th, everyone is invited to join in on the fun and have a chance to play the game with others before taking their own purchased copy...

  • Competitions Do you feel lucky, punk?

    Well, do ya? It's almost that time of year, the time of giving, we couldn't wait any longer so here's the winners from 4 of our recent fantastic competitions.

    Okay, so let's get started... we've drawn the winners from the 100s of entries using our very faithful rand() function. Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games Giveaway: We

  • News Black Wii Accessories Hit UK Shelves Early

    At least one retailer has Nunchuks for sale already

    The black Wii is available on shop shelves across Great Britain today, but we were under the impression that the accessories - black Nunchuks, Remote + MotionPlus bundles and Classic Controller Pros - weren't going to be available until the pan-European launch in two weeks' time. Well, it seems at...

  • News HD Wii - Is It Coming? Depends Who You Ask

    Nintendo's left hand says, "I don't know what my right hand's doing"

    Another week, more HD Wii confusion. Last week's Nintendo investors meeting is proving to be a goldmine of quotes and teases, following the cats and WiiWare demo service, and now further translation has revealed an interesting little titbit about the possibility of an upcoming...

  • News Sin & Punishment Team Talks N64 Development Hell

    The console "didn't work at all"

    The paradigm shift from 2D to 3D that game developers faced in the 32/64-bit era was so drastic that not only did developers have to grapple with new tech but also figuring out how on earth their games would work in a new dimension. It didn't always work out so well, but when it did it was magical. Nintendo CEO...

  • Rumour GAME Group Not Stocking Muramasa?

    UK's biggest games retailer may ignore feudal Japanese epic

    Following our story last month where Rising Star Games' MD Martin Defries said some UK retailers weren't interested in Muramasa: The Demon Blade, we decided to do a little ringing around of GAME and Gamestation stores to check on the preorder availability of this fantastic game and were...

  • News Infinity Ward Unhappy With Wii's Power

    In other news: the world is round and water is wet

    Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 6 months then you'll be aware that Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is almost upon us, with everyone and their auntie getting unreasonably excited about the prospect of blowing up generic bad guys and making tiresome "RAT-A-TAT-TAT" noises...

  • News Black Wii Unboxed Before Your Very Eyes!

    Yes, we've got one.

    When Nintendo announced the Limited Edition black Wii was on its way to the UK and Europe this month, our first reaction was a sense of satisfaction - the Wii has been stuck in its whitewash world for too long, so the added choice of another colour is more than welcome. Not all of you were so thrilled though, particularly you...

  • News Miyamoto Talks Zelda With MotionPlus

    Swordplay and targeting get a boost

    Details on the next installment in the Legend of Zelda series have been few and far between since Miyamoto unveiled concept art for the in-development title at E3 in June, depicting a swordless Link back-to-back with a mysterious, sword-like creature. Then we heard that the game wouldn't be radically different...

  • Review Wii Fit Plus (Wii)

    A worthwhile upgrade or just Nintendo milking its new cash cow?

    Wii Fit's runaway success seemed to take even Nintendo by surprise given the number of times Satoru Iwata has publicly stated he never thought he could sell millions of bathroom scales as a new kind of fitness product. It's probably not much of a surprise to see them testing whether not...


  • News Red Steel 2 Sharpens Up

    New build, new features, new joy

    Since our first hands-on play with Red Steel 2 all the way back in June - yes, it really was that long ago - we've had two more chances to get to grips with the game, the most recent at this week's Eurogamer EXPO where a new build was on display. How's the title coming along? Very, very nicely. Our play-through was...

  • First Impressions New Super Mario Bros. Wii

    Plumbing new heights

    Now we've had chance to play the final version of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, it's time to tell you the hard truth about Nintendo's latest plumbing escapades. Well, the hard truth is, it's a lot of fun and impossible to play without a smile on your face. Although a lot of emphasis has been put on the series-first multiplayer,...

  • News Nintendo Announces Wii Line-Up For THE WORLD

    North America, Europe and Japan get tentative release schedules

    In case you were wondering about a release window for Metroid: Other M or any other Nintendo-published title, lo and behold, we have a list. Read with your eyes (or voice software) and mark your calendar with your hand (or voice software). Hey look, Japan is getting a Kirby game. North...

  • News PES 2010 landing on Wii in November

    Top-flight soccer action this way comes

    Konami has released a new trailer for the latest edition of PES for Wii, PES 2010, currently set for European release on November 20th. Here's the company's official take: The trailer showcases some of the new gameplay features - including the Play Energy element and the "Call for the Ball" play -...

  • News Yoga for Wii Stretches Out

    But slowly, to avoid pulling a muscle

    Publisher JoWood may be best known for adventure games like the Sam & Max Collection and Agatha Christie titles - the latest of which they've just announced for DS - but they're taking a step into the expanding world of fitness gaming with the launch of Yoga for Wii. Vienna, Austria, October 20th 2009; The...

  • News Disney Tasked Warren Spector with Mickey Reinvention

    Deus Ex creator also massive Mouse fan

    When Disney revealed their forthcoming Wii exclusive Epic Mickey, one of the most surprising revelations was that it's headed up by industry legend Warren Spector, renowned for his extremely serious and profound adventure games. However, in a recent interview with Game Informer Spector revealed his enormous...

  • First Impressions Need for Speed Nitro

    Leader of the pack?

    There are very few serious driving games of note on Wii - the machine is undoubtedly missing its Forza Motorsport, Gran Turismo or Race Driver: Grid - and EA's latest in the Need for Speed franchise does little to address this problem. Whilst 360 and PS3 owners can play the generally well-received NFS: Shift, Nintendo gamers are...

  • First Impressions Wheelspin

    Another gaming revolution from Archer Maclean?

    Wheelspin is an unashamedly old-school arcade racer, with exaggerated physics, rollercoaster-style tracks and an emphasis on enormous speed. Its influences are clear - F-Zero and San Francisco Rush 2049 are the strongest - but sadly Wheelspin never feels more than the sum of its parts. The single-player...

  • News Capcom Bringing MT Framework To Wii

    Game engine powers Resident Evil 5, Lost Planet 2 on HD consoles

    According to a report from today's edition of Japanese newspaper Nikkei Industrial, Capcom has plans to bring over a game engine normally used for Xbox 360 and PS3 to Wii with the hopes of shrinking development costs and time; specifically, developing simultaneously on all platforms...

  • Competitions Mario & Sonic at the Winter Olympics (Update)

    Going for gold

    SEGA UK offer up some official Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games goodies for our European AND Australian readers. We've once again teamed up with SEGA to celebrate the launch of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games giving you lucky readers the chance to win some official Mario & Sonic goodies. We've got 5x...

  • News New GoldenEye Title in Development?

    Ex-Eurocom staffer says he's worked on it

    Rare's GoldenEye 007 is often regarded as one of the finest video games of all time, so when EA attempted to cash-in on the name with the lackluster GoldenEye: Rogue Agent a few years back, it hardly came as a massive shock. Now, it would seem that new Bond license-holder Activision is trying the same trick...

  • News UK Retailers Give Muramasa a Miss

    Some shops not interested in swords and beautiful animation

    Although we love Muramasa: The Demon Blade around here, it seems UK retailers are less than optimistic about the game's success, with some stores refusing to stock it completely. Martin Defries, managing director and general head honcho of the game's UK publisher Rising Star Games, wrote...

  • Review Cate West: The Vanishing Files (Wii)

    An enjoyable way to make time disappear

    While adventure games are becoming more and more popular over recent years, there has been a new entrance to the arena: the Hidden Object Game. This new breed has inundated the PC with numerous variations on the theme, taking place in fairgrounds, lost temples, mysterious locations and even haunted houses, and...

  • Review Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility (Wii)

    A withering flower

    Tree of Tranquility is the first game in the main Harvest Moon series designed exclusively for Wii, following 2007’s disastrous Gamecube port Magical Melody. It’s been available in the US for over a year, but now it’s finally available in PAL territories it’s time to see how it measures up. You’ll either be relieved or...

  • Review Mini Ninjas (Wii)

    With a boss named 'Windy Pants', you know this game was made for the kiddies

    The developers at IO Interactive - previously known for such mature titles as Hitman, Kane & Lynch, and Freedom Fighters - decided to switch things up this time around and try to create a game that they could play with their children; thus, the story and gameplay in...

  • News Be a PAL - Become a Connection Ambassador

    Promotion now available in PAL territories

    On October 21st, Nintendo's Connection Ambassador Promotion launched in Europe and Australia. The idea behind it is to reward those loyal fans who can get their friends to connect their Wii to the Internet. The ambassador and the person they help will both receive 500 free Wii Points when someone connects...

  • News Live Down Under? Try New Nintendo Games!

    Be one of the first to try out New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Zelda: Spirit Tracks

    Australians! Nintendo of Australia are offering you the chance to give a couple of very anticipated Nintendo games a spin before they are released. It's not often that Aussies get the chance to do stuff like this, so if you live in the Sydney or Melbourne areas, why...

  • Competitions Spore Hero (Wii) Giveaway!

    North American readers finally get the chance to win a copy of the recently released Spore Hero game by EA.

    Along with our friends at EA we're giving you the chance to win a US copy of Spore Hero for Nintendo Wii to celebrate its recent release. The competition is open to US readers only this time, to give yourself a chance of wining Spore Hero just...

  • News Arc Rise Fantasia Coming to Wii Summer 2010

    Check out the details on the upcoming Wii RPG exclusive.

    Ignition Entertainment and Marvelous Entertainment have just announced that they'll be bringing the hit Japanese RPG Arc Rise Fantasia to US gamers sometime in summer 2010. The game has already garnered much praise at this year's E3 Expo and looks to be a great turn-based RPG addition to the...

  • News Capcom Raising The Dead For Darkside Chronicles Launch

    If you're into eating human flesh but also like playing video games, head down to London on the 31st

    Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles hits the Nintendo Wii any day now and to promote the game in the UK Capcom is planning to flood central London with mindless, slavering zombies. The company is offering a free Nintendo Wii and a copy of the new...

  • News Free NES Game Offer Now Available!

    If you purchased the Internet Channel, your NES game is waiting

    Last night Nintendo updated the Shop Channel on Wii, paving the way for anyone who spent 500 Points on the Internet Channel to claim their free NES game, as we reported on way back when. If you're entitled, you'll need to connect to the Wii Shop Channel and run the update, then...

  • News Black Wii Homes in on Europe

    New colour to hit next month!

    We've speculated, pontificated and downright invented when territories outside of Japan would see the majestic yet shadowy form of the black Wii console, but finally Nintendo have put us out of our misery by announcing the new console colour will be available across continental Europe on November 20th. The even better...

  • News Spirit Tracks "Pushes DS Even Further" Than Prequel

    Phantom Hourglass sequel more advanced, says Mr Miyamoto

    Of course, with a release date set for December it's going to be a long time before we can vouch for what Mr Miyamoto says, but in a recent - and very short - interview with MTV he did speak very briefly about Link's upcoming adventures on DS and Wii. Speaking about Spirit Tracks, he says that...

  • Review Academy of Champions (Wii)

    A drab 0-0 draw

    Over the years there have been some really enjoyable and innovative takes on the game of football (or soccer to our overseas chums) – Nintendo brought us the Mario Strikers series of course and Sega released the stereotype-laden but still enjoyable Sega Soccer Slam on Gamecube. Now Ubisoft are after a piece of the half-time meat...

  • News New Remote Colours for Good Boys and Girls

    Nintendo releasing boyish blue and prim pink in Japan

    We've only just reported on the news that the US is receiving a black Remote and Nunchuk on November 16th, but Japan is already bracing itself for another two colours in a few weeks. Yes, Japan will be receiving pink and blue Remotes on December 3rd, priced at ¥3,800, an equivalent of about $42...

  • Review A Boy and His Blob (Wii)

    Now this is how you're supposed to update a classic

    Originally released in 1989 on the NES console, A Boy and His Blob was quickly praised for its originality and unique gameplay ideas. Unfortunately, it was also criticized for its often sluggish control system and sometimes confusing level designs. Over the years several developers have created...

  • News Mario Moneybox Wants Your Coins, UK Readers!

    New Super Mario Bros. Wii special edition tin revealed

    Nintendo are really ramping-up the promotion for what they undoubtedly see as the must-have Wii game for Christmas, New Super Mario Bros. Wii. In fact, they're going further than usual, announcing a limited edition version of the game available from UK retailers. Of course, it seems hardly a...

  • News New Super Mario Bros. Wii 'Super Skills' trailer

    Showing you Nintendo's finest in action!

    Consider yourself a Mario veteran do you? Then watch the best players on Nintendo’s development team turn all your platforming hopes and dreams to dust. These guys are good. Don't believe us? Watch and learn. On a slightly different note the game looks like it's going to be fantastic fun, and it's really...

  • Review Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (Wii)

    For once, there's no bad puns - snow joke!

    A few years ago, the unthinkable happened – Sega announced that Mario and Sonic were to put aside their 16-bit rivalry and join forces in an officially licensed Olympic game. Clocks ran backwards, dogs barked uncontrollably in the street and the whole world lay in danger. Then we played it, and saw that...

  • Review Ninja Captains (Wii)

    A mini-game too far...

    Mini-games. One might say that mini-game (or, more nicely, "party game") collections have a serious presence on the Wii; it is often a fact bemoaned by more "hard-centred" gamers. Some of these titles are amongst the more successful games on the platform: both Carnival Games and Game Party have done quite...

  • News You Won't Pull Any Wii-lies on This Bike!

    Wiis newest accessory is sure to get your blood pumping.

    We all know that exercise bikes are boring; furthermore, they demand an inordinate amount of energy, which ultimately gets you nowhere. As such, it is far better to jump on a real bike, as not only does it move you from A to B it can also be enjoyed with a friend or two. So when Big Ben...

  • News Call of Duty Comparison Shots Don't Do The Wii Any Favours

    As expected, the Nintendo version is looking a bit weak compared to the 360/PS3 editions

    It might be an exercise in stating the obvious but recent shots posted by Game Informer magazine show the massive graphical gulf between the Wii version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - subtitled "Reflex" - and the original PS3/360 instalments, on...

  • News Wii Remote and Nunchuk Back in Black Next Month!

    They said it would never happen... well, sort of

    We're all used to our white Remotes and Nunchuks nestling comfortably in our soft gamer's hands, pale plastic glinting in the sunlight, but those days are soon to be over - come November 16th you'll have the choice of a second colour, as Nintendo have announced black Remotes, MotionPlus attachments...

  • News Christmas in November? Club Nintendo Prepares to Ship Rewards

    Your Mario hat - or permission to punch Doc Louis in the face - is on its way!

    Good news has made its way to the inbox of many in the NA region who qualified for Elite Status this past year: Club Nintendo is getting ready to drop its bagful of goodies. If all goes well, Christmas might come a little early for those fortunate gamers who earned...

  • News Joe the Condor Zeroes in on Tatsunoko vs Capcom

    Character roster updated!

    We've had Frank West and Tekkaman Blade join the melee, and now Capcom has continued their accursed teasing by revealing another two characters joining the Western release of über-fighter-mash-up Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars: Mega Man Zero and Joe the Condor! Most gamers will be familiar with Zero, having...

  • News Sin and Punishment 2 Comes into Focus

    Famitsu reveals new details, with more to come!

    Thanks to Nintendo's lovely Virtual Console service, thousands of lucky Western Wii owners have experienced the wonders of Treasure's seminal shooter Sin and Punishment, its first appearance in the West after years out in the Japanese N64 wilderness. Then, as the delicious icing on the cake, a sequel...

  • News Balance Board Coming To An Airport Near You!

    The Department of Homeland Security are running a project which will utilise the Balance Board

    We all know what travelling through an airport means: any liquid over 100mls being “politely” removed from your person and, if you're unlucky, a strip search. Well, the Department of Homeland Security is not content that this is enough. A new $20...

  • News Epic Mickey Character Designs Surface

    Hand-drawn artwork for new Disney enemy

    Game Informer is primed to reveal a bunch of new Epic Mickey details in its November issue but in the meantime the magazine's website has some interesting video content for you to digest. It's a three-minute time-lapse video (shortened from a half-hour) and showcases a rather traditional-looking Mickey facing...

  • News Wanna Play? Ubisoft show more of Red Steel 2

    Ubisoft release another video from the upcoming Red Steel 2 game demonstrating its "accurate" on-screen controls.

    Ever since we played the original Red Steel we became overwhelmed with disappointment in the control section, we hoped for "real" one-to-one mapping of our Wiimotes to our swords, alas it wasn't meant to be... That's because...

  • First Impressions Rabbids Go Home

    Put this in your trolley!

    There's only one possible conclusion to be drawn from Rabbids Go Home - it's mental. Anyone involved in its development should probably be sectioned under the Mental Health Act, such is the scale of the crazy acts featured in this first traditional adventure game for the Rabbids. Of course, if you've been following our...

  • News Get Ready for Macho King's Story!

    If Mr Kimura's latest idea reaches fruition, that is

    Now Little King's Story has successfully conquered all corners of the globe following its release in Japan last month, the game's creator and all-around genius Yoshiro Kimura spoke to Joystiq about his ideas for the potential follow-up we mentioned months ago, and they're as barmy as you'd expect...

  • News Got Muramasa Questions? Get Muramasa Answers!

    Your chance to ask Rising Star Games about their upcoming Japanese epic!

    You gamers lucky enough to reside in North America already know how beautiful and generally awesome Muramasa: The Demon Blade is, but over on the other side of the Atlantic gamers have still to discover its wonders, with the game not set for release until November 13th. Don't...

  • News Ryo Hazuki to Search for Sailors in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

    Shenmue main man confirmed for racing game!

    It's been a long and tearful six years since we last saw Ryo Hazuki on a console (that's Shenmue II on Xbox, fact-fans) but now the face-plastered one is set to return as a playable character in Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing! This new video just sent to us by Sega shows Ryo thundering around the game's...

  • Feature Over a Third of Wii Games Go Unreviewed

    That's a lot of party and sports games

    We do our best here at Nintendo Life to cover every game that's lovingly pressed onto disc for Wii consoles, but even with our team of review robots working around the clock for less than a drop of oil, there aren't enough hours in the day. It seems it's not just us straining under the weight of Wii reviews,...

  • News Consumers Respond Well to Wii Price Cut

    $50 saving puts more Wiis in American homes

    Since the Wii had a tasty $50 knocked off its price, it seems they've been flying off North American shelves quicker than fireworks in July. Nintendo haven't yet released any actual figures - it's only been a few weeks - but everybody's favourite Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime had this to...

  • News Epic Mickey Is Exclusive To Wii

    Game Informer spills a few beans

    It sure is a good time to be a Disney and Nintendo fan. Not only do DS gamers now have their hands on a new Kingdom Hearts game, Wii owners will be getting in on a new House of Mouse exclusive: Epic Mickey. Not much has been known about this secret Junction Studios project other than it is said to be...

  • News Check Out Some Jet Set Radio Wii Concept Art

    Unseen 64 digs up material on the rejected title

    Back in 2006, Kuju (now Headstrong Games) the development studio behind the Wii's House of the Dead: Overkill and Battalion Wars 2, liked Sega's Jet Set Radio series. They liked it so much back in 2006 that they tried to convince Sega to let them create a new entry in the graffiti-thon for Nintendo's...

  • News Nintendo Super Guide Mode in NSMB Wii: The Details

    The infamous "Kind Code" could ironically mean tougher challenges

    Nintendo's proposed "Kind Code" has had chins wagging for quite some time now, but few people were sure of what it actually meant for gaming. Some jumped to the conclusion that it would make games too easy, while others maintained it was merely a guide that would only help...

  • Review Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (Wii)

    Ultimate? Not quite.

    Marvel Ultimate Alliance was one of the launch titles for the Wii in 2006 and despite being a port of a game also released on the PS3 and Xbox 360, it was still good fun. As a love letter to Marvel fans over the decades it provided a virtual travelogue of the people and places of the Marvel universe and was a wonderful...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 May Be Feeless

    Capcom interview hints at free online play for all!

    Capcom's unstoppable sales juggernaut that is Monster Hunter is scheduled to hit our consoles early next year, but one major concern surrounds its online mode, which in Japan requires a monthly subscription charge from anyone wanting to party with friends. With the Western release looming the...

  • News Nintendogs Coming As DLC To Animal Crossing

    Snag yourself a canine companion or four

    Nintendo's brilliant DS puppy simulator Nintendogs has been around for four years now — time sure does fly! To celebrate the special occasion, Nintendo will be offering up some downloadable goodness for the Wii's Animal Crossing: City Folk. For four weeks running you'll have your own pick of the litter for...

  • News Fatal Frame IV Fan Translation Almost Finished

    Get your Japanese scares in English soon

    Tecmo and Grasshopper Manufacture's scare-fest Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse still isn't officially coming out in the West; Nintendo, holder of the title's publishing rights in North America, still doesn't want to bother, relegating it to the same territorial fate as Disaster: Day of Crisis and...