Oh, Square Enix

A week ago we brought you the news that Square Enix had launched a teaser website that strongly suggested a project related to DS title The World Ends With You, which was enough to get some people rather excited about a potential sequel. As the countdown on the site continued a worrying story spread around the web that this was all in the name of an iOS re-release of the DS title, a leak that came from a hastily removed line in a soundtrack listing.

Of course, with this being Square Enix there were whisperings that the iOS release may just be part of the reveal, that there could be more. Unfortunately that was just a big tease, as the countdown has passed and the website now shows the iOS re-release alongside a banner for the DS original. After a weekend of rumours and wondering, all we have is a re-release and a new soundtrack that will feature in the iPhone/iPad version.

For now at least, fans will have to content themselves with fantasizing about a sequel to TWEWY and play the original for solace. Sometimes teasers just don't deliver the goods.