Mario Odyssey 64 Sand Kingdom

One of the most memorable worlds in Super Mario Odyssey is the Sand Kingdom. It includes a small desert village, ruins and plenty of landmarks. If you've ever wondered what this level would like in Super Mario 64, take a look above and below.

A modder known as Kaze Emanuar has released a preview of the new generation Mario level recreated in the classic N64 title. The mod itself is known as Mario Odyssey 64. It's not just the bare basics, either. It allows players to use Cappy, travel on electrical lines and talk to the Sphinx. There are even moons to collect, locals to interact with and underground areas to explore.

As the video contains a rude thumbnail, here's a selection of screenshots instead. If you would like to see the clip, click here.

Mario Odyssey 64 Sand Kingdom
Mario Odyssey 64 Sand Kingdom

Emanuar previously created an N64 version of Cascade Kingdom and intends to release a full game featuring 240-300 moons.

Are you impressed? Does this make you want to revisit Odyssey or Super Mario 64? Tell us below.
