Mario Tennis Aces Image

Update: The Mario Tennis Aces Club Twitter account has posted a new tweet explaining how there is no evidence confirming the information in the below story:

Original article: Since its release last year, Mario Tennis Aces on the Nintendo Switch has sustained itself with new content and character updates. If this wasn't enough, a dataminer known as Ozzie9889 along with a "few others" - according to an article over on Nintendo Wire - have uncovered code within the game, potentially revealing a surprise character who might be taking to the court in the near future.

The group from the Mario Tennis Aces Club Discord server found lines of code suggesting Link from The Legend of Zelda series will be added to the newest tennis entry on Switch. Some of his extra costumes are also expected to be added. This includes his classic tunic, his evil alt Dark Link and his Champion's Tunic from The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

The costumes are expected to appear in an upcoming tournament and will require 500 and 2,000 points respectively to unlock. It's worth noting the main source has previously discovered the Classic Luigi outfit prior to its official reveal. The Mario Tennis Aces Club Twitter account also mentions how Camelot has a habit of leaving a lot of unused content within the game's files, so Link's appearance isn't necessarily 100 percent confirmed at this stage. If Link was to make an appearance at some point in Mario Tennis Aces, it wouldn't be a complete surprise considering his previous track outing in Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

Would you like to play as Link on court? Tell us below.
