A Dark Room

CIRCLE Entertainment has continued its current trend of revealing one new game per week by announcing a partnership with Amir Rajan to bring A Dark Room to the Nintendo Switch eShop.

A Dark Room is an innovative, text-based adventure that was originally created by Michael Townsend as a browser-based game, eventually going on to be adapted for mobile devices by Amir Rajan. The mobile edition went on to be a top-seller, with its simple but mysterious adventure and storytelling drawing players in, allowing their imaginations to take centre stage.

The game starts as a dark room with limited interactive options, but soon evolves into a complex story and resource management challenge. The narrative aims to take players in unexpected directions, and the game could definitely end up being one of the most unique experiences available on Nintendo Switch. Rajan has been working on the Switch version to adapt the game’s unique style in a way that best suits the console:

“I have a profound love for gaming and want to push the medium to new artistic heights. Get ready to escape into a world I’ve painstakingly painted with 1s and 0s.”

If you're intrigued by this one, you can still check out the original browser-based experience for free online. The mobile edition has built upon this original concept already, but it'll be interesting to see how the Switch version can take it even further - hopefully these new "artistic heights" will make the Switch version rise up as the best version available to play.

A Dark Room is due to arrive on Nintendo Switch in 2018. We'll make sure to share any more news on this one as it develops. 

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