Tag: Sales - Page 19

  • News Skyward Sword is Wii's 45th Million Seller in U.S.

    Latest in a long line

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword has sold over 1 million copies in the United States since its release on 20th November, Nintendo of America has announced. Link's airborne adventure sold 535,000 copies in its first eight days on sale to become the fastest-selling Zelda game ever, and has since reached the major milestone of...

  • News 3DS Hits 4 Million Console Sales in United States

    Software set records too

    With 2011 now a long and distant memory, Nintendo has set about spreading the word of its successful 12 months. The big headline is the Nintendo 3DS reaching four million sales across the United States since its launch on 27th March. According to Nintendo, the 3DS has sold more in its first nine months than Wii did. Not only...

  • News Japanese 3DS Sales Hit New High in Christmas Week

    How high can it go?

    3DS sales have been steadily growing in Japan over the past few weeks, with the week leading up to Christmas the busiest for the console yet. Enterbrain (via Andriasang) reports Nintendo sold a staggering 510,629 3DS consoles in the week before Christmas, topping the record of 367,691 set in the previous week. Since February,...

  • News 3DS to Hit 4 Million Sold in Japan Sooner Than Expected

    Ahead of schedule

    With Monster Hunter 3 G, Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7 all out now in Japan, it's no surprise the system's sales have picked up significantly, but according to Andriasang it's outstripping Nintendo president Satoru Iwata's predictions. Just two weeks ago we reported

  • News 3DS Games Take Top Three in Japanese Sale Charts

    Hardware a best seller too

    Japanese firm Media Create has revealed sales data between 5th December and 11th December, with 3DS games and hardware leading the field. As expected, Monster Hunter 3 G's phenomenal first week sales ensured it took the top spot, but Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land also had strong

  • News Get 5% Off Custom Nintendo Crafts at Broodr

    Festive savings

    In October we posted about Broodr, a crafts site that offers all sorts of interesting trinkets, from Game Boy Advance USB memory sticks to Game Boy Color soaps. With Christmas just around the corner we've teamed up with Broodr to offer Nintendo Life readers a 5% discount on all goods bought on the site. Simply make your purchase...

  • News Monster Hunter 3 G Helps 3DS to Its Best Ever Sales in Japan

    Staggering numbers inside

    In news equivalent to the revelation that the Pope is head of the Catholic church, Monster Hunter 3 G has racked up phenomenal sales in its first week in Japan. The game sold a staggering 471,055 copies in its first two days. As a point of comparison, Super Mario 3D Land accumulated 343,492 sales in its first week. Monster...

  • News Nintendo Crows About November Sales for Wii and 3DS

    The figures are in

    Now November is long gone it's time to review how Nintendo did in the sales front across the United States. We know the 3DS beat the DS first-year sales in just 8 months, that Mario and Skyward Sword set series sales records, but here's Nintendo's official overview. November was a the biggest month yet for 3DS, with 795,000...

  • News UK Retailers: "We'll Have Enough 3DS Stock for Christmas"

    No need to panic

    Last week UK 3DS sales hit 70,000, making it the biggest selling console in the nation amid reports of low 3DS stock levels around the country. Now retailers have stepped in to assure customers there'll be enough to go around for Christmas. Representatives from GAME Group, HMV and Sainsbury's all confirmed to

  • News 3DS Was UK's Biggest-Selling Console Last Week

    Nearly 70,000 sold

    Buoyed by the releases of Super Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart 7, 3DS was the biggest-selling console in the United Kingdom last week. Nearly 70,000 units of the console were sold around the UK in the last week, MCV reports. By comparison, the 3DS racked up 113,000 sales at la

  • News 3DS Nears 3 Million Sales in Japan

    Mario Kart does the business too

    3DS is selling better than ever, with Nintendo president Satoru Iwata telling the Nikkei newspaper (via Andriasang) the system is about to tip the scales at 3 million units sold in Japan — two weeks quicker than the DS reached the same milestone. The news comes a week after Nintendo confirmed 3DS beat the DS's...

  • News Japan Buys Half a Million Copies of Super Mario 3D Land

    Off to a flyer

    Super Mario 3D Land saw release in Japan last month and made light work of the competition, selling over 500,000 copies across the country. Andriasang reports the game shifted 542,842 copies across Japan between 31st October and 27th November, with the best first-week sales of any 3DS game yet. In North America Super Mario 3D Land set...

  • News 3DS Beats First Year DS Sales in Just 8 Months

    What problem?

    Nintendo made a lot of sales in the week running up to Black Friday: Mario and Zelda both hit record sales and the company sold over 500,000 Wii consoles in one day. The 3DS also hit a milestone on Saturday, overtaking the entire first-year sales of the Nintendo DS. Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed to Time that in its first eight month on...

  • News Mario and Skyward Sword Set Series Sales Records

    Quick off the mark

    Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has told USA Today that the latest outings for Mario and Zelda have smashed series sales records. Super Mario 3D Land became the fastest-selling handheld Mario game in history, shifting over 500,000 units since it launched on 13th November. The plumber's long-awaited début gave 3DS...

  • News Insert Coin Cuts Zelda T-Shirts to Half Price

    Save your Rupees

    As we all know, The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword is out in Europe today, and to celebrate Insert Coin Clothing has dropped all its Zelda t-shirts to half price. Starting from £10/$15 with free delivery, there's a range of shirts that downplay the Zelda references enough to make them acceptable to wear in non-gaming company...

  • News 3DS Heading for Bigger First Year Sales Than DS

    Picking up steam

    After its well-publicised troubles earlier this year, the price drop and extra colours seem to be having the desired effect on Nintendo's 3DS, with the console's sales increasing at such a rate it could overtake the first-year sales of its predecessor, the Nintendo DS. While an indication of the 3DS's improved sales, it's also a...

  • News Blue Wii Heads Stateside for Black Friday

    It starts

    That crazy day of manic buying, also known as Black Friday, is very nearly upon us, and Walmart has sounded the first battle cry. Siliconera reports the retailer has the exclusive on the blue reconfigured Wii, and will be selling it on 25th November for just $99.96. However, the advert just lists the box's contents as a Wii console, Remote...

  • News Super Mario 3D Land Leaps to a Strong Start in Japan

    Bigger than galaxies

    By now you've read in our Super Mario 3D Land review that Mario's latest outing is very good indeed, but has it succeeded in lifting the console's sales in Japan? Yes, and how. In its first week the game shifted a staggering 343,492 copies, according to figures from Media Create (via Andriasang). That's nearly triple the amount...

  • News Grab a 3DS for £90 As Makro Goes Crazy Tomorrow

    All Nintendo machines sub-£100

    Cash and carry chain Makro is having a particularly good deal in its UK stores tomorrow, offering any Nintendo console of your choice for under £100. The retailer — which only sells to card-carrying members, it should be pointed out — is selling all Nintendo hardware at an eye-watering £90, including the...

  • News DS Family Nears 150m Worldwide Hardware Sales

    Still going strong

    After celebrating 50 million DS consoles sold in the United States, Nintendo's venerable dual-screened handheld is closing in on another milestone: 150m units sold around the globe. The company's latest financial results show the system sitting on 149m consoles sold since its release in 2004 to the end of September 2011. Software...

  • News 3DS Hardware Sales Show Big Improvements

    Not all doom and gloom

    Nintendo just posted a 70 billion Yen loss: even the least economically minded of us can tell you that's not good. Every cloud has a silver lining though, and in this case it's the dramatically increased upswing in sales of the 3DS. In the period between April and June 2011, Nintendo shifted just 710,000 consoles around the...

  • News DS Tops 50 Million Sold Across United States

    That's a lot of lost styluses

    The 3DS just grew its sales again, but it's got a long way to go to prove itself a potent sales successor to the Nintendo DS, which just passed a whopping 50 million consoles sold in the U.S. We all know that the DS hardware sells well, but games have been its big success too, with Nintendo on hand to reel off some...

  • News 3DS Posts Second Month of Sales Growth in United States

    Zelda first to break 500,000

    The much-publicised 3DS price cut on 12th August seems to be doing the trick, as Nintendo reports the console's sales have grown month-on-month since the snip. In September Nintendo sold over 260,000 units of the console, an increase over the previous month when 235,000 3DS consoles were sold. Since the price drop,...

  • News 3DS Reclaims Top Spot in Japan

    A return to form

    There's been some positive news for Nintendo in Japan with the 3DS reclaiming top spot in the Hardware charts, according to Media Create weekly sales charts. The 3DS sold 58,837 units to seize the crown, an increase on the previous week: with no major new releases on the handheld last week it is a reasonably impressive showing. It...

  • News Star Fox Barrel Rolls into UK All-Format Top Ten

    Say your prayers, Zumba Fitness

    Star Fox 64 3D, just released this past Friday, has already shot its way onto the UK top ten list for all formats, which treats sales for multi-platform games as single slots on the chart. It also beat out The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, coming in at #1 on the 3DS top ten. You can view the charts below...

  • News 3DS Sales Jump 260 Percent in US After Price Drop

    Jumps to second place

    The much talked-about 3DS price drop had the desired effect in the United States, helping to shift 235,000 units of the machine in August. Of those sales, 185,000 machines sold after the price drop on 12th August, a 260% increase on the same period in the July. The upped sales were enough to take it to second place in the...

  • News Rhythm Heaven Wii & 3DS Take Japan Chart Top Spots

    A good week

    Last week 3DS sales leapt in Japan after the console dropped from 25,000 Yen to 15,000 Yen, and it's still ruling the roost this week according to Media Create's figures. The console sold 105,639 units to sit pretty at the top of the chart, outselling all other consoles combined. It was still a sharp decline from the previous week...

  • News 3DS Price Cut Helps Machine to Huge Sales Hike in Japan

    Back on course?

    Last week Nintendo sliced 10,000 Yen from the price of the 3DS with the aim of boosting sales, and it's done just that as the console has leapt to over 200,000 sales in the past week. While exact figures differ — Enterbrain says 215,000, Nikkei reports 207,000 — they're both head and shoulders above any week's sales figures since...

  • News Just Dance 2 is 8th Wii Game to Top 5 Million in US

    First from a third-party

    Ubisoft's Just Dance 2 might not be your idea of a good time, but that hasn't stopped over five million Americans picking up the game since it launched last October. The game enters an illustrious group of five-million-sellers, and is the first non-Nintendo game to reach the milestone on Wii. The other members of the 5m+...

  • News UK 3DS High Street Price Drop Round-Up

    Lots of deals to be had

    Fancy picking up a 3DS in the UK today? We've created a handy overview of the biggest and best deals available across the UK to help you plot where to spend your money. Tesco — £114.99: All reports point to Tesco offering their consoles at the lowest price at a stunning £114.99, available both in-store and through its...

  • News NOA Will Be Watching European Xenoblade Chronicles Sales Closely

    Nintendo doesn't want to miss out, does it?

    Although Nintendo has no plans to localise sought-after games like the ones at the heart of Operation Rainfall's genesis, that's not to say the situation will necessarily stay the same. For months, fans have been vocal about their desire for Japanese RPGs The Last Story, Xenoblade Chronicles a

  • News UK Retail Pegs 3DS for New £140 Price Point

    Cheap as chips

    Update: GAME and Gamestation will be selling the machine for £149.99 from Friday 12th August. The 3DS price drop is nearly upon us and while we know that the North American machine will cost $169.99, the UK price is up to individual retailers to set. We can now reveal that the country's biggest High Street chains are looking to sell...

  • News Walmart Already Selling 3DS for $169.99, But Be Quick

    Won't last forever

    On 12th August Nintendo of America officially drops the price of 3DS to $169.99, and is compensating anyone who bought the machine at its earlier, higher price with 20 free Virtual Games from the eShop. What if there was a way to get both — the cheaper console and free games? Could you have your cake and eat it? The answer is...

  • News Nintendo DS Sales Figures Make Wii's Look Tiny

    More big numbers

    The Nintendo Annual Report Wii sales figures were impressive, weren't they? 86m Wii consoles sold with over 716m games sold as well. The DS sales figures dwarf those big numbers, though. Worldwide, the DS family of consoles — that's DS, DS Lite, DSi and DSi XL/LL of course — has shifted a massive 146.42m units. An estimated...

  • News Japanese 3DS Sales Slump Coincided with Price Cut Announcement

    No doubt sales will pick up again soon

    How do you temporarily halt sales of the 3DS? In Japan's case at least, an announcement of a price cut that will come into effect the following month will do it. According to Media Create and as reported by Andriasang, the 3DS sold about 16,415 units during the week that ran from 25th to 31st July in Japan...

  • News Nintendo's Annual Report Continues Incredible Wii Figures

    More corporate intrigue

    It's a busy time at Nintendo following the company's first quarter results for this financial year, and it's also just released its annual report for the year just gone that contains lots and lots of numbers. While many of them won't mean anything to anyone without a head for figures, there are some phenomenal numbers in...

  • Talking Point Nintendo Makes Bold Move with the 3DS

    3DS price cut an act of genius, or madness?

    OK, deep breaths everyone. In its co-ordinated worldwide press releases on 28th July, Nintendo made a truly unexpected move. Some analysts were anticipating a potential 3DS price drop in the run up to the all-important holiday season, but the sheer scale of the reduction has caught many off guard. With the...

  • News From April to June, Nintendo Only Sold 700,000 3DS Consoles

    That's worldwide

    We knew 3DS was off to a slow start, but the bigger picture is becoming clearer thanks to Nintendo's latest financial report. The company reveals that in the three months before June 2011 the console shifted just 710,000 units around the world, with 4.53 million software units sold. By way of comparison, the legacy DS system —...

  • News 3DS Gets Big Price Drop in Japan Next Month

    Shaving zeroes

    The 3DS has had a sluggish sales start so far but Nintendo is hoping to give the machine a kick start in Japan with a huge price drop effective 11th August. The recommended retail price will drop from 25,000 Yen (around $317 / £196) to 15,000 Yen ($190 / £117), a huge decrease this early in the console's life span. A similar price...

  • News Amazon Suspends 3DS Sales

    Update: All is well

    Second Update: The 3DS is back on sale at Amazon, with no explanation of how the problem was solved. As you were, then. First Update: An Amazon representative had this to say on the matter: “The reason why this is under a review : The flip-screen is loose when its opened, please inform them that Nintendo has confirmed as long...

  • News 3DS Double Sales in Japan After Star Fox and Flare Red Launch

    The Fox effect

    Star Fox 64 3DS hits the West on 9th September, but it's already out in Japan and has given the console's sales a sizeable boost. Between 11th and 17th July, the game shifted 32,475 units across the country, putting it in sixth position behind two PlayStation baseball games, Taiko Drum Master Portable DX on PSP, Puyo Puyo!! on DS and...

  • News Japanese Gamers Put Off by High Price of 3DS

    Are you the same?

    3DS had a decent start in Japan but its sales have notably fallen behind the Monster Hunter-powered juggernaut that is the PSP. Japanese survey firm Goo Research quizzed over 1,000 Japanese citizens about why they haven't bought the console yet, with the most common reason simply being "it's too expensive". Other reasons...

  • News DS Lite Drops to $99 in US, Mario DS Games Go Red

    Curious time for a price drop

    Like an end of level boss that refuses to be beaten, the DS Lite is still available brand new in the US, where its recommended retail price is about to drop to $99.99. The best-selling console will see its cost cut this Sunday, 5th June, just two days before Nintendo's E3 press conference. It's not the only DS-related...

  • News Ubisoft Expects 3DS to Take Off this Christmas

    Predicts big system sales

    Ubisoft was quick out of the gate on 3DS, with six games out for the machine within its first two weeks on sale. It will have felt the console's slower-than-expected sales almost as keenly as Nintendo itself then, but the publisher still expects the handheld to sweep all before it in the all-important Christmas period. Ubi...

  • News Dead or Alive Fails to Land a Hold on UK Charts

    Dead on arrival

    3DS fighter Dead or Alive: Dimensions is very good, but its quality hasn't resulted in big sales in the UK, as it's failed to make the top 40 chart. Even with Nintendo's sales and marketing expertise behind the game it failed to sell enough copies to make it into the top 40 All Formats Chart. In fact, there are no 3DS-specific titles...

  • News Nintendo of America Hires Scott Moffitt as New Executive VP

    Everyone, welcome the new guy

    After Cammie Dunaway's departure from Nintendo in late 2010, Reggie Fils-Aime stood in as Executive Vice President of Sales and Marketing, but now he can step aside as Nintendo of America has announced Cammie's successor: Scott Moffitt. Moffitt comes from a successful sales background, having worked on Dial soap, Right...

  • News Japanese Hardware / Software Sales Show the 3DS Needs a Boost

    Launching more decent games might help

    If there's anything to be learnt from the Japanese hardware and software sales numbers, it's that Nintendo is struggling to recapture the dominant performance of the 3DS when it first launched. After reclaiming the top spot in the hardware chart, the 3DS was once again overtaken by th

  • News Iwata: "Kinect Has Made Little Impact on Wii Sales"

    Buttons still in fashion

    Last year saw the release of Microsoft's button-free Kinect, and many analysts predicted the sensor would bring an end to Wii's sales dominance in the West. That's not how Nintendo president Satoru Iwata feels however, as revealed at the recent goldmine of information that is the company's end of financial year results...

  • News Nintendo Expected Higher 3DS Sales

    Slips from the top of the Japanese hardware chart

    It's been on the Japanese market for a couple of months now and worldwide for about half that time, but the 3DS simply isn't selling as expected by Nintendo. During Satoru Iwata's presentation at Nintendo's Financial Results Briefing, the president admitted that sales of the handheld started to slow...

  • News Nintendo's Profits Show a Significant Drop, This Year Should Improve

    Decreases in sales explained, and Nintendo's forecast for this fiscal year

    Although Nintendo has claim to notable achievements with its hardware ― the DS has proved to be the best-selling handheld ever and global Wii sales have surpassed the 86 million mark, the company's profit numbers for the fiscal year ending 31st March 2011 show a...