
Topic: Wii game different than any other. Bootleg perhaps?

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My problem is my Wii disc isn't reading. It is Call of duty modern warfare reflex edition and anytime I put it in the Wii it won't read. It's not my Wii(Actually, it's a Wii U) because all my other Wii games work. It's the correct region. It's not scratched up much, definitely not enough for it to not work.One weird thing though is the center. Look at a Wii disc. In the middle, the part where the spinner goes through the disc there's an edge that's made of transparent or translucent plastic. However, mine has a shiny metal plastic in the center or possibly more disc material. But way different than any other disc I've seen, not just Wii discs in fact. The weird thing is I got it from Gamestop, which should be a reliable source, right? I think it might be a bad or bootlegged disc. Any ideas what might help? Should I return it? Thanks in advance.



@Lucas1234 Personally, I've no idea, but posting some pictures of it, might help others that might be able to tell you more.

Take some pictures from the disc and/or the box, copy/move them to your PC and then upload them here:

Each picture you upload, results in a couple of links. You must use the one called "Direct Link" to post here. You can either simply copy/paste it as a link, or if you want the picture to show up directly, paste the link like this:

[ img ]paste-link-to-picture-here[ / img ]

Remove any spaces you see in the example above, to make it work. I had to put them in now, otherwise I wouldn't be able to show you what the command line looks like.

Edited on by ThanosReXXX

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX


Sorry I can't you seriously after this statement

"The weird thing is I got it from Gamestop, which should be a reliable source, right?"

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Lucas1234 : I've seen EB selling bootleg games before (albeit back in the DS days), so their staff aren't exactly the brightest when it comes to spotting the red flags.

Whoever traded it in probably made the "bootleg" in order to score themselves some cheap in-store credit.

Edited on by SillyG

Porygon did nothing wrong.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


Alright here's the image


If you look at any other Wii disc the middle is different.



@Lucas1234 No offense, but that picture could have been a bit sharper...
I see what you mean, though. Most, if not all Wii game discs are completely colored and do not have this separate uncolored section in the middle. But I don't own that many Wii games, so I wouldn't go so far as to say that this is a definite sign of a bootleg. (edit: looks pretty convincing, though)

However, if it really doesn't do anything, then I'd just bring it back to GameStop, and make them test it there. They'll probably have some kind of setup or something, that allows them to, and they are obligated to deliver goods that actually work, so if they don't do that, then you should by all rights be able to either get a refund, or a copy of the game that actually DOES work.

Edited on by ThanosReXXX

'The console wars are like boobs: Sony and Microsoft fight over which ones look the nicest and Nintendo's are the most fun to play with.'

Nintendo Network ID: ThanosReXX

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