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We were rather taken by retro-racer Horizon Chase Turbo when it power-slid onto the Switch in November last year. Brazillian developer Aquiris really brought the classic arcade racing games of yesteryear bang up to date, making this an essential purchase.

The lovely folks over at Aquiris still have unfinished business with Horizon Chase Turbo, however, and have revealed their ambitious roadmap for the game. Lots of new exciting features are planned for the second half of 2019.

Let's take a look at what they're cooking up:


In addition to be the fastest, win and lead the ranking, now players have another good reason to check into our Playground Mode: get exclusive prizes. Collecting coins in a new scoring system they will gain access to new skins in special seasons.


Horizon Chase Turbo already brings hours and hours of fun and speed, but for the hardcore retroracers it's never enough. Thinking of them, we are working on new DLCs with new cars, new campaigns and more.


When it comes to designing upgrades, granting fun for the gamer always gets the pole position. Our team analyzes players behavior within the game and their thoughts on social media. Thus we get insights for new ideas and upgrades. There are surprises right ahead, you can count on it!

We love it when developers continue to update their games to make them the very best they can be, even a year or so after release. Let us know if you're excited about these future updates with a comment below.