Gathering his arsenal, monkee grinned

It can be quite fun to be human, what with all the guilty pleasures it entails. Then again, being an all-powerful God could be a little more satisfying, given the ability to crush lands and slay man without the fear of arrest.

Well, all these dark fantasies can soon be fulfilled with Zallag’s upcoming WiiWare download. Gods vs Humans will allow us little people to take on the role of a Norse Divinity in a strategy game of war against those pesky humans who foolishly challenged the almighty Gods.

The game will bring over 50 levels, combining a mix of Lemmings, Populous and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord inspirations, together with a multiplayer mode, in comic book style.

Along with the game, Zallag also plan to produce a comic strip, created by Pierre Chatillon and Piccolo of Studio 109, available for digital download upon release.