28506 Sky Road Zone1 130830 11

With its release now roughly a month away, SEGA is ramping up the presence of the upcoming Sonic Lost World on Wii U and 3DS. This week we've already learned more about the design ideas for Sonic's parkour moves, and even the eShop file sizes; SEGA's now followed up with a bombardment of new screens at which we can gawk to our heart's content.

The happy news for 3DS owners is that we finally have officially released screens for the portable version, going beyond the occasional snippets that we've seen in some of the trailers to date. We've posted some samples below for both platforms that show different environments, but you can see all of the screens by hitting up the Wii U and 3DS image galleries.

Wii U

28527 Tropical Coast Zone4 130830 08
28512 Sky Road Zone4 130830 06
28504 Sky Road Zone1 130830 02
28503 Boss Battle Zor 002
28505 Sky Road Zone1 130830 08


28464 SLW 3 DS SS RGB W552 1
28461 SLW 3 DS SS RGB W453 5
28457 SLW 3 DS SS RGB W3 Boss 1
28453 SLW 3 DS SS RGB W2 Boss 3
28496 W6 S3 1