
The Tokyo Stock Exchange is now closed for the week, but Nintendo's shares had an interesting final 30-60 minutes as investors evidently digested a report by The Wall Street Journal.

As you may have seen, that article reported that Nintendo is doubling its Switch manufacturing plans for the next financial year, from eight to 16 million units. Naturally the assessment is that Nintendo would seek to sell a high percentage of those systems, which would help the Switch to a successful debut year on the market.

Taking the article at face value - Nintendo declined to comment, so WSJ is relying upon its sources - this does suggest that the company is confident about the system's fortunes; early momentum at launch has been positive in general. Investors responded in kind, with a late surge in share value to reflect a boost in interest.

Nintendo shares spiked in the final 35-40 minutes of trading
Image: Bloomberg

Confidence had been slowly climbing this week in Nintendo's shares, it's also worth noting, with steady climbs on 14th / 15th / 16th March. The close on 17th March of 25,580 Yen wraps up that positive momentum and is the highest share value for Nintendo this month - ie since the Switch launched.

It'll be late April before Nintendo unveils its annual financial results and also gives formal estimates and sales indications for the next financial year. If the interest in the WSJ article gains traction over the weekend, however, Nintendo's Kyoto office may feel the need to step in with remarks on Switch manufacturing plans sooner.

Do you think Nintendo is planning to bet big on Switch, or are you unsure of the report around doubling manufacturing on the system? Let us know in the comments.

[source bloomberg.com]