Overwatch Nintendo Switch

During the most recent Nintendo Direct presentation, we officially found out Blizzard's team-based hero shooter Overwatch Legendary Edition would be coming to the Switch on 15th October.

This announcement has re-raised questions about the possibility of Overwatch eventually receiving cross-play support, much like various other third-party multiplayer games such as Rocket League and Fortnite. Unfortunately, though, it doesn't look like anything will be changing in time for the release of the Switch version.

Blizzard provided Engadget with the following statement regarding cross-play:

We've seen how compelling cross-system play can be for our community, and we're excited about the potential. There's still a lot of work to do on both our side and the platforms' side to determine whether this is something that makes sense for Overwatch, and we're keeping an eye on how cross-play systems and technology develop.

So, it's definitely keeping an eye on how cross-play technology develops, but it has nothing to share right now. It means when the game does launch on Nintendo's hybrid platform next month, you'll be playing exclusively with fellow Switch Online subscribers.

Are you looking forward to playing Overwatch on your Switch? Leave a comment down below.

[source engadget.com]