
While many of us spend plenty of our spare time enjoying Nintendo games and systems, there are reasonable odds that we keep our favourite franchises in mind a lot of the time. Phones, tablets, PCs and laptops - certainly in Nintendo Life HQ - often have some Ninty artwork adorning the screen, so a fresh batch of lovely wallpapers are always welcome.

NeoGaf user Oni Link 666 has delivered just that, with a host of 1920x1080 images that give HD versions of loading screens, cut-scene moments and general artwork from Wii U games. Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is prominent, naturally, though there are also some indie entries and other retail games.

Not all are absolute winners, but a variety of them certainly are; we've posted some of our favourites above and below, while we recommend hitting up the original post for individual links to the full resolution originals (those above and below are a more modest resolution).

Are you planning to add any of these as your wallpaper?

Villagernetlxr9 F
Pikachuk3 Ztd
Rosalina4 Fxvk
Samus1 Y6 Zfd
Duckhunt73 Xqy
Mega Man
Hw2 No89
W101 Neqjy
Tekkentt2 Qxlf7
Shantae1 Z1 A9 T
Guacamelee4 Srf3

[source, via]