Tag: Brave Tank Hero

  • Review Brave Tank Hero (Wii U eShop)

    War, war never changes

    Oh Brave Tank Hero, you were not a great game on the 3DS. For those of you who missed the review, ultimately Brave Tank Hero was a mediocre affair on the portable system - the flawed game design and an array of oversights ruined what could have been a good title. Now, Natsume has released the game for the Wii U eShop; will a...

  • Review Brave Tank Hero (3DS eShop)

    As Salvatore from Wind Waker would say… "Splish!"

    In Conker's Bad Fur Day, there is a chapter towards the end of the game called War. In that chapter there is one small section in which the protagonist squirrel has to get inside a tank and storm the Tediz's base. Brave Tank Hero is somewhat similar to that section of Conker's BFD, in the sense...