"Please buy my game"

As the press release quite rightly states, "Finally a Meerkat game for the Nintendo´s WiiWare Service!" Those Europeans awaiting this auspicious day have but three short weeks to wait, as Lapland Studio's Lead the Meerkats has just been announced for a release on May 28th.

Not only can you enjoy all the meerkat-leading fun you've ever dreamt of, you can help conserve the real-life critters too, as each sale includes a donation to the Kalahari Meerkat Project. Everybody wins.

Check back after the game's release to find out if it delivers on its promise to, in the words of the fantastically-named Professor Tim Clutton-Brock, "help people to understand the decisions that individual animals have to make in the course of their daily lives."

[source gamespress.com]