
Capcom's financial report for the nine months that ended on 31st December 2017 are in, and they make for some interesting reading - especially if you're a Street Fighter fan and a Nintendo Switch owner. The company posted some impressive figures, including a substantial increase to its operating income of ¥7 billion ($64.5m) - that's a whopping 36.9%. It's even more impressive when you compare it to the 51.9% drop in the same period last year.

So what's made the big different for Capcom? Unsurprisingly, its two biggest franchises - Resident Evil and Street Fighter - did the heavy lifting with the (currently) Japan-only Monster Hunter XX described as having posted a, " strong" performance, while Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers was declared a, "smash hit," by the Japanese publisher.

So Capcom is having a much stronger 2017/2018 and Nintendo hardware has clearly played a part in that. Will the rest of 2018 be so fruitful? Let's hope so. Let us know what you feel about all these revealing numbers below...
