Are you floating with elation?

This week it's fairies, vampires and dreams on the European Nintendo Download, including the first outing of a famous and beloved mascot from the Big N. What games are you dreaming of downloading?

3DS Virtual Console

Kirby's Dream Land (Game Boy, UK: £3.60, EU: €4) — Kirby floats onto the 3DS with his first dreamy adventure, from back when he was still just a little white puff. The ESRB has also rated this title, so expect it to hit the North American eShop soon as well. Find out if this is worth sucking up when we review it later this week.


A Fairy Tale (Lemon Team, 200pts) — We thought that this was a puzzle game with a happy ending when it released in North America back in April, and now it's coming out in Europe at a reduced price. Find out why we think you should play this once upon this Thursday in our A Fairy Tale review.

Successfully Learning German: Year 3 (Tivola, 500pts) — More portable education with Freddy the Vampire, we'll have a review for you soon.


Successfully Learning German: Year 3 (Tivola, 500pts) — Releasing alongside the DSiWare version, our review will soon let you know if you should give the home game a try.

Let us know which games you'll go to bed thinking about on Wednesday night below in the comments box.