Clearly needs a NES remix

At the recent BAFTA Video Game Awards, EA's Battlefield 3 was the recipient of the Audio Achievement prize, as this is a title renowned for its gritty sound effects and strong soundtrack. Not released for any Nintendo consoles, this may have passed some of us by.

Despite these facts, one YouTube user has put together a video that incorporates Battlefield 3 footage with NES sounds. Some classic sound-effects and music tracks are lifted from iconic NES titles, and it undoubtedly changes the way we look at this game: it's clever stuff.

This video does reinforce the fact that sound design goes a long way to influencing how a game is perceived, so developers who create great effects and music certainly deserve credit. It's our belief that NES sounds can make anything even more awesome, however, and we'd love it if some of you retro gamers tried to spot which old games these sounds come from. The video is below, so get listening.
