Not too long ago we brought you a glimpse into Nintendo Life's Animal Crossing: New Leaf adventures, where some of our team gave an insight into their weird and wonderful worlds in Nintendo's 3DS title. It's a game that's rapidly becoming a classic, certainly in the eyes of New Leaf addicts, and quite a few of our writers are still merrily living the capitalist dream in their towns.

As this is part two, it's time to take a look at the goings-on of some of our other writers. Oh Nintendo, you've created a monster.

Jon Wahlgren

In the waters south of Trash lurks Hipster Shark. You've probably never seen it.

Jon Img1

Our good mayor keeps the population count in check.

Jon Img2

"Welcome to my Den of Despair."

Jon Img3

Dave Letcavage

Hey Majora, it's me, Ocarina of Time in 3D. Why u no in 3D, too?


Bob and I have recently become best friends, but I'm not quite sure why...


Stephen Kelly

My very first day in town! After initiating the inaugural mayor ceremony, I shook a tree and was immediately swarmed by angry bees.

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The Animal Crossing experience beautifully captured in a sea shanty.

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When you're the mayor, sophistication is everything. That's why I'm a pretty deadbeat mayor.

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Tim Latshaw

First night in New Leaf, and the first thing my cousin and I do is see if the TVs work.

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Gulliver likes to play his plight up for effect.

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It's my swimming kappa. BOOM! Did you see what I did there? Booyah!

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That's all for this time. Be sure to share your own moments of New Leaf joy / insanity in the comments below!