Tag: Hardcore

  • News Iwata Tells Shareholders "Core Gamers Will Accept Wii U"

    And here's why

    The Wii may not have attracted many core gamers despite decidedly hardcore games such as Monster Hunter 3 (Tri~), but Nintendo President Satoru Iwata is keen the console's successor will do better. Asked at a recent shareholders meeting "will core gamers accept Wii U?", Iwata outlined his belief for why the previous console...

  • News Sega Not Giving Up On Mature Wii Titles Just Yet

    Recent retail disappointments haven't dented Sega's confidence

    As much as we loved Madworld and House of the Dead: Overkill, neither title sold particularly well, which has led many 'industry experts' to suggest that mature, hardcore games just can't find an audience on Nintendo's console. In the light of two high-profile commercial bombs you'd...

  • News Zelda: Spirit Tracks To Appeal To a Wider Age Group?

    Will Nintendo dumb down Link's latest adventure?

    As you may have noticed, Nintendo has released its sales figures for the fiscal year end 2009. In the document there's plenty of predictions for the coming year, and one small item that has caught the eye of Nintendo fans worldwide. The report states that: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks...will...

  • News First Red Steel 2 In-Game Footage

    Shooting and sword-play shown in seemingly leaked trailer

    While the original Red Steel may have sold gangbusters for a non-Nintendo launch title, it certainly remains one of the most divisive games in the console's short life-span, centering essentially around what many consider to be wonky controls and pre-launch Wiimote promises that didn't really...

  • News Gun-shaped Wiimote Announced

    Soon you can play all your games gangsta-style

    Peripherals! Between the Wii Wheel, Balance Board, Perfect Shot and those useless plastic bits you snap onto the Wiimote to make playing Wii Sports even more embarrassing in front of a crowd, Nintendo's casual-friendly console can't seem to get enough. For those big into lightgun games and that arcade...

  • Talking Point Could The Conduit Be in for a Rough Ride at Retail?

    Game designer predicts poor sales performance for high-profile FPS

    With past ‘hardcore’ failures like No More Heroes, House of Dead: Overkill and (more recently) Madworld, the Wii is getting a reputation for being a casual gamers’ machine first and foremost. This certainly doesn’t bode well for Sega’s upcoming FPS title The Conduit...