Tag: Most Wanted

  • Review Need for Speed: Most Wanted U (Wii U)

    Just what U wanted

    Criterion is best known for developing the smash hit Burnout games — which last appeared on a Nintendo console over ten years ago — but since then the studio's gone on to helm the long-running Need for Speed series of racing games. Its latest effort is Need for Speed: Most Wanted U, an enhanced port of last year's PS3/360...

  • News Hideki Kamiya Plus Gunpoint Would Equal New Star Fox

    Might also do it for money

    Hideki Kamiya, co-founder of Platinum Games, recently tweeted that: If they had the team that made Star Fox 64 make it... followed by I want Nintendo's staff to come to Platinum, stick guns at us and tell us 'You guys make a new Star Fox." Kayami directed the games Bayonetta, Okami, Viewtiful Joe, Devil May Cry

  • News Five GameCube Games That Should Come To Wii


    Given the GameCube's wonderful back-catalogue, here are five games we'd love to see come to the Wii. The PlayStation 2 had already run away with the “console war crown" a good year or so before the GameCube's launch and Nintendo's box never really packed any kind of punch worthy enough of denting Sony's dominance. With Microsoft...