Runner 2 DLC

BIT.TRIP Presents: RUNNER 2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien may have a mischievously long name, but it's a game that nevertheless delivers straight-up fun. We're big fans here in Nintendo Life HQ, and messing around with the character skins is one of the fun extras that helps give this title even more charm.

Earlier in the Summer Gaijin Games confirmed that more was coming in the form of The Good Friends Character Pack, which will feature six new characters from other download games with which to dash through the adventure. This content has already arrived on PC (with exclusive Portal character Atlas) and PS3, but Gaijin Games has taken to Twitter to confirm that the DLC will be available in the North American Wii U eShop this week (15th August).

It'll cost $3, though its absence from this week's European Nintendo Download update — and the title's later original arrival in the region — suggests that it may not hit all regions this week. We'll keep an eye out for updates, but in the meantime below are trailers for the characters that'll be included in the pack. Will you be picking it up?


Dr. Fetus
Spelunky Guy
Invisible CommanderVideo