Fils-Aime gets his game face on

In case you weren't eagerly poring over Twitter recently, it may interest you that there was an account takeover by Nintendo of America President and COO Reggie Fils-Aime, reacting to the fact that #askReggie had apparently been trending on the social network. Over the space of an hour the self-proclaimed Regginator answered some questions, had a bit of a laugh and announced that he's preparing a tour around cities in the region to play major Wii U and 3DS games with the great gaming public.

In terms of the actual announcement, Fils-Aime advises gamers to keep their eyes on NoA's Twitter and Facebook accounts for details.

Below are a few of our favourites of the other tweets in this Q & A section, including a rather peculiar one that mentions twerking; we can't decide whether it's funny or awkward — check out the link at the end of the article to see them all.
