Mario reacts to the track

For those that don't know, The Roots are a critically acclaimed, Grammy winning band, that also serves as the house band on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon. Some of you may also be aware that Fallon has been doing a lot of post-E3 coverage, so games have been a prominent part of his show in the past week.

That theme has setup what is a particularly enjoyable TV moment for Mario fans, as The Roots performed a brief rap about the Mario Bros. series; not only is the rap itself nice and faithful to the franchise — aside from a couple of minor things — but it's a darn catchy remix of the iconic theme tune. It's undoubtedly clever, though Luigi's cowardly persona does get called out; fans of the green one should prepare to be indignant.

We think this is pretty cool, but check it out below and let us know what you think.
