
Topic: I NEED HELP!!!

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hey, so recently I tried pluggin in my wii back up and I i realised something, whenever i tried playing a game it kept saying wee can't read the disc or it would totally crash the console, when little I used to have copied games i found in the streets for cheaper price as i didn't know the problems it could cause so know my wii is in this wierd state of never working and everytime i try to play it i can't do it. I tried formating and updating the sytem twice but it hasn't worked, i need help



Your Wii might be won't accept any illegal Wii game copies.
Buy the original games and improve your knowledge to differ between original copies and fake one.



@Anti-Matter I have some original games and have used them but the problem is here, those are not the ones responding, I threw my fake games away to use only original ones.



Hm... 🤔
Might be problem with optic lens.
Bring to video game repair service to diagnose the problem.



The most likely thing that happened here is that you effectively "bricked" your Wii by using pirated software.

There are methods to try and rectify this problem (which still might not work) using homebrew, but you're better off looking on a different forum for how to try those possible solutions.

The Shpydarloggery
She-Ra is awesome. If you believe otherwise, you are clearly wrong.
Urban Champion is GLORIOUS.

Switch Friend Code: SW-5973-1398-6394 | 3DS Friend Code: 2578-3211-9319 | My Nintendo: theShpydar | Nintendo Network ID: theShpydar


Simple, just send it to a repair shop to get it fixed.

Own up to Joy-Con Drift, Nintendo. We all know it's your fault

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